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小说: gc.shadowslinger 字数: 每页4000字

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while before the Captain's courier letter would have left Charm) for help solving a local problem。 That someone had approached the Lady; when the world's desire is to keep her far away; argued that we faced interesting times。 I wondered about the connection with the Barrowland。
  The negative was that Juniper was so far away。 I was pleased that I would be there when the Captain learned he was expected to head there after resting in Oar; though。
  Could be I'd hear his howl of outrage even from that far。 I knew he wouldn't be happy。
   Chapter Thirteen: JUNIPER: THE ENCLOSURE
  Shed slept badly for weeks。 He dreamt of black glass walls and a man who hadn't been dead。 Twice Raven asked him to join a night hunt。 Twice he refused。 Raven did not press; though they both knew Shed would jump if he insisted。 Shed prayed that Raven would get rich and disappear。 He remained a constant irritant to the conscience。
  Damnit; why didn't Krage go after him?
  Shed couldn't figure why Raven remained unperturbed by Krage。 The man was neither a fool nor stupid。 The alternative; that he wasn't scared; made no sense。 Not to a Matron Shed。 Asa remained on Krage's payroll; but visited regularly; bringing firewood。 By the wagonload; sometimes。 〃What're you up to?〃 Shed demanded one day。  〃Trying to build credit;〃 Asa admitted。 Krage's guys don't like me much。〃
  〃Hardly anybody does; Asa。〃
  〃They might try something nasty。 。。。〃
  〃Want a place to hide when they turn on you; eh? What're you doing for Krage? Why is he bothering with you?〃
  Asa hemmed and hawed。 Shed pushed。 Here was a man he could bully。 〃I watch Raven; Shed。 I report what he does。〃
  Shed snorted。 Krage was using Asa because he was expendable。 He'd had two men disappear early on。 Shed thought he knew where they were。  Sudden fear。 Suppose Asa reported Raven's night adventures? Suppose he'd seen Shed。 。 。 。
  Impossible。 Asa couldn't have kept quiet。 Asa spent his life looking for leverage。
  〃You've been spending a lot lately; Asa。 Where are you getting the money?〃
  Asa turned pale。 He looked around; gobbled a few times。 〃The wood; Shed。 Selling the wood。〃
  〃You're a liar; Asa。 Where're you getting it?〃
  〃Shed; you don't ask questions like that。〃
  〃Maybe not。 But I need money bad。 I owe Krage。 I almost had him paid off。 Then he started buying my little debts from everybody else。 That damned Gilbert! 。。。 I need to get ahead enough so I don't have to borrow again。〃
  The black castle。 Two hundred twenty pieces of silver。 How he had been tempted to attack Raven。 And Raven just smiled into the wind; knowing exactly what he was thinking。 〃Where're you getting that money; Asa?〃
  〃Where did you get the money you paid Krage? Huh? People are wondering; Shed。 You don't e up with that kind of money overnight。 Not you。 You tell me and I'll tell you。〃 Shed backed down。 Asa beamed in triumph。
  〃You little snake。 Get out before I lose my temper。〃  Asa fled。 He looked back once; face knotted thoughtfully。 Damnit; Shed thought。 Made him suspicious。 He ground his rag into a tacky mug。
  〃What was that?〃
  Shed spun。 Raven had e to the counter。 His look brooked no crap。 Shed gave him the gist。
  〃So Krage hasn't quit。〃
  〃You don't know him or you wouldn't ask。 It's you or him; Raven。〃
  〃Then it has to be him; doesn't it?〃
  Shed gaped。 〃A suggestion; Shed。 Follow your friend when he goes wood…gathering。〃 Raven returned to his seat。 He spoke to Darling animatedly; in sign; which he blocked from Shed's view。 The set of the girl's shoulders said she was against whatever it was he was proposing。 Ten minutes later he left the Lily。 Each afternoon he went out for a few hours。 Shed suspected he was testing Krage's watchers。
  Darling leaned against the door frame; watching the street。 Shed watched her; his gaze sliding up and down her frame。 Raven's; he thought。 They're thick。 I don't dare。  But she was such a fine looking thing; tall; lean of leg; ready for a man。 。。。 He was a fool。 He did not need to get caught in that trap; too。 He had troubles enough。  〃I think today would be good for it;〃 Raven said as Shed delivered his breakfast。 〃Eh? Good for what?〃
