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小说: cc.vixen03 字数: 每页4000字

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 Before he could fake a protest; Loren climbed over his chest and straddled him; her hands pressing against his shoulders。 He tensed himself; circled his hands behind her; and squeezed her soft cheek bottoms。 She felt him grow beneath her and his heat seemed to radiate through her skin。
 〃Fishing;〃 she said in a husky voice。 〃The only rod you know how to use doesn't have a reel。〃
 They had breakfast at noon。 Pitt showered and dressed and returned to the kitchen。 Loren was bent over the sink; vigorously scrubbing a blackened pan。 She wore an apron and nothing else。 He stood in the doorway; watching her small breasts jiggle; taking his time about button…ing his shirt。
 〃I wonder what your constituency would say if they could see you now;〃 he said。
 〃Screw my constituency;〃 she said; grinning devilishly。 〃My private life is none of their damned business。〃
 〃 'Screw my constituency;' 〃 Pitt repeated solemnly; gesturing as though he were taking notes。 〃Another entry in the scandalous life of little Loren Smith; congressional representative of Colorado's graft…ridden seventh district。〃
 〃You're not funny。〃 She turned and threatened him with the dishpan。 〃There is no political hanky…panky in the seventh district; and I am the last one on Capitol Hill who can be accused of being on the take。〃
 〃Ah 。 。 。 but your sexual excesses。 Think what journalistic hay the media might make out of that。 I may even expose you myself and write a best…selling book。〃
 〃As long as I don't keep my lovers on office payroll or entertain them on my congressional expense account; I can't be touched。〃 '
 〃What about me?〃
 〃You paid your half of the groceries; remember?〃 She dried the pan and set it in the cupboard。
 〃How can I build a business out of being kept;〃 Pitt said sadly; 〃if I have a cheap screw for a mistress?〃
 She put her arms around his neck and kissed his chin。 〃The next time you pick up a horny girl at a Washington cocktail party; I suggest you demand an accounting of her financial assets。〃
 Good lord; she recalled; that awful party thrown by the Secretary of Environment。 She hated the Capital social scene。 Unless a function was tied in to Colorado interests or one of her mittee assignments; she usually went home after work to a mangy cat named Ichabod and whatever movie was playing on television。
 Loren's eyes had been magnetically drawn to him as he stood in the flickering light of the lawn torches。 She had stared brazenly while carry…ing on a partisan conversation with another Independent Party con…gressman; Morton Shaw; of Florida。
 She felt a strange quickening of her pulse。 That seldom happened and she wondered why it was happening now。 He was not handsome; not in a      ' Paul Newman sort of way; and yet there was a virile; no…nonsense aura about him that appealed to her。 He was tall; and she preferred tall men。
 He was alone; talking to no one; observing the people around him with a look of genuine interest rather than bored aloofness。 When he became aware of Loren's stare; he simply stared back with a frank; appraising expression。
 〃Who is that wallflower over there in the shadows?〃 she asked Morton Shaw。
 Shaw turned and gazed in the direction Loren indicated with a tilt of her head。 His eyes blinked in recognition and he laughed。 〃Two years in Washington and you don't know who that is?〃
 〃If I knew; I wouldn't ask;〃 she said airily。
 〃His name is Pitt; Dirk Pitt。 He's special…projects director for the National Underwater and Marine Agency。 You know…he's the guy who headed up the Titanic's salvage operation。〃
 She felt stupid for not having made the connection。 His picture and the story of the famous liner's successful resurrection had been headlined everywhere for weeks by the news media。 So this was the man who had taken on the impossible and beaten the odds。 She excused herself from Shaw and made her way through the crowd to Pitt。
