九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > lh.narcissusinchains >



小说: lh.narcissusinchains 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Nathaniel; a friend。〃
 He looked back at me。 〃A little young; isn't he?〃
 〃He's only six years younger than I am; Zerbrowski; but he drove me tonight; so I wouldn't have to。〃
 His eyes looked worried。 〃You okay?〃
 〃A little shaky; but it'll pass。〃
 He touched my face; staring into my eyes; trying to read them; I think。 〃I'd like to know what the hell is going on with you。〃
 I met his gaze; face; eyes blank。 〃So would I。〃
 That seemed to surprise him; because he blinked and dropped his hand。 〃I'll get Count Dracula out of hock; you go talk to Dolph。〃
 My shoulders hunched a little; and I had to concentrate to square them。 I was not looking forward to talking with Dolph。 Zerbrowski went to get Jean…Claude; and I left Nathaniel talking to a nice…enough seeming police woman and went to Dolph's office。
 He was standing in the doorway like a small mountain。 He's six eight and built like a pro wrestler。 His dark hair was cut very short; leaving his ears stranded and bare。 His suit looked pressed; tie neatly knotted。 He'd probably already been on the job for nearly an eight…hour shift; but he still looked fresh out of the box。
 His eyes were very careful when they looked at me。 〃I'm glad you're alive。〃
 〃Thanks; me; too。〃
 He waved a hand and walked me down the hallway away from the office; away from the desks; towards the interrogation rooms。 I guess he wanted privacy。 Privacy that even the glass windows of his office wouldn't give him。 It made my stomach tight and a little trickle of fear go through me。 I wasn't afraid of Dolph the way I was afraid of a rogue shapeshifter or a vamp I had to kill。 He wouldn't hurt me physically。 But I was afraid of the tight set of his shoulders; the cautious; cold look of his eyes when he glanced back to make sure I was following。
 I could feel how angry he was; almost like the energy off a shapeshifter。 What had I done to deserve such rage?
 Dolph held the door for me; and I squeezed past his bulk。 〃Have a seat;〃 he said; as he closed the door behind us。
 〃I'll stand; thanks。 I want to get Jean…Claude out of here before dawn。〃
 〃I heard you weren't dating him anymore;〃 Dolph said。
 〃He's being held without charge on suspicion of killing me。 I'm not dead so I'd like to get him out of here。〃
 Dolph just looked at me; eyes as cold and unreadable as if he were looking at a witness  no a suspect  that he didn't like much。
 〃Jean…Claude has a damn fine lawyer。 How'd you keep him for over seventy…two hours without a charge?〃 I asked。
 〃You're a city treasure。 I told everyone he'd killed you; and they helped me lose him for a while。〃
 〃Damn; Dolph; you're lucky some overzealous officer didn't put him in a cell with a window。〃
 〃Yeah; too bad。〃
 I just stared at him not even sure what to say。 〃I'm alive; Dolph。 He didn't hurt me。〃
 〃Who did?〃
 It was my turn to give him cool cop eyes。
 He walked up to me; towering over me。 He wasn't trying to intimidate me with his height; he knew that didn't work anyway。 He was just that big。 He touched my chin; tried to turn my face to the side。 I jerked away。
 〃You've got scars on your neck that you didn't have a week ago。 They're all shiny and nearly healed。 How?〃
 〃Would you believe I'm not sure?〃
 〃Suit yourself。〃
 〃Let me see the scars。〃
 I swept my hair to one side and let him trace one large finger down the healed wounds。
 〃I want to see the rest of the wounds。〃
 〃Don't we need a female officer in here for this?〃
 〃Do you really want anyone else to see them?〃
 He had a point。 〃Why do you want to see; Dolph?〃
 〃I can't force you to show me; but I need to see them。〃
 〃I don't know;〃 he said; and his voice showed strain for the first time。
 I shed the outer shirt and laid it on the table。 I held my left arm out to him; pushing the sleeve of the T…shirt up。
 He traced his finger over the marks。 〃What is it about your left arm? Its always where you get hit the most。〃
 〃I think it's because I'm right…handed。 I'll let them chew on my left arm; while I grab a weapon with my right。〃
