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sheritepper.necromancer nine-第16部分

小说: sheritepper.necromancer nine 字数: 每页4000字

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tening to carry it out once more。 In my sleep…befuddled mind it seemed fortuitous; a boat to carry me west。 I stumbled out of my blanket; still half asleep; intending to pull the boat further onto the shore。
 Then; as I stumbled toward the boat; an anguished keening came out of the dark; and I was stopped; unable to move further。 There were little arms about my legs; thrusting me back; tugging at me; moving me away from the boat。 Between me and the impalpable glow; I could see their figures outlined。 Two or three of them carried something among them; a balk of timber perhaps…something bulky。 They went close to the boat; heaved their burden high and ran wildly away。 The bulky burden fell within the boat。
 And the boat tilted upward; rose into the air; became the end of an enormous pillar to which it was attached; a monstrous; flexible arm upon which it was only a leaf…shaped tip; one among many mighty tentacles thrashing upward in a maelstrom of sinew to tangle themselves around the 〃boat〃 and carry it beneath the surface。 The little fingers pushed me back; back; and from the waters those tentacles came once more; questing across the pebbles with palpable anger to find the prey they had been denied。 Against the watery glow I thought I saw a nimbus outlining an eye; rounder than the moon and as cold; peering enormously at the small shadowy figures which capered on the pebbled shore and hooted as they danced。
 They were quadrumanna; the four…handed ones; shadow people; silky…furred; with ears like delicate wings upon their heads and sharp little teeth which glinted in the half light of the stars。 All through the hooting and warbling they never ceased to tug at me; back away from the water's edge; back to the place I had slept。 As we went they acted out the rage of the water creature。 letting their long; supple arms twist like the tentacles; dropping them onto the pebbles in an excess of artful rage。 〃Hoc; hoc; boor; ocr; ocr。〃 Others gathered from the streamside until I was surrounded by a jigging multitude。 All sleep had been driven away。 I fed sticks into a hastily kindled fire; watching the celebration。
 One of them brought me a fruit; which I ate; and this moved others to bring me bits of this and that; some of which smelled and tasted good; others which I could not bring myself to put in my mouth。 They learned quickly。 If I rejected a thing; they brought no more of it。 After a time the excitement dwindled。 and they gathered in crouching rows to watch me。 I reached to the nearest; patted…him (or her; or it) saying; 〃Friend。〃 They liked that。 Several mimicked my word in my own voice; and others took it up; 〃Friend; rend; end; end; end。〃 At this; a silvery one from among them was moved to stand and e to my side; to strike his chest with an open hand。 〃Proom;〃 he said。 〃Proom。 Proom。〃
 I tapped his chest; said 〃Proom;〃 then struck my own。 〃Peter。〃
 〃Peter; eater; ter; ter;〃 they murmured; enchanted。
 The grizzled one waved at the waters; at the tremulous surface; mimed a swimming stroke; raised his hands in the writhing mime of tentacles。 〃D'bor。〃
 I pointed to the waves and repeated the word。 He nodded。 It seemed to be going well from his point of view。
 〃D'bor; nononononono;〃 he said proudly; miming swimming once more。 〃nonononono。〃
 I laughed。 〃Nonononono。〃 I agreed; at which we both nodded; satisfied。 Mavin's words came to me。 〃Walk on fire; but do not swim in water。〃 Surely。 Water was a nonononono。
 Well then; walk on fire I would; if I could find any。 I fed sticks to the fire; building the blaze high; then stood to point both hands toward it in a hierarchic gesture before walking around it; one hand over my eyes; peering into the darkness north; west; south; and east; then pointing to the fire once more。 They conferred among themselves; a quiet gabble。 The grey one pointed to the fire; 〃Thruf;〃 he said。 Then he turned toward the north。 〃Thruf;〃 he said again; indicating something big; bigger; huge。
 I mimicked his mime; used his word。 〃Thruf;〃 made walking motions。 The soft gabbling continued among them; and several got up to e after me; following; walky…walky in the soft grass; going nowhere。 They giggled。 Evidently several would go with me; when I went。 Time enough to go when the sun came up; or so I thought。 They thought otherwise。 The ones who had appointed themselves; or had been appointed; for all I knew; took up my belongings and went to get my horse; standing nose to nose with the beast as each made whiffling noises of intimate interrogation and reply。 Nothing would do but that I mount the animal and go along quietly as they led him。 Well enough。 If I put my mind to it; I could almost sleep in the saddle。 So we went; along the pebbled shoreline of the waters…though well back from the edge…toward the north。 The sky grew dim; milky with dawn; and my guides showed consternation amounting almost to agitation。 There was an abrupt halt  to forward movement; a casting about from place to place; then a long 〃hoor…oor…oor〃 from a forested slope。 The others followed it and brought me to a cave let; dark as a nostril in the side of the mountain。 They laid my belongings down; made quick forays into the wood for dry branches and twigs; piled these beside the wall of the hill; then vanished within the darkness to a trailing 〃hoor…oor…oor…oor。〃 I decided this meant hello; goodbye; and here…I…am。 I called softly after them。 The answer was silence。
 So。 I was abandoned for the daylight hours。 Their huge eyes and winglike ears should have told me they were creatures of the dark。 I had the day before me and was not sleepy; so I went fishing。 It took half the day to make a proper fish spear and half the afternoon to spear fish enough for the troop。 I had a nap and built the fire up before they appeared at dusk。 I was not long in doubt whether they liked fish; for there was much smacking of narrow lips; rubbing of round bellies; and hooting of a melodious kind。 When they had eaten every scrap of skin and sniffed the bones several times; they urged me into the saddle once more to ride throughout the night。 Again; they led while I slept; waking only a little now and again to see a changed horizon; a mountain moved from before me to behind me。 I told off the days of my journey; counted them; named them over。 Tomorrow; I told myself; would be rabbit day。 I had little food left in the saddle bags and we had left the stream behind us。
 So it went; rabbit day succeeded by dove day; succeeded by fish day II; succeeded by the day we ate greens and nuts。 The little people were mightily disappointed at this; but I had had no luck at all in the hunt。 We had e to a stretch of moorland crossed by tiny rivulets。 There was greenery aplenty; but nothing seemed to be feeding on it but us。 That night; half way through the dark hours' travel; I saw the glow of fire upon the horizon; half hidden behind a bulk of hill。 Before morning it stood plain before us; fountains of fire; and behind them more fountains yet to the limits of vision。 〃Thruf;〃 gabbled my escort in great satisfaction。 〃Thrufarufarufaruf〃 I presumed that this meant more fires than one。
 As there were。 Soon we walked among them; the glowing hills around us closer and more difficult to avoid。 Flames erupted from hidden vents in the stone; liquid fire ran into crevasses to glow and breathe like embers; nearer and nearer。 Soon we came to a place where there was no avoidance possible。 Directly before the horse's nose a wide strip of glowing lava lay; shining scarlet in the light wind; crusted and scabbed with cinder。 The horse shuddered and refused to go further。 〃Chirrup;〃 said one of the shadow people importantly; pulling at my leg。 〃Chirrup。〃 They pulled my things from the home's back; handing me some of them to carry; carrying others themselves。 Then; without hesitation; the chirruping four…handed one set his furry feet onto the glowing stone。 Others followed; one re…maining behind to hold the horse。 〃Walk on fire;〃 I told myself; sweating; waiting for the pain to burn upward through the soles of my boots。 Nothing。 Around me the crackle of flames; but my feet were cool。 〃Chirrup;〃 my guide called。 〃Thrufarufarufarufamf〃
 We walked as on a road of glass。 The appearance

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