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小说: lh.narcissusinchains 字数: 每页4000字

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n't hurting me; but the strength in his grip was like a promise; a threat。 He could have crushed my wrist and we both knew it。
 〃King had a reputation for getting the job done;〃 I said。
 〃The job was to kill other people; women as well as men。 Then he'd cut off their heads; burn the bodies; make sure they weren't ing back。 I was the part of him that enjoyed the work; and when he became what he hated most in the world; I protected him from himself。〃
 〃How?〃 I asked; softly。
 〃By doing the things he was too weak to do himself; but still wanted done。〃
 〃Like what?〃 I asked。 Rescue was ing; it was just a matter of stalling until help arrived。 It had been the original plan; and the fact that Chimera was Orlando King and crazier than a June beetle on crack didn't really change the plan。 Just keep him talking。 All men love to talk about themselves; even the ones who are pletely buggers。 Being insane doesn't change that; or at least it never had before。 It was just the multiple personality stuff that was freaking me out。 If I treated Chimera like any other homicidal maniac; we'd be fine。 At least that's what I kept telling myself。 My pulse stayed too fast; my chest stayed tight; the fear stayed high; I don't think I believed myself。
 〃You want to know how I helped Orlando?〃 he asked。
 I nodded 〃Yeah。〃
 〃You really want to know what I've done for him?〃
 I nodded again; but I was beginning not to like the way he kept phrasing things。
 He smiled; and just the smile promised painful; unpleasant things。 〃You know what they say。 Talk is cheap。 Let me show you; Anita; let me show you what I've done。〃 With that he reached behind him to the doorknob; turned it; and pulled me into the room beyond。
 THE ROOM WAS black; utterly black; like being flung into blindness; nothingness; like a cave。 Chimera released my arm。 It was like being cut adrift; lost in the blackness。 I stumbled in the darkness。 I reached out blindly to catch myself and touched something。 I grabbed at it; trying to hold on to something; anything。 Then the flesh gave under my hand; and I realized it was human and not where it should have been。 It was too high up to be someone's calf。 I jerked back; and something else brushed my back。 I let out a little squeal; hands out; stumbling in the dark; and smacked into something else that swung as I hit it。 I realized whatever it was; was hanging from the ceiling。 I moved away from it and ran face first into the next surprise。 The solid smack of flesh on flesh let me know it was a body。 The scream let me know it was still alive。 I'd hit hard enough that the man swung into me again; and I tried to back away and bumped into another one。 That one didn't make any noise。 I kept my hands out in front of me and fought to get free of them; but my hand kept touching bodies and body parts  hips; thighs; groins; buttocks。 I moved faster; trying to force my way out of the forest of hanging bodies; but moving fast made them start to swing and crash into me。 Screams came out of the dark; as if I'd started them all bumping into each other。 Men screaming in the dark; by the sound of the voices I knew there were no women。 One body hit me hard enough that I fell; and dangling feet brushed against me。 I tried to crawl away from them; but they were everywhere; touching me; brushing me; some struggling against my back。 I lay down on the floor trying to get away; to get clear; swatting at them with my hands; frantic not to be touched。 I crawled on my back; using my feet and hands to try and get under them; but their heights were all different; and I couldn't get free of them。
 I felt a scream building in my gut and knew if I screamed once I'd just keep on。 My hand landed in a pool of something warm and liquid; and it stopped me。 Even in the dark I knew what blood felt like。 This was probably the point where most people would have definitely started screaming; but somehow the feel of the blood calmed me。 I knew about blood and letting it out of a man until he died。 I pressed my hand into that still…warm pool and it steadied me。
 I lay back on the floor with my hand in blood and my head resting in God knows what and relearned how to breathe。 If I lay very still and didn't try and move; the feet didn't touch me; nothing touched me。 So I lay in the dark and closed my eyes and tried to use my other senses; because my eyes were useless。 I've got pretty good night vision; but even a cat needs some light; and there was nothing; nothing but the darkness。
 The chains creaked as the bodies still swung heavily above me。 There were tiny air currents。 A warm drop hit my cheek。 All the movement had started fresh bleeding from someone。 I kept my eyes closed and forced myself to take steady; even breaths。 One man was screaming; 〃God; God; God!〃 over and over again; as fast as he could draw breath。 He'd lost it; and I didn't blame him。 I'd e damn close myself; and I wasn't hanging nude from the ceiling; bleeding。
 Chimera's voice came out of the darkness。 〃Shut up; shut the fuck up!〃
 The man stopped screaming almost instantly; but his breath came in whimpers; as if he had to make some sound。
 〃Anita;〃 Chimera said。 〃Anita; where are you?〃
 Even he couldn't see in the pitch blackness; and the smell of blood; sweat; and flesh masked my odor apparently。 Great; he didn't know where I was。 I wished I could think of something good to do with that information。 But I just lay in the dark on the foul floor; my hand in the pool of cooling blood; another drop of fresh; warm blood hitting my cheek; and did nothing。 All I had to do was stall until the cavalry arrived。 I'd tried talking to Chimera and that hadn't worked so well。 I'd try silence。
 〃Anita; Anita; answer me。〃
 I didn't answer。 If he wanted to find me he could damn well turn on the light。 I thought I wanted some light。 But then I thought maybe I didn't really want to see what hung above me in this room。 Maybe it would be one of those sights that blasts the mind; one you never really recover from。 But I badly wanted to see something; almost anything。 I lay in the dark; the way I used to huddle under the sheets as a child; afraid of the dark; afraid of what I could not see。
 〃Answer me; Anita!〃 He screamed it this time; voice harsh。
 A male voice from above me。 〃Answer him if you can; you don't want him angry with you。〃
 Another man gave a sound like a choking laugh。 It sounded thick; as if there were blood in his mouth and throat。
 The dark was suddenly full of voices saying; 〃Answer him; answer him。〃 It was like the wind had found a voice and was giving me instructions in the dark。
 Another drop of blood fell on my cheek and began to slide slowly down my skin。 I didn't wipe it off。 I didn't move。 I was afraid any movement would let Chimera know where I was; and I didn't want that。
 〃Shut up!〃 Chimera yelled; and I heard him move farther into the room。 The voices above me fell silent。 But I could still feel them hanging there like weight above me; like a rock ceiling pressing down on me。 I took a deep breath; let it out slowly。 My claustrophobia was trying to scream in my head that I couldn't breathe; but it was a lie。 The dark did not have weight to it; that was the fear talking。 If Chimera wanted to let me lie in the dark for the next hour until help arrived; I'd let him。 I would not panic。 It wouldn't help anything for me to start crawling frantically across the floor with feet brushing my back。 If I did that; I would start screaming; and I wouldn't stop for a long; long time。
 The blood oozed along my neck into my hair; and I kept my eyes closed and concentrated on breathing shallow; quiet。
 〃Answer me; Anita; or I will start cutting on the men hanging above you;〃 Chimera said。 His voice was closer; but not too close。 He was still outside the forest of hanging bodies。
 I still didn't answer。
 〃You don't believe me? Let me prove it to you。〃
 A man screamed; high; piteous; hopeless。
 〃Don't;〃 I said。
 〃Don't what?〃
 〃Don't hurt them。〃
 〃They're nothing to you; not your animal; not your friend。 Why do you care?〃
 〃Orlando King knows the answer to your question。〃
 〃I'm asking you;〃 Chimera said。
 〃You already know the answer;〃 I said。
 〃No; no! O

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