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小说: lh.narcissusinchains 字数: 每页4000字

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 His eyes widened a little。 〃Most pards don't want that kind of trouble。〃
 I smiled。 〃Trouble is my middle name。〃
 He looked a little puzzled。 I guess I was the only one who liked film noir。 〃I'm not going to kick you guys out because of some asshole alpha。 Let me know which way the danger's ing from; and I'll deal with it。〃
 〃I wish I had your confidence。〃
 There was a weight to his gaze of such sorrow; such horrible loss。 It made me shiver to see it; and he let go of my hands; sliding away from me just before Merle opened the door and offered a hand out。 He didn't take the hand; but he slid out into the dark。
 Reece followed him with a look at Rafael; as if the rat king had told him to get out and give us some privacy。 I turned to Rafael。 〃You have something to say?〃
 〃Be careful of that one; Anita。 None of us know him; or his people。〃
 〃Funny; I was pretty much thinking the same thing。〃
 〃Even though he can make your beast roil through your body?〃
 I met his dark; dark eyes。 〃Maybe especially because of that。〃
 Rafael smiled。 〃I should know by now that you are not a person to let her affections cloud her vision。〃
 〃Oh; it can be clouded; but never for long。〃
 〃You sound wistful;〃 he said。
 〃Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to actually be able to just fall in love and not weigh the risks first。〃
 〃If it works out; it's the best thing in the world。 If it doesn't work out; it's like having your heart torn out and chopped up into little pieces while you watch。 It leaves a big hollow space that never really heals。〃
 I looked at him; unsure what to say; but finally; 〃You sound like experience talking。〃
 〃I've got an ex…wife and a son。 They live in a different state; as far away from me as she could drag him。〃
 〃What went wrong; if you don't mind me asking?〃
 〃She wasn't strong enough to handle what I am。 I didn't hide anything from her。 She knew everything before we married。 If I hadn't been so much in love with her; I'd have seen that she was weak。 It's my job as king to know who's strong and who isn't。 But she fooled me; because I wanted to be fooled。 I know that now。 She is what she is  not her fault。 I can't even regret her getting pregnant right away。 I love my son。〃
 〃Do you ever get to see him?〃
 He shook his head。 〃I get to fly in twice a year and have supervised visits。 She's made him afraid of me。〃
 I started to reach out to him; hesitated; then thought; what the hell。 I took his hand; and he looked startled; then smiled。 〃I'm sorry; Rafael; more than I can ever say。〃
 He squeezed my hand then moved back from me。 〃Just thought you ought to know that falling blindly in love isn't at all the way all those poems and songs make it sound。 It hurts like hell。〃
 〃I did fall in love like that once;〃 I said。
 He raised his eyebrows at me。 〃Not since I've known you。〃
 〃No; in college。 I was engaged; thought it was true love。〃
 〃What happened?〃
 〃His mom found out my mother was Mexican; and she didn't want her little blond…haired; blue…eyed; family tree getting contaminated。〃
 〃You were engaged before they'd met your family?〃
 〃They'd met my father and his second wife; but they are both good little Aryans; very nordic。 My stepmother didn't like pictures of my mother being out; so they were all in my room。 I wasn't hiding it; but that's how my almost mother…in…law took it。 Funny thing; her son knew。 I'd told him the whole story。 It hadn't mattered until his mom threatened to cut him off from the family money。〃
 〃Now I'm sorry。〃
 〃Your story is more pitiful。〃
 〃That doesn't make me feel better;〃 he said; smiling。
 I smiled back; but neither of us really looked happy。 〃Ain't love grand?〃 I said。
 〃You can answer your own question after you see Richard and Micah in the lupanar together。〃
 I shook my head。 〃I don't love Micah; not really; not yet。〃
 〃But;〃 he said。
 I sighed。 〃But I almost wish I did。 It would make seeing Richard less painful。 I don't know how I'm going to feel seeing him tonight and knowing that he's not mine anymore。〃