 〃Mr。 Pitt;〃 she said。 That was as far as she got。 A breeze shifted the flames of the torches just then and the new angle caused a glinting reflection in Pitt's eyes。 Loren felt a fever in her stomach that had e Only once before; when she was very young and had a crush on a professional skier。 She was thankful the dim light shaded the flush that must have tinted her cheeks。
 〃Mr。 Pitt;〃 she said again。 She couldn't seem to get the right words out。 He looked down at her; waiting。 An introduction; you fool; she yelled inside her mind。 Instead she blurted; 〃Now that you've raised the Titanic; what are you planning for your next project?〃
 〃That's a pretty tough act to follow;〃 he said; smiling warmly。 〃My next project; though; will be one with great personal satisfaction; one that I shall savor with great delight。〃
 〃And that is?〃
 〃The seduction of Congresswoman Loren Smith。〃
 Her eyes widened。 〃Are you joking?〃
 〃I never regard sex with a ravishing politician lightly。〃
 〃You're cute。 Did the opposition party put you up to this?〃
 Pitt did not reply。 He took her by the hand and led her through the house; which was crammed with Washington's power elite; and escorted her outside; to his car。 She followed without protest; out of curiosity more than obedience。
 As he pulled the car into the tree…lined street; she finally asked; 〃Where are you taking me?〃
 〃Step one〃…he flashed a galvanizing smile…〃we find an intimate little bar where we can relax and exchange our innermost desires。〃
 〃And step two?〃 she asked; her voice low。
 〃I take you for a hundred…mile…an…hour ride down Chesapeake Bay in a hydrofoil racing boat。〃
 〃Not this girl。〃
 〃I have this theory;〃 Pitt continued。 〃Adventure and excitement never fail to transform gorgeous congresswomen into mad; insatiable beasts。〃
 Afterward; as the sun's morning warmth fingered the drifting boat; Loren would have been the last person on earth to dispute Pitt's seduc…tion theory。 She noted with sensuous satisfaction that his shoulders bore her teeth and claw marks to prove it。
 Loren released her hold and pushed Pitt toward the front door of the cabin。 〃So much for fun and games。 I've got a batch of correspondence to clear up before we can drive down to Denver for a shopping spree tomorrow。 Why don't you go on a nature hike or something for a few hours。 Later; I'll fix us a fattening dinner and we'll spend another perverted evening snuggling by the fire。〃
 〃I think I'm all perverted out;〃 he said; stretching。 〃Besides; nature hikes are definitely not my bag。〃 〃Go fishing; then。〃
 He looked at her。 〃You never got around to telling me where。〃 〃A quarter of a mile over the hill behind the cabin。 Table Lake。 Dad used to catch his limit of trout there all the time。〃
 〃Thanks to you〃…he peered at her sternly…〃I'm getting a late start。〃 〃Tough。〃
 〃I didn't bring any fishing gear。 Your dad leave any around?〃 〃Under the cabin; in the garage。 He used to keep all his tackle down there。 Keys to the door lock are on the mantel。〃
 The lock was stiff from nonuse。 Pitt spit on it and twisted the key as hard as he dared without breaking it。 At last the tumblers gave and he squeaked the old twin doors open。 After waiting a minute to adjust his eyes to the darkened enclosure; he stepped inside and looked around。 There was a dusty workbench with its tools all neatly hanging in place。 Cans of various sizes lined several shelves; some containing paint; some containing nails and assorted hardware。
 Pitt soon found a fishing…tackle box under tiie bench。 The pole took a little longer to find。 He barely made one out in a dim corner of the garage。 What seemed to be a piece of bulky equipment shrouded under a canvas drop cloth stood in his way。 He couldn't quite reach the fishing pole; so he tried climbing over the obstruction。 It shifted under his weight and he fell backward; clutching the drop cloth in a vain effort to catch his balance before both ended up on the dirt floor of the garage。
 Pitt cursed; brushed himself off; and gazed at what barred him from an afternoon of fishing。 A puzzled frown gripped his features。 He knelt down and ran his hand over the two large objects he had accidentally uncovered。 Then he rose and walked outside and called to Loren。 She appeared over the balcony。 〃What's your problem?〃 

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