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小说: dk.intensity 字数: 每页4000字

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 She tramped on the accelerator。 A hard clunk at the back of the motor home。 The vehicle shook。 Another clunk。 Then a scraping noise arose; and a hellacious clatterjangle; but they gained speed。
 Glancing at the side mirror; she saw showers of sparks as ragged steel scraped across blacktop。
 The damaged patrol car was behind her; nunbling along in her wake。 She was dragging it。
 Sheriff Vess's right ear is badly abraded; torn; and the smell of his blood is like January wind rushing across snowfields high on a mountain slope。 A brassy ringing in both ears reminds him of the bitter metallic taste of the spider in the Templeton house; and he savors it。
 As he gets to his feet; all bones intact; choking down the interestingly sour insistence of vomit; he picks up the shotgun。 He's happy to see that it seems to have e through in fine shape。
 The motor home is angling toward him across the two…lane; about a hundred fifty feet away but closing fast; a juggernaut。
 Instead of running off the road into the woods and away from the oning vehicle; he sprints toward it in a rightward…leading loop that will bring him alongside as it races past。 He's limping…not because he has injured his leg but simply because he is missing the heel on his right boot。
 inle than the lumEven with one boot heel too few; Vess is more ag bering vehicle; and the woman sees that she's not going to be able to run him down。 She also sees the shotgun; no doubt; and she pulls the steering wheel to her right; away from him; ready to settle for escape instead of vengeance。
 He has no intention of trying to blast her head off through the already shattered windshield or through the side window; partly because he's beginning to be spooked by her resilience and doesn't think he'll be able to do enough damage to stop her as she sails past like a skeet disk。 Also; it's far easier to halt and shoot from the hip than to raise the gun and aim; and shooting from the hip means shooting low。
 The recoil from the first three rounds; fired as quickly as he can work the pump action; nearly pounds the sheriff off his feet; but he takes out the front tire on the driver's side。
 Hardly six feet from him; the motor home starts to slide。 Snakes of rubber uncoil into the air from the ruined tire。 As the behemoth streaks past; Vess uses his last two rounds to blow out the rear tire on the driver's side。
 Now Ms。 Chyna Shepherd; untouched and alive; has big trouble。
 The steering wheel spun back and forth in Chyna's hands; burning her palms as she tried determinedly to hold on to it。
 She tapped the brakes; and that seemed to be the absolute wrong thing to do because the vehicle yawed dangerously to the left; but when she let up on the brakes; that also seemed to be wrong because it yawed even more wildly to the right。 The trailing black…and…white stuttered against the back bumper; and the motor home shuddered even as it swayed more violently side to side; and Chyna knew that they were going to tip over。
 Half drunk on the deliciously plex smell of his own blood and the pure…sex stink of the shotgun fire; Sheriff Vess tosses the 2o…gauge aside when the magazine is empty。 With shining…eyed glee; he watches as the aged motor home rises inevitably off its starboard tires; tilting along the night highway on its port…side wheel rims。 Virtually all of the rubber has shredded away; strips and chunks of it litter both lanes。 Jhe steel rims carve into the blacktop with a grinding sound that reminds him of the texture of crinoline crisp with dried blood; which brings to mind the taste of a certain young lady's mouth in the very moment that she died。 Then the vehicle crashes onto its side hard enough for Vess to feel vibrations in the pavement beneath his feet。 The flat boom echoes back and forth between the road…flanking trees; like the devil's own shotgun fire。
 Hung up on the back of the motor home; the black…and…white is hauled onto its side by the larger vehicle。 Then it finally tears loose; flips onto its roof; spins three hundred and sixty degrees; and es to rest in the northbound lane。
 The motor home is far past the car; three hundred feet away from the sheriff and still sliding; but it is slowing and will soon stop。
 Everything is screwed up big time: the mess scattered all over the highway; which he will be hard…pressed to explain; the ruination of his plan to deal with Ariel in the methodical manner that has kept him so excited for the past year; and the incriminating bodies in the bedroom of his motor home。
 Yet Sheriff Vess has never felt half as buoyant as he does now。 He is so alive; all of his senses enhanced by the ferocity of the moment。
 He feels giddy; silly。 He wants to caper under the moon and twirl with his arms out like a child making himself dizzy with the sight of spinning stars。
 But there are two deaths to be dealt; a lovely young face to be disfigured; and that is fun too。
 He reaches to his holster for his revolver。 Evidently it fell out when he leaped from the car and tumbled across the highway。 He looks around for it。
 When the motor home slid to a stop; Chyna wasted no time being astonished to be alive。 Instantly she disengaged her safety harness and then the girl's。
 The starboard flank of the tipped…over motor home had bee its ceiling in this new orientation。 Ariel clung to the door handle up there to avoid dropping down on top of Chyna。 The port flank; where Chyna lay; was now essentially the floor。 The window in the driver's door at her side provided a close…up view only of blacktop。
 She struggled out of her seat; turned around; and perched on the dashboard with her back to the windshield and her feet on the console box。 She leaned her right side against the steering wheel。
 The air was thick with gasoline fumes。 Breathing was difficult。 She reached to Ariel and said; 〃e on; baby; out through the windshield; quickly now。〃
 When the girl failed to look at her but clung to the door and stared out the side window at the night sky; Chyna took her by the shoulder and pulled。
 〃e on; honey; e on; e on; e on;〃 she urged。 〃It's damn stupid if we die now; after getting this far。 If you die now; won't the dolls laugh? Won't they laugh and laugb?〃
 Here; now; es Sheriff Edgler Vess; battered and bleeding but sprightly in his step; past the roof of the motor home; which is now essentially the vehicle's port flank as it lies half capsized on this sea of blacktop and spilled gasoline。 He glances curiously at the broken…out skylight but proceeds without hesitation to the front of the vehiclewhere he discovers Chyna and Ariel; naughty girls; who have just e out through the windshield。
 Their backs are to him; and they are moving away; heading toward the west side of the highway; where a sheltering grove of pines stands not far beyond the pavement; surely hoping to scuttle out of sight before he finds them。 The woman is hobbling; urging the girl along with a hand in the small of her back。
 Though the sheriff was unable to find his revolver; he has the 20gauge; which he holds in both hands by the barrel。 He es in fast behind them。 The woman hears the odd squish that he makes limping on one bad boot heel across the reeking wet pavement; but she doesn't have a chance to turn fully and confront him。 Vess swings the shotgun like a club; putting everything he has into it; smashing the flat of the stock across her shoulder blades。
 The woman is knocked off her feet; the breath hammered from her; unab4* to cry out。 She pitches forward and sprawls facedown on the pavement; perhaps unconscious but certainly stunned immobile。
 Ariel totters forward in the direction that she was headed; as though she knows nothing of what happened to Chyna; and perhaps she doesn't。 Maybe she is desperate for freedom; but more likely she is stumbling across the blacktop with no more awareness than a windup doll。
 The woman rolls onto her back; looking up at him; not dazed but white and wild…eyed with rage。
 〃God fears me;〃 he says; which are words that can be formed from the letters of his name。
 But the woman seems unimpressed。 Wheezing; because of either the fumes or the blow to the back; she says; 〃Fuck you。〃
 When he kills her; he wil

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