九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > lh.narcissusinchains >



小说: lh.narcissusinchains 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃So you would trade all your ideals for the people you care about?〃 she asked。
 〃I'm not sure I have any ideals anymore。〃
 〃You're still Christian; aren't you?〃
 〃My religion isn't an ideal。 Ideals are abstract things that you can't touch or see。 My religion isn't abstract; it's very 'stract;' very real。〃
 〃You can't see God;〃 she said。 〃You can't hold Him in your hand。〃
 〃How many angels can dance on the head of a pin; huh?〃
 She smiled。 〃Something like that。〃
 〃I've held a cross while it flared so bright it blinded me until all the world was just white fire。 I've seen a copy of the Talmud go up in flames in a vampire's hands; and even after the book had burned to ash; the vampire kept burning until it died。 I've stood in the presence of a demon and recited holy script; and the demon could not touch me。〃 I shook my head。 〃Religion isn't an abstract thing; Dr。 Lillian; it is a living; breathing; growing; organic thing。〃
 〃Organic sounds more Wiccan than Christian;〃 she said。
 I shrugged。 〃I've been studying with a psychic and some of her Wiccan friends for about a year; hard not to soak some of it up。〃
 〃Doesn't studying Wicca put you in an awkward position?〃
 〃You mean because I'm a monotheist?〃
 She nodded。
 〃I have God…given abilities and not enough training to control those abilities。 Most denominations of the church frown on psychics; let alone someone who raises the dead。 I need training; so I've found people to train me。 The fact that they're not Christian I see as a failing of the church; not a failing of theirs。〃
 〃There are Christian witches;〃 she said。
 〃I've met some of them。 They all seem to be zealots; as if they have to be more Christian than anyone else to prove that they're good enough to be Christian at all。 I don't like zealots。〃
 〃Neither do I;〃 she said。
 We looked at each other in the darkened kitchen。 She raised her coffee mug。 I'd given her the one with a tiny knight and a large dragon that said; 〃No guts; no glory。〃
 Lillian said; 〃Down with zealots。〃
 I raised my own mug in the air。 It was the baby penguin mug; still a favorite。 〃Down with zealots。〃
 We drank。 She set her mug on the coaster and said; 〃Do I have your permission to try the drugs on Gregory?〃
 I took a deep breath and let it out slowly; then nodded。 〃If he agrees; do it。〃
 She pushed back from the table and stood。 〃I'll get everything ready。〃
 I nodded; but stayed sitting。 I was praying when I felt someone e into the room。 Without opening my eyes; I knew it was Micah。
 He waited until I raised my head; opened my eyes。 〃I didn't mean to interrupt;〃 he said。
 〃I'm finished;〃 I said。
 He nodded and gave that smile of his that was part amusement; part sorrow; and part something else。 〃You were praying?〃 He made it a question。
 Some trick of the light made his eyes gleam in the dark; like there was a spark of hidden fire down deep in their green gold depths。 The illusion lost his eyes and most of his face to shadow and darkness。 Only that shimmering gleam remained; as if the color dancing in his eyes was more real than the rest of him。
 Without seeing his face; I knew he was upset。 I could feel it like a tension down my spine。 〃What's wrong?〃 I asked。
 〃I can't remember the last time I prayed。〃
 I shrugged。 〃A lot of people don't pray。〃
 〃Why does it surprise me that you do?〃 he asked。
 I shrugged again。
 He took a step forward; and the light fell upon his face and that odd; mixed smile of his。
 〃I have to go。〃
 〃What's wrong?〃 I asked。
 〃What makes you think anything's wrong?〃
 〃Tension level between you and your cats。 What's up; Micah?〃
 He pressed his thumb and forefinger against his eyes; rubbing; as if he were tired。 He blinked those jewel…like eyes at me。 〃A pard emergency。 We've got one member that couldn't e tonight; and she's got herself in trouble。〃
 〃What kind of trouble?〃
 〃Violet is our version of your Nathaniel; the least dominant of us。〃 He left it at that; as if it explained everything。 It did; and it didn't。
 〃And?〃 I said。
