九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > lla.theburninghills >



小说: lla.theburninghills 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Ben?〃 It was Jacob Lantz。 The old tracker had squatted beside the house。 〃He'll e back; Ben。〃
 Hindeman caught the look of something like fear that came to her face suddenly and was gone。 Ben Hindeman was smart in his way。 He was a one…woman man and that woman was his wife; on their ranch near Tokewanna; but he knew a woman when he saw one。 I'd e back; he told himself; by the Lord Harry; I'd e back。 〃That's it;〃 Ben said。 〃We'll wait。〃
 Mort's face twisted with anger。 〃What?〃 He shoved his horse forward; almost knocking over Jacob Lantz。 〃I'll not wait! By the … !〃
 The chill voice arrested his movement; brought sanity to replace his sudden fury。 Hindeman's shotgun was across his saddlebows and the twin muzzles had him in their eyes。 〃I'll give the orders here。〃
 Mort hesitated; feeling something cold and ugly within him。 Yet there was no room for argument with Ben Hindeman; The shotgun was no casual threat。 〃You wait; then;〃 he said finally。 〃I'm going into town。〃
 Maria Cristina walked into the house and sat down; her legs too weak to stand。 Yet she had seen other things。 There was a man with a bandaged face; like he had been shot through the cheeks。 And Dave Godfrey was no longer with them。 Trace Jordan was piling up a score。
 Joe Sutton brought food into the house; piling it on the table。 He faced her; hat in hand。 〃Will you cook? None of us are much at finding grub。〃
 His manner was diffident; yet she was about to say no when she realized that well…fed men might relax and grow sleepy。 〃I'll cook;〃 she said。
 It was something to do and it would keep her from thinking。 They believed Trace Jordan would e back … but would he? Because of her?
 Six of them stayed; the others riding away after fresh horses。 Hindeman; Jack and Joe Sutton; Lantz; Buck Bayless; and a dour…faced man she knew as Wes Parker stayed。 Godfrey; she heard later; had been knocked over a cliff by falling rocks。 He was dead。
 She did not want Jordan to e back; yet she remembered the feel of his hands on her shoulders and the strange weakness that came over her when he touched her body。 It was a feeling she had not known before and it frightened her。
 She did not want to give so much to any man。 To love was to give 。。。 to put herself in the hands of a man and to one strange to her and to her ways。 She would think no more of him。 He was gone。
 It had been enough and more than enough that other time。 She had not been in love but was desperate for some wider life than that in their little corner of desert and mountains。 With her father gone she was one more mouth to feed; so she had married Bud Hayes。 She had never loved him but he had loved her and he had been a good man until he began to drink。 But he was a weak man。
 This man was different。 There was something in him that made her believe even when she told herself she was a fool to listen。 Men were liars。 All of them。
 She remembered how she had first seen him; lying across his half…opened blanket roll; his face ghastly; blood seeping from the broken wound in his side。 He had seemed dead 。。。 and then she saw him breathe。
 He was gone now。 He had gotten away。 He would not e back。 And if he did these men were waiting to kill him。
 Buck Bayless pushed back from the table and looked at Maria Cristina with grudging admiration。 〃You can cook; Mex。 I'll give you that。〃
 She flashed him a sullen look and turned away。 Behind her Joe Sutton got to his feet; saying a little self…consciously; 〃Thanks; Ma'am。〃
 Wes Parker glanced at him scornfully but Hindeman added his thanks and Joe felt better。 Only Jack Sutton loitered at the table。 The food had been good but Jack loitered because he could not convince himself that any mere Mexican girl could be cold to him。 He stalled over his coffee; wanting to be alone with her。
 Ben Hindeman came to the door after several minutes and said; with heavy sarcasm; 〃If you're going to stay in there; Jack; get away from the window。 If Jordan sees you he'll never e in。〃
 Irritably; Sutton moved。
