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小说: dk.intensity 字数: 每页4000字

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nths。 He could taste the bee that had crawled across the blossom on its eternal buzzing task of pollination; the soil out of which the flower had grown; and the wind that had caressed it through the summer of its growing。
 He has never met anyone who can understand the intensity with which he experiences the world or the greater intensity for which he strives。 With his help; perhaps Ariel will understand one day。 Now; of course; she is too immature to achieve the insight。
 One last squeeze of his neck。 The pain。 He sighs。 From the copilot's seat; he picks up a folded raincoat。 No rain is yet falling; but he needs to cover his blood…spattered clothing before going inside。
 He could have changed into clean clothes prior to leaving the Templeton house; but he enjoys wearing these。 The patina excites him。
 He gets out of the driver's seat; stands behind it; and pulls on the coat。
 He washed his hands in the kitchen sink at the Templeton house; although he would have preferred to leave them stained too。 He can conceal his clothes under a raincoat; hiding his hands is not as easy。
 He never wears gloves。 To do so would be to concede that he fears apprehension; which he does not。
 Although his fingerprints are on file with federal and state agencies; the prints he leaves at the scene will never match those that bear his name in the records。 Like the rest of the world; police organizations are hell…bent on puterization; by now most fingerprintimage reference banks are in the form of digitized data; to facilitate high…speed scanning and processing。 Even more easily than hard files; electronic files can be manipulated; because the work can be done at a great distance; there is no need to burglarize highly secure facilities; when instead he can be a ghost haunting their machines from across a continent。 Because of his intelligence; talents; and connections; he has been able to meddle with the data。
 Wearing gloves; even thin surgical latex gloves; would be an intolerable barrier to sensation。 He likes to let his hand glide lightly over the fine golden hairs on a woman's thigh; take time to appreciate the texture of pebbled gooseflesh against his palm; to relish the fierce heat of skin and then; after; the warmth all fading; fading。 When he kills; he finds it absolutely essential to feel the wetness。
 The prints under his name in the various files are; in fact; those of a young marine named Bernard Petain; who died tragically during training maneuvers at Camp Pendleton many years ago。 And the prints that he leaves at the scene; often etched in blood; cannot be matched to any on file with the military; the FBI; the Department of Motor Vehicles; or anywhere else。
 He finishes buttoning the raincoat; turns up the collar; and looks at his hands。 Stains under three fingernails。 It might be grease or soil。 No one will be suspicious of it。
 He himself can smell the blood on his clothes even through the black nylon raincoat and insulated liner; but others are not sufficiently sensitive to detect it。
 Staring at the residue under his nails; however; he can hear the screams again; that lovely music in the night; the Templeton house as reverberant as a concert hall; and no one to hear except him and the deaf vineyards。
 If he is ever caught in the act; the authorities will print him again; discover his deception with the puters; and eventually link him to a long list of unsolved murders。 But he isn't concerned about that。 He'll never be taken alive; never be put on trial。 Whatever they learn about his activities after his death will only add to the glory of his name。
 He is Edgler Foreman Vess。 From the letters of his name; one can extract a long list of power words: GOD; FEAR; DEMON; SAVE; RAGE; ANGER; DRAGON; FORGE; SEED; SEMEN; FREE; and others。 Also words with a mystical quality: DREAM; VESSEL; LORE; FOREVER; MARVEL。 Sometimes the last thing that he whispers to a victim is a sentence posed from this list of words。 One that he especially likes and uses often is GOD FEARS ME。
 Anyway; all questions of fingerprints and other evidence are moot; because he will never be caught。 He is thirty…three years old。 He has been enjoying himself in this fashion for a long time; and he has never had a close call。
 Now he takes the pistol out of the open console between the pilot's and copilot's chairs。 A Heckler & Koch P7…Earlier; he had reloaded the thirteen…round magazine。 Now he unscrews the sound suppressor; because he has no plans to visit other houses this night。 Besides; the baffles are probably damaged from the shots that he has fired; diminishing both the effect of the silencer and the accuracy of the weapon。
 Occasionally he daydreams about what it would be like if the impossible happened; if he were interrupted at play and surrounded by a SWAT team。 With his experience and knowledge; the ensuing showdown would be thrillingly intense。
 If there is a single secret behind the success of Edgler Vess; it is his belief that no twist of fate is either good or bad; that no experience is qualitatively better than another。 Winning twenty million dollars in the lottery is no more to be desired than being trapped by a SWAT team; and a shootout with the authorities is no more to be dreaded than winning all that money。 The value of any experience isn't in its positive or negative effect on his life but in the sheer luminous power of it; the vividness; the ferocity; the amount and degree of pure sensation that it provides。 Intensity。
 Vess puts the sound suppressor in the console between the seats。 He drops the pistol into the right…hand pocket of his raincoat。 He is not expecting trouble。 Nevertheless; he goes nowhere unarmed。 One can never be too careful。 Besides; opportunities often arise unexpectedly。
 In the driver's seat again; he takes the keys from the ignition and checks that the brake is firmly set。 He opens the door and gets out of the motor home。
 All eight gasoline pumps are self…service。 He is parked at the outer of the two service islands。 He needs to go to the cashier in the associated convenience store to pay in advance and to identify the pump that he'll be using so it can be turned on。
 The night breathes。 At higher altitudes; a strong gale drives masses of clouds out of the northwest toward the southeast。 Here at ground level; a lesser exhalation of cold wind huffs between the pumps; whistles alongside the motor home; and flaps the raincoat against Vess's legs。 The convenience store…buff brick below; white aluminum siding above; big windows full of merchandise…stands in front of rising hills that are covered with huge evergreens; the wind soughs through their branches with a hollow; ancient; lonely voice。
 Out on Highway 101; there is little traffic at this hour。 When a truck passes; it cleaves the wind with a cry that seems strangely Jurassic。
 A Pontiac with Washington State license plates is parked at the inner service island; under the yellow sodium…vapor lamps。 Other than the motor home; it is the only vehicle in sight。 A bumper sticker on the back announces that ELECTRICIANS KNOW HOW TO PLUG IT IN。
 On the roof of the building; positioned for maximum visibility from 10 1; is a red neon sign that announces OPEN 24 HOURS。 Red is the quality of the sound each passing truck makes out there on the highway。 In the glow; his hands look as if he never washed them。
 As Vess approaches the entrance; the glass door swings open; and a man es out carrying a family…size bag of potato chips and a sixpack of Coke in cans。 He is a chubby guy with long sideburns and a walrus mustache。
 Gesturing at the sky; he says; 〃Storm's ing;〃 as he hurries past Vess。 〃Good;〃 Vess says。 He likes storms。 He enjoys driving in them。 The more torrential the raifi; the better。 With lightning flashing and trees cracking in the wind and pavement as slick as ice。
 The guy with the walrus mustache goes to the Pontiac。 Vess enters the convenience store; wondering what an electrician from Washington is doing on the road in northern California at this ungodly hour of the night。
 He's fascinated by the way in which lives connect briefly; with a potential for drama that is sometimes fulfilled and sometimes not。 A man stops for gasolin

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