 〃And I have to go help her。〃
 〃I don't like secrets; Micah。〃
 He sighed; running his fingers through his hair。 He ripped the ponytail holder out; threw it on the floor; ran his hands through the shoulder…length curls; over and over; as if he'd been wanting to do it all night。 The movement was harsh; frantic with tension。
 He looked down at me; dark brown hair in disarray around his face; eyes gleaming。 In an instant he went from being this nice; attractive man to something feral and alien。 It wasn't just the hair or the kitty…cat eyes。 His beast bubbled against my skin like boiling water。 I'd felt his power; but not like this; almost hot enough to scald。 Then I realized that I could see that heat; see it。 It flowed over him; invisible; but almost not; like something half…seen out of the corner of your eye。 I could almost see the shape of something monstrous looming around him; like heat rising off of summer pavement; a rippling thing。 I'd been around shapeshifters for years and never seen anything like it。
 Merle appeared in the doorway。 〃Nimir…Raj; is anything wrong?〃
 Micah turned; and I got a swimming afterimage; as if something large and almost invisible moved around and just above his body。 His voice came out low and growling。 〃Wrong; what could possibly be wrong?〃
 Gina pushed past Merle。 〃We've got to go; Micah。〃
 Micah put his hands up; and the afterimage moved with him。 I couldn't actually see claws and fur; just hints of it; swimming around him。 He covered his eyes with his hands; and I saw those ghostly claws go through; into; past his face。 Watching it made me dizzy; and I looked down at the tabletop to steady myself and reality。
 I'd heard Marianne say she could see auras of power around people and lycanthropes; but I'd never been able to see one before。
 I felt his power folding away; the heat; the skin…ruffling sensation pulling away; like the ocean going back from the shore。 I raised my face to see; and that seen…not…seen shape was gone; swallowed back into his body。
 He stared down at me。 〃You look like you've seen a ghost。〃
 〃You're closer than you think;〃 I said。
 〃She's afraid of your power;〃 Gina said; and there was scorn in her voice。
 I looked up at her。 〃I saw his aura; saw it like a white phantom around his body。〃
 〃You say that like you've never seen it before;〃 Micah said。
 〃I haven't; not a visual。〃
 Gina took his arm; gently but firmly; and tried pulling him towards the door。 He just looked at her; and I felt his presence; his personality; for lack of a better word; like something almost touchable。 She dropped to the floor; gripping his hand; rubbing her cheek against it。 〃I meant no offense; Micah。〃
 The look on his face was cold。 His power; his force began to trickle through the room again。
 〃Nimir…Raj;〃 Merle said; 〃if you are going; then you must go。 If you are not going 。。。 〃 His voice was careful; almost gentle; a pitying tone of voice; and I didn't understand why。
 Micah growled at Merle; I think。 Then his voice came out normal; human。 〃I know my duty as Nimir…Raj; Merle。〃
 〃I would never presume to tell you the duties of a Nimir…Raj; Micah;〃 he said。
 Micah suddenly looked tired again; all that energy draining away。 He helped Gina to her feet; though it looked awkward since she was more than a head taller。 〃Let's go。〃
 They all turned towards the door。 〃I hope your leopard is alright;〃 I said。
 Micah glanced back。 〃Would Nathaniel be; if he'd called for help?〃
 I shook my head。 〃No。〃
 He nodded and turned back for the door。 〃Mine either。〃 He hesitated and said without turning around; 〃I'll take Noah and Gina with me; but if it's alright I'll leave Merle and Caleb here?〃
 〃Won't you need them with you?〃
 He looked back; smiling。 〃I just need to pick up Violet。 I don't need muscle for that; and you might want some extra muscle。〃
 〃You mean in case Jacob's people get pesky?〃
 His smile widened。 〃Pesky; yeah; in case they get pesky。〃
 Then they were gone into the other room; and I was left alone at the table。 Lillian came back in; her eyes narrowed。
 〃What?〃 I asked。
 She just shook her head。 〃None of my business。〃

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