 Maria Cristina was thinking that tonight Jordan would not e back。 Tonight he would wait for her。 Tomorrow? He would wait tomorrow too。 After that she must get away。
 She came to herself with a start。 She believed him! She was no foolish girl to listen to the talk of any cowpuncher。 Yet it could not be that she was in love with this man。 She could never truly love a gringo。 Yet he had moved her as no man had and his hands upon her 。。。 she hurriedly dismissed the thought and returned to cleaning up。
 Behind her; Jack Sutton sat with his hands shoved down behind his belt He watched her move about the room; the flattening of her dress against her thighs; the way she moved her shoulders。
 〃You;〃 he said; 〃in' it high an' mighty; an' up there with him!〃
 She turned her back to the sideboard; her eyes taunting him。 〃You don't like that; do you? You think you big man! You think I should like you! Bah! You nothing! You animal! What woman want you? All you know is steal an' … 〃
 He came off his chair with a lunge and slapped her across the mouth。 The sound was like a pistol shot。 Then he swung with the other palm and she grabbed behind her for a kitchen knife。
 Before she could use it; Ben Hindeman sprang iuto the door。 〃Stop it!〃 he roared。 〃Damn you; Jack! Leave that girl alone!〃
 Sutton stopped; his face white with fury。 He turned on Hindeman; his fingers spread; his face hungry with the lust to kill。 〃Don't talk to me like that Ben! Some day I'll kill you!〃
 〃All right。〃 Ben Hindeman rolled his tobacco in his jaws。 〃You call it; Jack。 Just any time。〃 He jerked his thumb toward the door。 〃Right now you get out an' leave her alone。 We ain't got time to let you mess things up by grabbing at her skirt。 We're huntin Trace。〃
 Jack Sutton waited while a man might have counted a slow twenty; then he walked by Hindeman and out the door。 Something about Ben was too much for him。 He had looked Jack right in the eye and never missed chewing his tobacco。 He looked just the same when he watched a branding or bought a barrel of flour。
 〃Forget it; Ben。 Only she gets under my skin。〃
 Hindeman looked at the knife Maria Cristina gripped。 〃Yeah;〃 he said dryly; 〃I can see where she might。〃
 Hindeman left and Sutton turned in the door。 〃No matter what happens to Jordan; you're still here。 After we're through with him nobody will care what happens to you。 And when I get through with you there won't be anything left for anybody。〃
 Maria Cristina put down the knife。 〃I'll kill you;〃 she said; utterly calm。 〃I'll kill you first。〃
 The day drew on 。。。 the waiting men watched the hills through the heat waves; watched a soaring buzzard。 There was no other sound; no movement。 Heat gathered in the canyon; sultry and thick。 Jack Sutton swore bitterly and mopped his neck。
 Buck Bayless sat in the shade near the lean…to barn and tossed pebbles at a panting lizard whose sides worked desperately at the hot; heavy air。 〃It'll rain;〃 Lantz said。 〃This'll bring rain。〃 They stayed in the shade and out of sight。 There was no telling when Jordan might decide to return。 Buck Bayless thought of what Lantz had said; that when Jordan came back they could have him。 Bayless was remembering what had happened when they caught up with Jordan the first time。
 There was something about Trace Jordan that was not good to contemplate。 He was a tough savage fighting man who would fight like a cornered wolf。
 Joe Sutton moved over beside him。 〃They had no business;〃 he whispered to Bayless; 〃pullin' that stunt。 Just like Jack an' Mort。〃
 Buck Bayless had been thinking the same thing but he wasn't going to say it。 Let Ben handle Jack。 He wanted no part of him。 But he was sure now that bunch of horses had been stolen; like Jordan claimed。 〃They sure tackled the wrong man;〃 he said。
 Bayless did not like this riding over the hot bitter hills; over these rocks shaped like flame。 A cloud left a momentary shadow。 It might rain; at that。 It was overdue。 〃I'd like a beer;〃 he said irritably。 〃I'm gettin' fed up。〃
 Jack Sutton said nothing。 He overheard the last remark and the sooner they all felt that way; the better。 He wanted to be alone with that Mexican girl。 He would show h

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