  〃For a hike up the hill to watch friend Asa。'' 
  〃Oh。 No。 I can't。 Got nobody to watch the place。〃 Back by the counter; Darling bent to pick something off the floor。 Shed's eyes widened and his heart fluttered。 He had to do something。 Visit a whore; or something。 Or get hurt。 But he couldn't afford to pay for it。 〃Darling couldn't handle it alone。〃
  〃Your cousin Wally has stood in for you before。〃 Caught off balance; Shed could not marshall his excuses quickly。 And Darling was driving him to distraction。 She had to start wearing something that concealed the shape of her behind better。 〃Uh。 。。。 He couldn't deal with Darling。 Doesn't know the signs。〃  Raven's face darkened slightly。 〃Give her the day off。 Get that girl Lisa you used when Darling was sick。〃 Lisa; Shed thought。 Another hot one。 〃I only use Lisa when I'm here to watch her。〃 A hot one not attached。 〃She'll steal me blinder than my mother。 。。。〃
  〃Get Wally and Lisa here; then go keep an eye on Asa。 I'll make sure they don't carry off the family silver。〃
  〃But。 。 。 。〃 Raven slapped a palm on the tabletop。 〃I said go!〃
  The day was clear and bright and; for winter; warm。 Shed picked up Asa's trail outside Krage's establishment。
  Asa rented a wagon。 Shed was amazed。 In winter stable…keepers demanded huge deposits。 Draft animals slaughtered and eaten had no provenance。 He thought it a miracle anyone trusted Asa with a team。  Asa went directly to the Enclosure。 Shed stalked along behind; keeping his head down; confident Asa would not suspect him even if he looked back。 The streets were crowded。
  Asa left the wagon in a public grove across a lane running alongside the wall which girdled the Enclosure。 It was one of many similar groves where Juniper's citizenry gathered for the Spring and Autumn Rites for the Dead。 The wagon could not be seen from the lane。
  Shed squatted in shadow and bush and watched Asa dash to the Enclosure wall。 Somebody ought to clear that brush away; Shed thought。 It made the wall look tacky。 For that matter; the wall needed repairing。 Shed crossed and found a gap through which a man could duck…walk。 He crept through。 Asa was crossing an open meadow; hurrying uphill toward a stand of pines。
  The inner face of the wall was brush…masked; too。 Scores of bundles of wood lay among the bushes。 Asa had more industry than Shed had suspected。 Hanging around Krage's gang had changed him。 They had him scared for sure。
  Asa entered the pines。 Shed puffed after him。 Ahead; Asa sounded like a cow pushing through the underbrush。
  The whole Enclosure was tacky。 In Shed's boyhood it had been park…like; a fit waiting place for those who had gone before。 Now it had the threadbare look that characterized the rest of Juniper。
  Shed crept toward hammering racket。 What was Asa doing; making so much noise?
  He was cutting wood from a fallen tree; stacking the pieces in neat bundles。 Shed could not picture the little man orderly; either。 What a difference terror made。 An hour later Shed was ready to give up。 He was cold and hungry and stiff。 He had wasted half a day。 Asa was doing nothing remarkable。 But he persevered。 He had a time investment to recoup。 And an irritable Raven awaiting his report。
  Asa worked hard。 When not chopping; he hustled bundles down to his wagon。 Shed was impressed。
  He stayed; watched; and told himself he was a fool。 This was going nowhere。 Then Asa became furtive。 He collected his tools and concealed them; looked around warily。 This is it; Shed thought。  Asa took off uphill。 Shed puffed after him。 His stiff muscles protested every step。 Asa traveled more than a mile through lengthening shadows。 Shed almost lost him。 A clinking brought him back to the track。
  The little man was using flint and steel。 He crouched over a supply of torches wrapped in an oilskin; taken from hiding。 He got a brand burning; hastened into some brush。 A moment later he clambered over some rocks beyond; disappeared。 Shed g

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