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  Jacks told me several times that the air force did not have any kind of a UFO photo file。 A year later; however; a science writer named Lloyd Malian was given over one hundred pictures from that nonexistent file。 Jacks also informed me that no UFO reports were stored in the Pentagon。 They were all at Wright…Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio。 I didn't visit Wright…Patterson but Mort Young of the now…defunct New York Journal…American did。 I asked Mort to write his experience for this book。
  〃Records of UFO reports; I was told at the Pentagon; are all kept at Wright…Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton; Ohio;〃 Mort explains。
  So I went to Dayton。 There I was told that UFO reports are filed at the Pentagon; and I could have seen them in Washington。 I later learned that not only are UFO reports filed at the Pentagon and at Project Blue Book headquarters in Dayton; but are also forwarded to at least two other addresses where; presumably; they are also filed。 One might hope that at these other places; the files are in better order than at Blue Book; where individual sightings are inplete。 Files I asked for were either handed to me with pages missing; entire parts missing; or the file itself was missing: the air force having 〃no information〃 on the sighting in question。 Some files were in disreputable state: page upon page jammed into brown folders。 The information that was there would have to be sorted chronologically; at least; before one could sit down; read it through and e out the wiser。 I would rather try to explain a UFO than make sense out of an air force UFO report
  Some of the allegations of the UFO believers had merit。 The air force was struggling to keep the issues confused。 They did lie; and on occasion they lied outrageously; to reporters。 Photographs sent to them by well…meaning citizens often disappeared forever into the maw at Wright…Patterson。
  But from my own investigations I could not honestly accuse them of having a wing of Oriental officers whose assignment was to squelch witnesses。 Other writers such as Lloyd Malian were reaching similar conclusions。 By 1967; Lieutenant Colonel Jacks had retired and been replaced by Lt。 Col。 George P。 Freeman。 Freeman was a kinder; more tactful soul and gave our reports serious consideration。 On February 15; 1967; a confidential letter went out from the Pentagon to all mands。
  Information has reached headquarters USAF that persons claiming to represent the air force or other defense establishments have contacted citizens who have sighted unidentified flying objects。 In one reported case; an individual in civilian clothes; who represented himself as a member of NORAD; demanded and received photos belonging to a private citizen。 In another; a person in an air force uniform approached local police and other citizens who had sighted a UFO; assembled them in a schoolroom and told them that they did not see what they thought they saw and that they should not talk to anyone about the sighting。 All military and civilian personnel and particularly information officers and UFO investigating officers who hear of such reports should immediately notify their local OSI 'Office of Special Investigations' offices。 
  Hewitt T。 Wheless; Lt。 Gen。 USAF 
  Asst Vice Chief of Staff
  Project Blue Book was formally shut down in December 1969。 But the 〃Men in Black〃 have not retired。 They were busy again in the wake of the October 1973 UFO wave。 And in January 1974 they even appeared in Sweden; using the same tactics that were so effective here。 Even the gasoline shortage failed to deter those black Cadillacs from their mysterious rounds。 
   3 … The Flutter of Black Wings
  Another kind of Man in Black haunted Brooklyn; New York; in 1877…80。 He had wings and performed aerial acrobatics over the heads of the crowds of sunbathers at Coney Island。 A Mr。 W。 H。 Smith first reported these strange flights in a letter to the New York Sun; September 18; 1877。 The creature was not a bird; but 〃a winged human form。〃
  This flying man became a local sensation and; according to the New York Times; September 12; 1880; 〃many reputable persons〃 saw him as he was 〃engaged in flying toward New Jersey。〃 He maneuvered at an altitude of about one thousand feet; sporting 〃bat's wings〃 and making swimming…like movements。 Witnesses claimed to have seen his face clearly。 He 〃wore a cruel and determined expression。〃 The entire figure was black; standing out sharply against the clear blue sky。 Since he wasn't towing an advertising sign behind him; and since the primitive gliders of experimenters during that period rarely traveled far; and then usually downhill; the incidents are without explanation。
  Leonardo da Vinci studied the flights of birds in the fifteenth century and tried to build a man…powered ornithopter without success。 Thousands of other basement inventors have worked on the idea since; constructing canvas wings that were moved by the muscles of the optimistic pilots。 Most of these weird…looking machines became instant junk on their first test flights。 And several overconfident types went crashing to their deaths when they leaped off cliffs and high buildings in their homemade wings。 It was not until May 2; 1962; that a man really succeeded in flying under his own power。 Mr。 John C。 Wimpenny flew 993 yards at an altitude of five feet in a contraption with rigid wings and a pedal…driven propeller at Hatfield; Hertfordshire; in England。
  The principle of the ornithopter…propulsion through the birdlike movement of wings…has been known for centuries but no one has been able to make it work。 No human; that is。 Machines flying through the air with moving wings have frequently been sighted during UFO waves。 But the UFO enthusiasts tend to ignore any reports which describe things other than disks or cigar…shaped objects。
  In 1905 〃a titanic white bird〃 fluttered around California。 One witness; J。 A。 Jackson; 〃a well…known resident of Silshee;〃 was paying a visit to his outhouse at 1:30 A。M。 on August 2 when he saw a brilliant light in the sky。 It seemed to be attached to a seventy…foot 〃airship〃 with wings。 〃The mysterious machine appeared to be propelled by the wings alone and rose and fell as the wings flapped like a gigantic bird;〃 the Brawley; California; News reported; August 4; 1905。 Others in the area reported seeing the same thing。
  Winged beings are an essential part of the folklore of every culture。 From the times of Babylonia and the Pharaohs; sculptors were preoccupied with putting wings on lions and unidentifiable beasts。 Although the angels of biblical times were never described as being winged; painters and sculptors have always persisted in giving them feathered appendages。 (Actually; the old…time angels appeared like ordinary human beings。 They even had supper with Lot。) When demons overran the planet during the Dark Ages they were also recorded as monstrous entities with bats' wings。
  Remote areas of the world are still said to be inhabited by harpies and winged humans。 On July 11; 1908; the famous Russian traveler V。 K。 Arsenyev was trekking along the Gobilli River when he had this encounter: (*)
  。。。 I saw the mark on the path that was very similar to a man's footprint。 My dog Alpha bristled up; snarled and then something rushed about nearby trampling among the bushes。 
  '*' Yuri B。 Petrenko; 〃Forerunner of the Flying 'Lady' of Vietnam?〃 Flying Saucer Review; vol。 19; no。 2 (March…April 1973): 29…30。 
  However; it didn't go away; but stopped nearby; standing stock…still。 We had been standing like that for some minutes 。。。 then I stooped; picked up a stone and threw it towards the unknown animal。 Then something happened that was quite unexpected: I heard the beating of wings。 Something large and dark emerged from the fog and flew over the river。 A moment later it disappeared into the dense mist My dog; badly frightened; pressed itself to my feet。
  After supper I told the Udehe…men about this incident。 They broke into a vivid story about a man who could fly i

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