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小说: cc.vixen03 字数: 每页4000字

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everal seconds; looking pale and very ill。 '?
 〃Are you all right; sir?〃 Pitt asked; ing up behind him。
 The voice that answered was remote and far away。 〃I can't seem to bring myself to look at them。〃
 〃It would serve no purpose;〃 said Pitt gently。
 Bass leaned heavily against the bulkhead; the agony in his chest growing。 〃A minute to get my bearings。 Then I'll take stock of the warheads。〃
 Steiger approached Pitt; gingerly stepping around the canisters as though he were afraid to touch them。 〃Whenever you give the word I'll bring my men on board to recover the remains of the crew。〃
 〃Might as well begin with our unexplained guest。〃 Pitt tilted his head at ajumble of loose canisters。 〃You'll find him strapped to the floor about ten feet to your right。〃
 Steiger searched in the area Pitt instructed and shrugged; his facial expression blank。 〃I don't find anything。〃
 〃You're practically standing on top of him;〃 Pitt said。
 〃What gives; for Christ's sake?〃 Steiger demanded。 〃I'm telling you there's nothing here。〃
 〃You must be blind。〃 Pitt pushed Steiger aside and looked down。 The straps were still attached to the cargo tie…down rings but the body in the old khaki uniform had vanished。 Pitt stared dumbly at the space on the floor while his mind stumbled to grasp the reality of the missing remains。 He knelt and picked up the rotting straps。 They had been cut。
 Steiger's eyes reflected doubt。 〃The water was like ice the day you dived。 Perhaps your mind saw something 。 。 。〃 His voice trailed off but the implication was clear。
 Pitt rose to his feet。 〃He was here;〃 he said; expecting no further argument and receiving none。
 〃Could he have washed out the aft opening during the lift operation?〃 Steiger offered lamely。
 〃Not possible。 The divers who swam beside the wreck to the surface would have reported any debris falling free。〃
 Steiger started to say something; but suddenly his eyes turned un…prehending at a strangled gasping sound that emitted from the forward end of the partment。 〃What in God's name is that?〃
 Pitt wasted no time in answering。 He knew。
 He found Admiral Bass lying on the wet floor; fighting for breath; his skin bathed in cold sweat。 The unbearable severity of the pain contorted his face into a tormented mask。
 〃His heart!〃 Pitt called out to Steiger。 〃Find Giordino and tell him to get that helicopter back here。〃
 Pitt began tearing the clothing away from the admiral's neck and chest。 Bass reached up and grasped Pitt's wrist。 〃The 。 。 。 the warheads;〃 he rasped。
 〃Rest easy。 We'll soon have you on your way to a hospital。〃
 〃The warheads 。 。 。〃 Bass repeated。
 〃All safe in their canisters;〃 Pitt reassured him。
 〃No 。。。 no 。。。 you don't understand。〃 His voice was a hoarse whisper now。 〃The canisters 。。。 I counted them 。 。 。 twenty…eight。〃
 Bass's words were being barely audible; and Pitt had to place his ear at the tremoring lips。
 Giordino rushed up carrying several blankets。 〃Steiger gave me the word;〃 he said tensely。 〃How is he?〃
 〃Still hanging in there;〃 Pitt said。 He released the viselike grip from his wrist and gently squeezed Bass's hand。 〃I'll see to it; Admiral。 That's a promise。〃
 Bass blinked his dulled eyes and nodded in understanding。
 Pitt and Giordino had covered him and cushioned his head with the blankets when Steiger reappeared; followed by two airmen carrying a stretcher。 Only then did Pitt rise to his feet and step aside。 The helicopter had already returned and landed when they carried the still…conscious Bass from Vixen 03。
 Steiger took Pitt's arm。 〃What was he trying to tell you?〃
 〃His inventory of the warhead canisters;〃 Pitt answered。 〃He counted twenty…eight。〃
 〃I pray the old guy makes it;〃 Steiger said。 〃At least he had the satisfaction of knowing the monstrosities were retrieved。 Now all that's 。 left is to dump them in the ocean。 End of horror story。〃
 〃No; I'm afraid it's only the beginning。〃
 〃You're talking in riddles。〃
 〃According to Admiral Bass; Vixen 03 did not depart Buckley Field carrying twenty…eight warheads filled with the Quick Death agent。〃
