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sheritepper.necromancer nine-第11部分

小说: sheritepper.necromancer nine 字数: 每页4000字

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idwife nodded; the owl feathers bobbing upon her head。 A child would be forthing; it seemed; and the purpose of my being a nobody had been fulfilled。 We sat in the window above the Street as she shed tears all down the front of my tunic。
 〃There is no reason to believe you will not have great pleasure with your husband;〃 I said。 Privately; I thought it unlikely unless he had been taught by Trandilar; until I remembered that Trandilar herself had been taught by someone。 〃Don't cry; Sylbie。 This is foolishness!〃
 〃You don't understand;〃 she cried。 〃They will marry me off to someone I don't even know。 Someone old; or bald; or fat as a stuffed goose。 Young men don't get wives with settlements as good as I have; or so my mother says。 They have not the wherewithal。 Only old men have enough of the world's wealth to afford a wealthy wife。 Oh; Peter; I shall die; die; die。〃
 She was such a pretty thing; soft as a kitten; warm as a muffin。 I was moved to do something for her; saying to myself as I did so that the occasion for doing helpful things should not pass me by again while I mumbled and mowed and made faces at the moon。 So much I had done when Himaggery asked my help。 I would not be so laggard in the future。
 〃Shh; shh;〃 I said。 〃Be still。 If I fix it so that you may marry whom you will; will you leave off crying? Sylbie; tell me you will stop crying; and I will work a magic for you。
 There were kisses; and promises; after which I went off to see the master of that place; a great fat pombi of a merchant Duke with more Armigers around him than any Gamesman needs if he is honest。 It was not easy to get to see him。 I needed all the Necromancer's guise to do it。 He greeted me coldly; and I resolved therefore to make the matter harder on him than I had intended。
 〃I am told that Necromancers have tried heretofore to rid Betand of its spectre;〃 I intoned。 〃Without success。 I e to do what others have not done; if the price be to my liking。〃
 He shifted in the high seat; staring over my shoulder in the way they do。 He would not meet the eyes behind the death mask; as though he were afraid I would take out his life and transmit it to another realm before time。
 〃What price would you ask?〃 His voice was all oil and musk; slippery as thrilp skins。
 〃One request。 Not gold nor treasure。 Merely that one of the people of Betand shall be governed according to my will。 For that person's lifetime。〃 I made my voice sinister。 He would assume I wanted torture and death as my portion; being of that kind which would sooner kill anyone than give a woman joy。 I know his kind…or Trandilar knew them。 Yes。 Perhaps that was the way of it。
 〃One of my people?〃 He oozed for a moment; thoughtfully。 〃Will you say which one?〃
 〃Not one close to you; Great Duke。 I would not be so bold。 Merely an insignificant one who has attracted 。。。 my attention。〃
 He glanced at his counselors; seeing here a nod; there a covert glance。 〃What makes you believe you can do what others have not?〃
 I shrugged; let a little anger play in my voice。 〃If I do not; you will not give me my price。 If I do; you will pay me。 Or I will return worse thrice over。 Is this reason enough?〃
 At which he gave grudging agreement。 I insisted it be put upon parchment; signed before witnesses with the Gamesmen oath。 I trusted him as far as I could kick him up a chimney。
 Sylbie and I spent the day together。 When evening came I went into the center of the city and called up Dorn; explaining the problem of Betand。 There was deep; mocking laughter in my head; a sound as though I had my head in a bell which someone struck softly。 When he had done laughing;I became his student once again。 〃Inside out。〃 He showed me。 〃What we would have done; inverted; so; tug; pull; twist so that it bees this shape instead of that。 Oh; this would be good sport if we were drunk。 See; over there; under and through; down and over; and under once more…there is your unborn; Peter。 It will be born in nine months in any case。 Are you sure you want to let it rest? Ah。 Well then; down and over and through once more; dismissing it thus: Away; away into time unspent。 A way; away into life unused。 Be still。 At peace。 In quiet。 And done。〃 Indeed; when I let Dorn go and walked forth into the streets there was only stillness; peace; and quiet。
 So I went to the Duke and waited with him while his counselors wandered about listening to the stillness。 Even then he would have cheated me if he could; saying that none knew whether my Talent would hold。 I told him we would let my Talent summon up something else as a demonstration; and he agreed to payment。
 〃There is in this city the daughter of a merchant; one Sylbie; well dowered。 Last night nobody begot upon her a child which she will bear; e proper season。 It is my will that she be allowed to marry as she will; or not as she chooses; no matter what the cost。〃
 He bloated like a frog。 I thought he would burst; he was so red and purple; and murmurs behind me told me that the Duke had thought of Sylbie for himself。 Well and good。 If she willed it; good。 If she willed it not; then devil take him。 I took her the parchment he had signed and told her the names of the witnesses and took oath to lay upon kindred of mine the obligation to see that the Duke's oath was fulfilled。 Then there were more kisses; and more promises to remember; and I left her。
 Well; it was time to make the 〃periplus of a city;〃 so I walked all the way around it on the ring…road inside the walls。 The 〃stupration incorporeal〃 had been attended to; a mere word play on rape by nobody。 Now I was in search of a 〃garment defiled。〃 In the entire journey; I found only one place that fit; the Dirty Girdle; that same tavern Sylbie had told me of。 So; it being almost time for supper; I went in。 The name was far worse than the place。 It was a drinking place near the vegetable markets and took its name from the farmers' habit of wiping earthy hands upon the ends of their knotted girdles。 The food was good; not expensive; and the people in an ebullient mood; toasting the end of the haunting; for which the Duke had been careful to take credit。 When I asked whether 〃an eyeless Seer〃 frequented the place; they told me Old Vibelo would be in at dusk。 So I drank and listened to the talk and waited for whomever Old Vibelo might be。
 There was some talk of disappearances。 A Wizard from a town away east had vanished; as well as a respected Armiger from among his people。 This talk reminded me of Himaggery and Windlow; so my earlier feelings of acplishment and self… satisfaction were much dwindled by the time the blind Seer tapped his way through the door。 I greeted him kindly and offered him a meal in exchange for his pany。 This seemed to surprise him; but he was nothing loath to take advantage of the offer。 After a few mugs I could not have stopped the flow of talk had I willed to。 So; I asked him the name of the place from which he came; and how he had first e to Betand。
 〃Ah; that is a story。〃 He raised his head and his toothless gums showed between curly lips。 〃For a man with time to listen; that is a story indeed。〃
 I told him I had time。 Since I had no idea what the next phrases of Mavin's enigmatic directions meant; it would be wisest to listen to anything he might offer; hoping that sense would e out of it。 〃Say away;〃 I said。 〃I'll keep your glass filled。〃
 He began talking at once; stopping only long enough to gulp more beer or put more food into his mouth。
 〃I was reared in Levila;〃 he said; 〃beside the shores of the Glistening Sea where Games are mostly in fun and Seers see nothing but peace。 That is east of here some considerable way; Gamesman; some considerable way indeed。 We have not so many of the Schools there; you understand; and many of us grow up in our own homes with family; it being a peaceful place。
 'Well; peaceful is well enough; but dull; if you take my meaning。 For a young fellow with molten iron in his veins and a heart set for adventure; peaceful is duller than bearable。 So; when I was some twenty years in growth; with Talent as good as it was likely' to get (not to say it was too great a one; ever; but good enough for some purposes) I made pact with an Explorer to go into the nor

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