 〃Probably about the same way he'll feel when he sees you。〃
 〃Is that supposed to make me feel better?〃
 〃No; it's just the truth。 Remember that cutting you out of his life was forced on him。 He loves you; Anita; for better or worse。〃
 〃I love him; but I won't let him kill Gregory。 And I won't let him cost Sylvie her life。 I won't let him take the pack down to wrack and ruin because of some idealistic set of rules that only he is paying attention to。〃
 〃If you kill Jacob and his followers without Richard's permission; then he may send the pack after you and your leopards。 If you are not lukoi; not lupa; then to let their deaths go unpunished would make him appear so weak you might as well let Jacob kill him。〃
 〃Then what am I supposed to do?〃
 〃I don't know。〃
 Merle stuck his head in the car。 〃We've got wolves out here。 Your rats are holding them back; but they're getting impatient。〃
 〃We're ing;〃 Rafael said。 He looked across the seat at me。 〃Shall we?〃
 I nodded。 〃I guess it'd be silly not to get out of the car。〃
 He slid out to the edge of the seat; then hesitated; holding his arm out for me。 Normally; I wouldn't have taken it; but tonight we were trying for a show of solidarity and style。 So I stepped out of the car on the rat king's arm; like a trophy wife  except for the wrist sheaths and the two folding knives hidden in my clothing。 Somehow I think trophy wives wear more makeup and less cutlery。 But; hey; I haven't ever met a trophy wife; maybe I'm wrong。 Maybe they know what I know; that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs。 Sometimes four inches will do the job; but to be really sure; I like to have six。 Funny how phallic objects are always more useful the bigger they are。 Anyone who tells you size doesn't matter has been seeing too many small knives。
 THE CLEARING WAS huge; but not huge enough。 The cars; trucks; and vans filled most of the available ground; some parked so far under the trees that the paint jobs had to have gotten scratched all to hell。 There wasn't room for all the wererats to park; and the cars filled the gravel drive; until it was just another parking lot。 Some people ended up parked beside the road; or so they said; as they drifted up through the trees。 Rafael had brought all his rats  about two hundred of them。 The treaty between the rats and wolves dictated that their numbers had to top at two hundred。 Rafael had agreed to that on the understanding that the much larger werewolf pack  six hundred or so  would e to his aid if needed。 No questions asked。 Your enemies are my enemies sort of thing。 He'd explained that in the last few minutes; and it meant that he was risking a great deal tonight。 Made me feel guilty。 Made me wish I'd found a way to sneak a gun into the lupanar。 Truthfully; I hadn't even tried。 Was I growing soft; overconfident; or just tired?
 The tallest woman I'd ever seen came to stand beside Rafael and me。 She was at least six feet six inches; broad…shouldered; and had the muscles that only serious weight lifting will give you。 She was wearing a black sports bra across her tanned chest and a pair of faded black jeans。 Her dark hair was caught back in a tight ponytail; leaving her face clean and startling with not a touch of makeup on it。
 〃This is Claudia。 She's going to be one of your enforcers for the night;〃 Rafael said。
 I opened my mouth to protest; but he stared me into silence。 His face so serious。 〃You have wereleopards; but only Micah has bodyguards。 We can't afford to lose you Anita; not for something stupid like this。〃
 〃If I can't take care of myself; then what good is my threat?〃
 〃Richard will have his Sk?ll and Hati。 I will have my guards。 Micah has his。 Only you are without escort。 Raina kept the wereleopards as an adjunct to the werewolves。 They never really grew into a full pard; not really。 Even Micah's people added to yours don't have the right personnel for a working pard。 You have too many submissives and not enough dominants。 So tonight you will have Claudia and Igor。〃
 Zane said; 〃We can take care of Anita。〃
 〃No we can't;〃 Nathaniel said。
 I stared at him。 He touched my ar

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