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小说: jak.themothmanprophecies 字数: 每页4000字

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  Dazzled and disbelieving; the Herns woke up their neighbors; Mr。 and Mrs。 Walter Taylor; who joined them。 Red and orange lights flashed on and off; and one light seemed to be directed toward the water most of the time。 Finally the lights went out and a bright greenish light came on。 Then the object rose straight up into the air and disappeared into the sky。
  〃I've lived on this riverbank since I was twelve years old;〃 Mr。 Hern told Mary Hyre and myself; 〃and I know every boat light; but this was definitely something I've never seen before。〃
  〃It's a funny thing;〃 Mrs。 Hern added。 〃We were so stunned we didn't even talk about it afterwards。 We just sat silently at the kitchen table。 We even forgot to say our 'thank you's' that morning。〃
  As soon as Mrs。 Hyre began publishing UFO reports in the Messenger dozens of other people came forward with their own stories。 She was able to print only a small percentage of all the reports she received。
  Dr。 Morgan; the Parkersburg psychiatrist; was watching a football game on television in his home in a suburb of the city that December when he was overe by a strange sensation。 A voice began to speak to him; announcing that it came from a spaceship somewhere overhead。 He was being a contactee!
  (A year later; Woodrow Derenberger was a guest on Long John Nebel's radio talk show in New York and I was one of the panelists。 Long John phoned Dr。 Morgan on the air and he described his experiences in a beeper…phone conversation。)
  While Dr。 Morgan was tuning in to that phantom reality of the superspectrum; Woody was entertaining more interesting visitors at Mineral Wells。 A man identifying himself as Captain Bruce Parsons of the NASA security police at Cocoa Beach; Florida; called on him and invited him to Cape Kennedy; home of our space program。 Shortly after Christmas; Woody; his wife; and children flew to Cape Kennedy to spend a week with Captain Parsons。 By day they toured the great rocket…launching installation。 But each evening Woody was taken to a room somewhere on the Cape where he was questioned for hours; covering every detail of bis visits with Indrid Cold。 One of his questioners was a man identified as the head of NASA and called simply 〃Charlie。〃 (*)
  According to Woody; at the end of the week his interrogators showed him a star map and pointed to a speck on it telling him; 〃That's where they're from。〃 They said they had interviewed several other contactees; all with stories similar to his own。 When he asked why they didn't release their UFO information to the public; they allegedly replied that it would only cause panic。 Women would mit suicide; throw babies out the window; and this kind of panic could sweep the world; they said。
  Derenberger brought home a flock of souvenirs as proof of his trip: photographs and even a scrap of the material used in our astronauts' space suits。 This; Woody says; is the same kind of reflective material worn by Indrid Cold under his coat on that rainy November evening。 
  '*' The head of NASA at that time was Dr。 Thomas O。 Paine。 
   8 … Procession of the Damned
  While Mothman and Indrid Cold attracted all the publicity and turned everyone's eyes to the deep skies of night; the strange ones began to arrive in West Virginia。 They trooped down from the hills; along the muddy back roads; up from the winding 〃hollers;〃 like an army of leprechauns seeking impoverished shoemakers。 It was open season on the human race and so the ancient procession of the damned marched once more。 A doctor and his wife driving along a country road in a snowstorm saw a huge; caped figure of a man struggling through the snow; so they stopped to give him a ride。 He vanished。 There was nothing but whirling snowflakes and night where he had stood。
  Black limousines halted in front of the hill homes and deeply tanned 〃census takers〃 inquired about the number of children living with the families。 Always the children。 In several instances; the occupants of the big black cars merely asked for a glass of water。 The old fairy trick; taken up from the Middle Ages and dusted off。 A blond woman in her thirties; well…groomed; with a soft southern accent; visited people in Ohio and West Virginia whom I had interviewed。 She introduced* herself as 〃John Keel's secretary;〃 thus winning instant admission。 The clipboard she carried held a plicated form filled with personal questions about the witnesses' health; ine; the type of cars they owned; their general family background; and some fairly sophisticated questions about their UFO sightings。 Not the type of questions a run…of…the…mill UFO buff would ask。
  I have no secretary。 I didn't learn about this woman until months later when one of my friends in Ohio wrote to me and happened to mention; 〃As I told your secretary when she was here 。。。〃 Then I checked and found out she had visited many people; most of whom I had never mentioned in print。 How had she located them?
  There were other weird types on the loose。 In early December one of them tried to waylay Mrs。 Marcella Bennett; one of the ladies who had had the frightening meeting with Mothman in the TNT area on November 16。 She and her small daughter; Teena; were driving along a deserted back road outside of Point Pleasant when she became aware of a red Ford Galaxie following her。 It was driven by a large man; a stranger; she said; who appeared to be wearing a very bushy fright wig。 She slowed down; expecting the vehicle would pass。 Instead; it tried to force her off the road。 She accelerated and the other car raced around her; shot down the road; and disappeared around a bend。 When she circled the bend she was alarmed to find that the Ford was now parked crossways on the narrow dirt road; blocking it。 Badly frightened; she warned her daughter to hold on and jammed the gas pedal to the floor。 The other driver; seeing that she didn't mean to stop; pulled over hastily and let her pass。 She had never seen the man before。 And she never saw him again。 Molestations of this sort were rare; virtually nonexistent; in Point Pleasant before Mothman arrived。
  Mrs。 Mary Hyre entertained the first of her long string of peculiar visitors early in January 1967。 She was working late in her office opposite the county courthouse when her door opened and a very small man entered。 He was about four feet six inches tall; she told me in a phone call soon afterward。 Although it was about 20°F。 outside; he was wearing nothing but a short…sleeved blue shirt and blue trousers of thin…looking material。 His eyes were dark and deepset; and were covered with thick…lensed glasses。 He was wearing odd shoes with very thick soles which probably added an inch or two to his height。
  Speaking in a low; halting voice; he asked her for directions to Welch; West Virginia; a town in the southeastern tip of the state。 She thought at first that he had some kind of speech impediment。 His black hair was long and cut squarely 〃like a bowl haircut〃 and his eyes remained fixed on her in an unflinching; hypnotic way。
  〃He kept getting closer and closer;〃 she reported。 〃His funny eyes staring at me almost hypnotically。〃
  He told her a long…winded; disjointed story about his truck breaking down in Detroit; Michigan。 He had hitchhiked all the way from Detroit。 As he talked; he inched closer and closer to her; and she became frightened; thinking she had some kind of a nut on her hands。 She pulled back from her desk and ran into the back room where her newspaper's circulation manager was working on a telephone campaign。 He joined her and they spoke together to the little man。
  〃He seemed to know more about West Virginia than we did;〃 she declared later。
  At one point the telephone rang; and while she was speaking on it the little man picked up a ball…point pen from her desk and examined it with amazement; 〃as if he had never seen a pen before。〃
  〃You can have that if you want it;〃 she offered。 He responded with a loud; peculiar laugh; a kind of cackle。 Then he ran out into the night and disappeared 

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