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小说: cb.imajica1 字数: 每页4000字

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ires made flesh。〃 He watched her as he spoke; a smile playing around his lips。 〃I can't imagine why。〃
 〃Maybe they were afraid of what they were。〃
 〃You'd consider that foolish; I assume。〃
 〃Yes; of course。 What you are; you are。〃
 〃That's a hard philosophy to live up to。〃
 〃No harder than running away。〃
 〃Oh; I don't know。 I've thought about running away quite a lot of late。 Disappearing forever。〃
 〃Really?〃 she said; trying to stifle any show of agitation。 〃Why?〃
 〃Too many birds ing home to roost。〃
 〃But you're staying?〃
 〃I vacillate。 England's so pleasant in the spring。 And I'd miss the cricket in the summer months。〃
 〃They play cricket everywhere; don't they?〃
 〃Not in Yzordderrex they don't。〃
 〃You'd go there forever?〃
 〃Why not? Nobody would find me; because nobody would ever guess where I'd gone。〃
 〃I'd know。〃
 〃Then maybe I'd have to take you with me;〃 he said tentatively; almost as though he were making the proposal in all seriousness and was afraid of being refused。 〃Could you bear that thought?〃 he said。 〃Of leaving the Fifth; I mean。〃
 〃I could bear it。〃
 He paused。 Then: 〃I think it's about time I showed you some of my treasures;〃 he said; rising from his chair。 〃e on。〃
 She'd known from oblique remarks of Dowd's that the locked room on the second floor contained some kind of collection; but its nature; when he finally unlocked the door and ushered her in; astonished her。
 〃All this was collected in the Dominions;〃 Oscar explained; 〃and brought back by hand。〃
 He escorted her around the room; giving her a capsule summary of what some of the stranger objects were and bringing from hiding tiny items she might otherwise have overlooked。 Into the former category; among others; went the Boston Bowl and Gaud Maybellome's Encyclopedia of Heavenly Signs; into the latter a bracelet of beetles caught by the killing jar in their daisy chain coupling…fourteen generations; he explained; male entering female; and female in turn devouring the male in front; the circle joined by the youngest female and the oldest male; who; by dint of the latter's suicidal acrobatics; were face to face。
 She had many questions; of course; and he was pleased to play the teacher。 But there were several inquiries he had no answers to。 Like the empire looters from whom he was descended; he'd assembled the collection with mitment; taste; and ignorance in equal measure。 Yet when he spoke qf the artifacts; even those whose function he had no clue to; there was a touching fervor in his tone; familiar as he was with the tiniest detail of the tiniest piece。
 〃You gave some objects to Charlie; didn't you?〃 she said。
 〃Once in a while。 Did you see them?〃
 〃Yes; indeed;〃 she said; the brandy tempting her tongue to confess the dream of the blue eye; her brain resisting it。
 〃If things had been different;〃 Oscar said; 〃Charlie might have been the one wandering the Dominions。 I owe him a glimpse。〃
 〃 'A piece of the miracle;' 〃 she quoted。
 〃That's right。 But I'm sure he felt ambivalent about them。〃
 〃That was Charlie。〃
 〃True; true。 He was too English for his own good。 He never had the courage of his feelings; except where you were concerned。 And who could blame him?〃
 She looked up from the trinket she was studying to find that she too was a subject of study; the look on his face unequivocal。
 〃It's a family problem;〃 he said。 〃When it es to 。 。 。 matters of the heart。〃
 This confession made; a look of disfort crossed his face; and his hand went to his ribs。 〃I'll leave you to look around if you like;〃 he said。 〃There's nothing in here that's really volatile。〃
 〃Thank you。〃
 〃Will you lock up after yourself?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 She watched him go; unable to think of anything to detain him; but feeling forsaken once he'd gone。 She heard him go to his bedroom; which was down the hall on the same floor; and close the door behind him。 Then she turned her attention back to the treasures on the shelves。 It wouldn't stay there; however。 She wanted to touch; and be touched by; something warmer than these relics。 After a few moments of hesitation she left them in the dark; locking the door behind her。 She would take the key back to him; she'd decided。 If his words of admiration were not simply flattery…if he had bed on his mind…she'd know it soon enough。 And if he rejected her; at least there'd be an end to this trial by doubt。