 Steiger sensed an icy dread in Pitt's tone。 〃But his inventory 。 。 。 the count came to twenty…eight。〃
 〃He should have tallied thirty…six;〃 Pitt said ominously。 〃Eight warheads are missing。〃
 No Return Ticket
 Washington; D。C。… December 1988
 The National Underwater and Marine Agency building; a tubular struc…ture sheeted in green reflective glass; rose thirty stories above an East Washington hill。
 On the top floor Admiral James Sandecker sat behind an immense desk made from a refinished hatch cover salvaged from a Confederate blockade runner in Albemarle Sound。 His private line buzzed。
 〃Pitt here; sir。〃
 Sandecker pushed a switch on a small console that activated a holo…graphic TV camera。 Pitt's lifelike image materialized in three…dimensional depth and color in the middle of the office。
 〃Raise the camera from your end;〃 said Sandecker。 〃You've chopped off your head。〃
 Through the miracle of satellite holography Pitt's face seemed to grow from his shoulders; and his projected self; including voice and gestures; became identical to the original。 The major difference; which never ceased to amuse Sandecker; was that he could pass a hand through the image because it was totally lacking in matter。
 〃That better?〃 asked Pitt。
 〃At least you're whole now。〃 Sandecker wasted no more words。 〃What's the latest on Walter Bass?〃
 Pitt looked tired as he sat on a folding chair beneath a large pine tree; his ebony hair tossed by a stiff breeze。
 〃The heart specialist at the Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Denver reports his condition as stable。 If he survives the next forty…eight hours; his chances for recovery look good。 As soon as he's strong enough for the trip; they're going to transfer him to Bethesda Naval Hospital。〃
 〃What about the warheads?〃
 〃We trucked them to a rail siding in Leadville;〃 Pitt answered slowly。 〃Colonel Steiger volunteered to arrange shipment to Pier Six in San Francisco。〃
 〃Tell Steiger we're grateful for his cooperation。 I've ordered our Pacific Coast research ship to be standing by。 Instructions were given to the skipper to dump the warheads off the continental shelf in ten thousand feet of water。〃 Sandecker hesitated at posing the next ques…tion。 〃Did you locate the missing eight?〃
 Pitt's negative expression answered him even before the image spoke。
 〃No luck; Admiral。 A thorough search of the lake bed failed to turn up a trace。〃
 Sandecker read the frustration on Pitt's face。 〃I fear the time has e to inform the Pentagon。〃
 〃Do you honestly think that a wise course?〃
 〃What other options do we have?〃 Sandecker came back。 〃We don't have the means at our disposal for a large…scale investigation。〃
 〃All we need is a lead;〃 Pitt said; pressing on。 〃Odds favor the warheads' being stored somewhere; gathering dust。 It's even possible the thieves don't know what they really have on their hands。〃
 〃I'll accept that;〃 Sandecker said。 〃But who would want them in the first place? Christ; they weigh nearly a ton each; and they're easily recognizable in exterior appearance as obsolete naval shells。〃
 〃The answer will also lead us to the murderer of Loren Smith's father。〃
 〃No corpus delicti; no crime;〃 Sandecker said。
 〃I know what I saw;〃 Pitt said evenly。
 〃It won't alter present circumstances。 The dilemma staring us all in the face is how to get a tag on those lost warheads and do it before someone gets it in his head to play demolition expert。〃
 Suddenly the exhaustion seemed to drop from Pitt。 〃Something you just said jogged a thought。 Give me five days to flush out the warheads。 If I turn up nothing; then it's your ball game。〃
 Sandecker smiled tightly at Pitt's sudden show of intensity。 〃This happens to be my ball game; any way you look at it;〃 he said sharply。 〃As the senior government official involved in this mess; it became my unwanted responsibility the day you hijacked a NUMA aircraft and underwater camera system。〃
 Pitt stared back across the room but remained discreetly silent。
 Sandecker left Pitt stewing for a moment while he rubbed his eyes。 Then 

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