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小说: dk.intensity 字数: 每页4000字

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atch。 If the latch was not seated deeply in the jamb; even the dog's fumbling might; by purest chance; spring it open。
 〃Wait;〃 she told Ariel。
 She crossed the room and tried to pull the dresser in front of the door。
 The dogs must have sensed that she'd drawn nearer; because they began barking again。 The old black iron knob rattled more furiously than before。
 The dresser was heavy。 But there was no straight…backed chair that she could wedge under the knob; and the nightstand didn't seem bulky enough to prevent the dogs from shoving the door open if; in fact; the spring latch popped out of the jamb。
 Heavy as it was; she nevertheless dragged the dresser halfway across the bedroom door。 That seemed good enough。
 The Dobermans were going crazy; barking more ferociously than ever; as if they knew that she had foiled them。 When Chyna turned to Ariel again; the girl was gone。 〃No。〃
 Panicked; she ran to the window and looked outside。 Radiant in moonlight; hair silver now instead of blond; Ariel waited on the porch roof exactly two short steps to the left of the window; where she'd been told to go。 Her back was pressed to the log wall。 of the house; and she was staring at the sky; though she was probably still focused on something infinitely farther away than mere stars。
 Chyna pushed the sponge mop onto the roof and then went out through the window while the infuriated Dobermans raged in the house behind her。
 Outside; blinded dogs were no longer wailing miserably in the distance。
 Chyna reached for the girl。 Ariel's hand was not stiff and clawlike as it had been before。 It was still cold but now limp。 〃That was good; honey; that was good。 You did just what I said。 But always wait for me; okay? Stay with me。〃
 She picked up the mop with her free hand and led Ariel to the edge of the porch roof The gap between them and the motor home was less than a foot wide; but it was potentially dangerous for someone in Ariel's condition。 〃Let's step across together。 Okay; honey?〃
 Ariel was still gazing at the sky。 In her eyes were cataracts of moonlight that made her look like a milky…eyed corpse。
 Chilled as if the dead moonlight eyes were an omen; Chyna let go of her panion's hand and gently forced her to tilt her head down until she was looking at the gap between the porch roof and the motor home。 〃Together。 Here; give me your hand。 Be careful to step across。 It's not wide; you don't even have to jump it; no strain。 But if you step into it; you might fall through to the ground; where the dogs could get you。 And even if you don't fall through; you're sure to be hurt。〃
 Chyna stepped across; but Ariel didn't follow。 Turning to the girl; still holding her slack hand; Chyna tugged gy;ently。 〃e on; baby; let's go; let's get out of here。 We'll turn him in to the cops; and he'll never be able to hurt anybody again; not ever; not you or me or anyone。〃
 After a hesitation; Ariel stepped across the gap onto the roof of the motor home…and slipped on the dew…wet metal。 Chyna dropped the mop; grabbed the girl; and kept her from falling。 〃Almost there; baby。〃
 She picked up the mop again and led Ariel to the open skylight; where she encouraged her to kneel。
 〃That's good。 Now wait。 Almost there。〃
 Chyna stretched out on her stomach; leaned into the skylight; and used the mop to push the stepstool toward the back of the hall and out of the way。 Dropping down onto it; one of them might have broken a leg。
 They were so close to escape。 They couldn't take any chances。 Chyna got to her feet and threw the mop into the yard。
 Bending down; putting one hand on the girl's shoulder; she said; 〃Okay; now slide along here and put your legs through the skylight。 e on; honey。 Sit on the edge; watch the sharp pieces of plastic; yeah; that's it; let your legs dangle。 Okay; now just drop to the floor inside; and then go forward。 Okay? Do you understand? Go forward toward the cockpit; honey; so I won't fall on you when I e through。〃
 Chyna gave the girl a gentle push; which was all she required。 Ariel dropped into the motor home; landed on her feet; stumbled on the hammer that Chyna had discarded earlier; and put one hand against the wall to steady herself。
 〃Go forward;〃 Chyna urged。
 Behind her; a second…story window shattered onto the porch roof。 One of the two study windows。 The door to Vess's office had not been closed; and the dogs had gotten into it from the upstairs hall after the bedroom door had frustrated them。
 She turned and saw a Doberman ing straight at her across the roof; leaping toward her with such velocity that; when it hit her; it would carry her off the top of the motor home and into the yard。
 She twisted aside; but the dog was a lot quicker than she was; correcting its trajectory even as it bounded onto the vehicle。 When it landed; however; it slipped on the dewy surface; skidded; claws screeching on the metal; and to Chyna's astonishment; it tumbled past her; slid off the roof; and left her untouched。
 Howling; the dog fell into the yard; squealed when it hit the ground; and tried to scramble to its feet。 Something was wrong with its hindquarters。 It couldn't stand up。 Perhaps it had broken its pelvis。 It was in pain but still so furious that it remained focused on Chyna rather than itself。 The dog sat barking up at her; its hind legs twisted to one side at an unnatural angle。
 Not barking; wary and watchful; the other Doberman also had e through the broken study window onto the porch roof。 This was the one that she'd squirted twice with ammonia; hitting the muzzle both times; for even now it shook its head and snorted as if plagued by lingering fumes。 It had learned to respect her; and it wasn't going to rush at her as rashly as the other dog had done。
 Sooner or later; of course; it would realize that she no longer had the spray bottle; that she was holding nothing that might be used as a weapon。 Then it would regain its courage。
 What to do?
 She wished that she hadn't thrown the sponge mop into the yard。 She could have jabbed at the Doberman with the wooden handle when it attacked。 She might even have been able to hurt it if she poked hard enough。 But the mop was beyond reach。
 Think。 Instead of approaching her across the porch roof; the Doberman slunk along the front wall of the house; its shoulders hunched and its head low; away from her but glancing back。 It reached the open window of Vess's bedroom; and then it slowly returned; alternately looking down at the shards of moonlight…silvered glass among which it carefully placed its feet and glaring at her from under its brow。
 Chyna tried to think of something in the motor home that could be used as a weapon。 The girl could pass it up to her。
 She said softly; 〃Ariel。〃 The dog halted at the sound of her voice。 〃Ariel。〃 But the girl didn't reply。 Hopeless。 Ariel could not be coaxed into action fast enough to be of any help。
 When finally the Doberman attacked; Chyna wouldn't be lucky again; either。 This one would not hurtle across the porch roof and slide off the motor home without getting its teeth in her。 When it leaped at her; she would have nothing to fight with except her bare hands。
 The dog stopped pacing。 It raised its tapered black head and stared at her; ears pricked; panting。
 Chyna's mind raced。 She had never before been able to think quite this clearly and quickly。
 Although loath to take her eyes off the Doberman; she glanced down through the skylight。
 Ariel was not in the short hallway below。 She'd gone forward as she'd been instructed。 Good girl。
 The dog was no longer panting。 It stood rigid and vigilant。 As Chyna watched; its ears twitched and then flattened against its skull。
 Chyna said; 〃Screw it;〃 and she jumped through the broken…out skylight into the motor home。 Pain exploded through her bitten foot。
 The stepstool; which she had pushed aside with the sponge mop; was against the closed bedroom door。 She grabbed it and dragged it forward; out from under the skylight。
 Paws thumped on the metal roof。
 Chyna snatched the hammer from the floor and slipped the handle under the waistband of her blue jeans。 Even through her red cotton sweater; the steel head was cold against her belly。
 The dog 

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