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小说: jak.themothmanprophecies 字数: 每页4000字

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  She phoned me the next day。
  〃Why did you bend the disc and tear up the paper?〃 she demanded。
  She had just received the envelope and found that the parchment in the sealed inner envelope had been ripped into three pieces。 The metal disc was bent; as if it had been folded double and then unfolded again。 It had also turned charcoal black and smelled like 〃rotten eggs。〃
  The implication was clear。 Someone had the ability to intercept the U。S。 mails and tamper with things in sealed envelopes!
  While Jane was holding clandestine meetings with Mr。 Apol and his mysterious lady friend; Jaye P。 Paro was being entertained by the redoubtable Princess Moon Owl; a character who would bee a legend on Long Island by the end of 1967。 At 3:30 P。M。 on June 11; 1967; Jaye entered the studios of WBAB and found a very weird woman waiting for her。 She was at least six feet tall; was very dark (Negroid); with large; glassy eyes; and wore a costume largely made up of feathers。 She was gasping and wheezing; having great difficulty breathing。 Jaye thought she was having a heart attack。
  〃I am Princess Moon Owl;〃 she declared between wheezes。 〃I am from another planet。 I came here by flying saucer。〃
  Jaye slapped a tape on a tape recorder and offered to interview her for the air。 The Princess was delighted; pulled herself together; and delivered a hilarious thirty…minute monologue about life on the planet Ceres in the asteroid belt。 She seemed to be familiar with all the New York/ Long Island UFO buffs and eccentrics; denouncing some as 〃phonies〃 and praising others。 As the interview progressed; Jaye became increasingly unfortable。 Cerians had a problem with body odor。 〃She stank like rotten eggs;〃 Jaye said afterward。 The smell was slight at first but gradually became overpowering。 The Princess admitted to being 〃Seven Ooongots〃 old 。。。 or about 350 Earth years。
  While the interview was in progress; I was sitting in my New York apartment and my telephone was going crazy。 It rang several times but there was no one on the other end。 (Until this period I had had very few problems with my personal phone。) Later that afternoon I received a call from a middle…aged woman who said she was Princess Moon Owl and that I could reach her through 〃contactee Paro。〃 The woman's voice did not resemble the voice on Jaye's tape; which I heard later。
  The taped Moon Owl sounded like a man faking an Aunt Jemima accent。 He was a very bad actor。 I accused Jaye of a hoax and advised her not to put the interview on the air。 If it was not a hoax; then Moon Owl was the victim of demonic possession (Jaye's description of the Princess's behavior certainly indicated this)。 Jaye aired the tape anyway and Long Island's lunatic fringe went wild with joy。 At last a genuine space person was in their midst。
  Once she had established her credentials on WBAB; Moon Owl began to systematically telephone all of Long Island's prominent UFO enthusiasts。 They accepted her authenticity without question。 What troubled me was the fact that she managed to vector in on a number of unlisted numbers; and she obviously knew a great deal about the local personalities。 The most suspicious things of all were her transparent references to a major UFO convention scheduled to be held that June 24 in New York's Hotel modore。 James Moseley; publisher of Saucer News; had rented the hotel's auditorium and practically an entire floor for the event and was staging press conferences and radio and television appearances to promote his investment。 Princess Moon Owl seemed to fit too neatly into the publicity campaign。
  Meanwhile; Jane's phantom friends were visiting her daily and helpfully giving her surprising information about my own 〃secret〃 investigations。 My interview with the Christiansens of Cape May; and the details of their pill…popping visitor; Tiny; was then known only to a few trusted people like Ivan Sanderson。 But on June 12; Mr。 Apol and his friends visited Jane when she was alone in her house and asked for water so they could take some pills。 Then they presented her with three of the same pills; told her to take one at that moment; and to take one other in two days。 The third pill; they said; was for her to have analyzed to assure herself it was harmless。 They undoubtedly knew that she would turn it over to me。
  Two hours after she took the first pill she came down with a blinding headache; her eyes became bloodshot; and the vision in her right eye was affected。 When her parents came home they expressed concern because her eyes were glassy and her right eye seemed to have a cast。
  The sample pill proved to be a sulfa drug normally prescribed for infections of the urinary tract。 … Two days later she obligingly took the second pill and her phone rang shortly afterward。 A man with 〃a crude Brooklyn accent〃 told her he was Col。 John Dalton of the air force and wanted to talk to her about 〃Mitchell Field。〃 She told him; honestly; that she didn't know anything about Mitchell Field。 He insisted that he wanted to talk to her。 Would she e to his office? She asked where his office was and he hesitated for a moment; then said he would interview her at her house。 He didn't ask for her address and since she hadn't reported anything to the air force; she wondered how he had gotten her phone number。
  At 7:45 P。M。 the next evening Jane's parents left the house for a few hours and as soon as they were gone Colonel Dalton and his partner; a young lieutenant; rang her bell。 Both men seemed normal and were polite and well…spoken。 Colonel Dalton was in civilian clothes 。。。 a black suit; naturally。 He was about five feet eight inches tall; had brown hair; brown eyes; and 〃a very pointed nose。〃 The lieutenant was two or three inches taller; in an air force uniform; with 〃whitish blond hair that looked dyed〃 cut very short; 〃like a crewcut growing back in。〃 They flashed identification cards with their photographs affixed。
  The colonel asked her what she knew about a local saucer landing and saucer occupants in the area。 Jane laughed and said she didn't believe in flying saucers。
  〃We know all about the shenanigans in this building;〃 Dalton told her curtly。 〃A lot of funny people have been going in and out。〃
  〃Well; maybe some of my relatives are a little strange;〃 Jane smiled。
  Dalton opened his briefcase and brought out a sheaf of printed forms。 He handed her a long; plicated form and asked her to fill it out。 She took it; read it over; then handed it back。
  〃If you don't want to fill it out;〃 he said; handing her a pen; 〃you can just sign it。〃
  〃Now that would be pretty stupid; wouldn't it?〃 Jane said。
  Later she recalled that the form did not ask any questions about UFOs but was solely concerned with personal history; education; medical background; and family history。 〃It even asked when my grandmother died and what she died of;〃 Jane told me。
  Finally the two men gave up trying to browbeat her and left。 She saw them drive away in a blue station wagon。
  Around this same time two young men visited Mary
  …Hyre at her home in Point Pleasant。 Both were wearing
  black clothes; and both had short white hair。 〃It looked so
  unnatural;〃 she exclaimed。 〃I wondered why such young
  men would dye their hair such an odd color。〃
  At first she assumed they were just more in the endless stream of UFO buffs; but they seemed to know very little about flying saucers。 They were mainly concerned with asking questions about me; which she hedged。
  〃Did they use any unusual words or expressions?〃 I asked Mary on the phone。
  〃Not really。 Just when they went out the door 。。。 one of them turned and said something like; 'We'll see you in 〃time〃 or 〃sometime〃。' It sounded odd the way he said it; like it was meant to mean something。〃
  Tom's meeting with Vadig was still six months away so the phrase meant nothing to me。
  On June 19 Mr。 Apol gave Jane a message to pass along to me。 It was a prediction: 〃Things will be

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