 〃Did you kill what did this to you?〃
 He looked at me; and the anger showed for a second。 〃I wish I believed you。〃
 〃Me; too; especially since I'm telling the truth。〃
 〃Who; or what; did this to you; Anita?〃
 I shook my head。 〃It's been taken care of。〃
 〃Damn it; Anita; how can I trust you when you won't talk to me?〃
 I shrugged。
 〃Is the arm all of it?〃
 〃I want to see all of it。〃
 There were a lot of men in my life that I'd have accused of just wanting to get my shirt off; but Dolph wasn't one of them。 There'd never been that kind of tension between us。 I stared at him; hoping he'd back down; but he didn't。 I should have known he wouldn't。
 I worked the shirt out of my pants and exposed my bra。 I had to raise the edge of the underwire to show the round hole  now scar  over my heart。
 He touched it like he had all the others; shaking his head。 〃It's like something tried to scoop your heart out。〃 He raised his eyes to my face。 〃How the hell did you heal it; Anita?〃
 〃Can I get dressed?〃
 There was a knock at the door; and Zerbrowski entered without waiting to be asked; while I was still struggling to get my breasts back behind the underwire。 His eyes widened。 〃Am I interrupting?〃
 〃We're finished;〃 I said。
 〃Gee; and I thought Dolph would have more staying power。〃
 We both glared at him。 He grinned。 〃Count Dracula is processed and ready to go。〃
 〃His name is Jean…Claude。〃
 〃Whatever you say。〃
 I had to bend over and rearrange my breasts so the bra would fit right again。 Those underwires hurt if they ride up。 They both watched me do it; and I stubbornly wouldn't turn away。 Zerbrowski watched because he was a cheerful leech; Dolph; because he was angry。
 〃Would you take a blood test?〃 he asked。
 〃We can get a court order。〃
 〃On what grounds? I haven't done anything wrong; Dolph; except show up here not dead。 If I didn't know better; I'd say you were disappointed。〃
 〃I'm glad you're alive;〃 he said。
 〃But sorry you can't bust Jean…Claude's ass。 Is that it?〃
 He looked away。 I'd finally hit on it。 〃That's it; isn't it? You're sorry that you can't arrest Jean…Claude  get him executed。 He didn't kill me; Dolph。 Why do you want him dead?〃
 〃He's already dead; Anita。 He just doesn't know enough to lie down。〃
 〃Is that a threat?〃
 Dolph made a low exasperated sound。 〃He's a walking corpse; Anita。〃
 〃I know what Jean…Claude is; Dolph; probably better than you do。〃
 〃So I keep hearing;〃 he said。
 〃What; you're angry because I'm dating him? You are not my father; I can date who  or what  I want to date。〃
 〃How can you let him touch you?〃 And the anger was there again; rage。
 〃You want him dead because he's been my lover?〃 I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice。
 He wouldn't meet my eyes。
 〃You're not jealous of me; Dolph; I know that for a fact。 It just bothers you that he's not human; is that it?〃
 〃He's a vampire; Anita。〃 He met my gaze then。 〃How can you fuck a corpse?〃
 The level of animosity was too personal; too intimate。 And then it hit me。 〃What woman in your life is fucking the undead; Dolph?〃
 He took a step towards me; his entire body trembling; his huge hands balled into fists。 The rage rushed up his face in a near purple wave。 He spoke through gritted teeth。 〃Get out!〃
 I wanted to say something to make it better; but there was nothing to say。 I moved carefully past him; keeping my eyes on him; afraid he'd make a grab for me。 But he just stood there regaining control of himself。 Zerbrowski walked me out and closed the door behind us。
 If I'd been with another woman; we'd have talked about what just happened。 If I'd been with a lot of men in a different line of work; we'd have talked about it。 But Zerbrowski was a cop。 And that meant you didn't talk about the personal stuff。 If you accidentally learned something truly painful; truly private; you left it the fuck alone  unless the man involved wanted to talk about it。 Besides; I didn't know what to say。 I didn't want to know that Dolph's wife was cheating on him with a corpse。 He had two sons; no daughters; so who else could it be?

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