 She knocked on the bedroom door。 There was no reply。 There was light seeping from under the door; however; so she knocked again and then turned the handle and; saying his name softly; entered。 The lamp beside the bed was burning; illuminating an ancestral portrait that hung over it。 Through its gilded window a severe and sallow individual gazed down on the empty sheets。 Hearing the sound of running water from the adjacent bathroom; Jude crossed the bedroom; taking in a dozen details of this; his most private chamber; as she did so: the plushness of the pillows and the linen; the spirit decanter and glass beside the bed; the cigarettes and ashtray on a small heap of well…thumbed paperbacks… Without declaring herself; she pushed the door open。 Oscar was sitting on the edge of the bath in his undershorts; dabbing a washcloth to a partially healed wound in his side。 Reddened water ran over the furry swell of his belly。 Hearing her; he looked up。 There was pain on his face。
 She didn't attempt to offer an excuse for being there; nor did he request one。 He simply said; 〃Charlie did it。〃
 〃You should see a doctor。〃
 〃I don't trust doctors。 Besides; it's getting better。〃 He tossed the washcloth into the sink。 〃Do you make a habit of walking into bathrooms unannounced?〃 he said。 〃You could have walked in on something even less…〃
 〃Venereal?〃 she said。
 〃Don't mock me;〃 he replied。 〃I'm a crude seducer; I know。 It es from years of buying pany。〃
 〃Would you be more fortable buying me?〃 she said。
 〃My God;〃 he replied; his look appalled。 〃What do you take me for?〃
 〃A lover;〃 she said plainly。 〃My lover?〃
 〃I wonder if you know what you're saying?〃
 〃What I don't know I'll learn;〃 she said。 〃I've been hiding from myself; Oscar。 Putting everything out of my head so I wouldn't feel anything。 But I feel a lot。 And I want you to know that。〃
 〃I know;〃 he said。 〃More than you can understand; I know。 And it makes me afraid; Judith。〃
 〃There's nothing to be afraid of;〃 she said; astonished that it was she who was mouthing these words of reassurance when he was the elder and presumably the stronger; the wiser。 She reached out and put her palm flat against his massive chest。 He bent forward to kiss her; his mouth closed until he met hers and found it open。 One hand went around her back; the other to her breast; her murmur of pleasure smeared between their mouths。 His touch moved down; over her stomach; past her groin; to hoist up her skirt and retrace its steps。 His fingers found her sopping…she'd been wet since first stepping into the treasure room…and he slid his whole hand down into the hot pouch of her underwear; pressing the heel of his palm against the top of her sex while his long middle digit sought out her fundament; gently catching its flukes with his nail。
 〃Bed;〃 she said。
 He didn't let her go。 They made an ungainly exit from the bathroom; with him guiding her backwards until she felt the edge of the bed behind her thighs。 There she sat down; taking hold of the waistband of his blood…stained shorts and easing them down while she kissed his belly。 Suddenly bashful; he reached to stop her; but she pulled them down until his penis appeared。 It was a curiosity。 Only a little engorged; it had been deprived of its foreskin; which made its outlandishly bulbous; carmine head look even more inflamed than the wound in its wielder's side。 The stem was very considerably thinner and paler; its length knotted with veins bearing blood to its crown。 If it was this disproportion that embarrassed him he had no need; and to prove her pleasure she put her lips against the head。 His objecting hand was no longer in evidence。 She heard him make a little moan above; and looked up to see him staring down at her with something very like awe on his face。 Sliding her fingers beneath test

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