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小说: gc.shadowslinger 字数: 每页4000字

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g; hastened into some brush。 A moment later he clambered over some rocks beyond; disappeared。 Shed gave it a minute; then followed。 He slid round the boulder where he had seen Asa last。 Beyond lay a crack in the earth just big enough to admit a man。
  〃My god;〃 Shed whispered。 〃He's found a way into the Catabs。 He's looting the dead。〃
  〃I came straight back;〃 Shed gasped。 Raven was amused by his distress。 〃I knew Asa was foul; but I never dreamed he'd mit sacrilege。〃 Raven smiled。 
  〃Aren't you disgusted?〃 
  〃No。 Why are you? He didn't steal any bodies。〃
  Shed came within a hair's breadth of assaulting him。 He was worse than Asa。
  〃He making out at it?〃
  〃Not as well as you。 The Custodians take all the burial gifts except passage urns。〃 Every corpse in the Catabs was acpanied by a small; sealed urn; usually fixed on a chain around the body's neck。 The Custodians did not touch the few coins in those。 When the Day of Passage came; the Boatmen would demand payment for passage to Paradise。
  〃All those souls stranded;〃 Shed murmured。 He explained。
  Raven looked baffled。 〃How can anybody with an ounce of brains believe that crap? Dead is dead。 Be quiet; Shed。 Just answer questions。 How many bodies in the Catabs?〃
  〃Who knows? They've been putting them away since。 。 。 。 Hell; for a thousand years。 Maybe there's millions。〃
  〃Must have them stacked like cordwood。〃
  Shed wondered about that。 The Catabs were vast; but a thousand years' worth of cadavers from a city Juniper's size would make a hell of a pile。 He looked at Raven。 Damn the man。 〃It's Asa's racket。 Let's not try。〃
  〃Why not?〃
  〃Too dangerous。〃
  〃Your friend hasn't suffered。〃
  〃He's smalltime。 If he gets greedy; he'll get killed。 There are Guardians down there。 Monsters。〃
  〃Describe them。〃
  〃I can't。〃
  〃Can't or won't?〃
  〃Can't。 All they tell you is that they're there。〃
  〃I see。〃 Raven rose。 〃This needs investigating。 Don't discuss it。 Especially not with Asa。〃
  〃Oh; no。〃 Panicked; Asa would do something stupid。
  Word drifted in off the street。 Krage had sent his two best men after Raven。 They had disappeared。 Three more had vanished since。 Krage himself had been injured by an unknown assailant。 He had survived only because of Count's immense strength。 Count wasn't expected to live。
  Shed was terrified。 Krage was neither reasonable nor rational。 He asked Raven to move out。 Raven stared at him in contempt。 
  〃Look; I don't want him killing you here;〃 Shed said。
  〃Bad for business?〃
  〃For my health; maybe。 He's got to kill you now。 People will stop being scared of him if he doesn't。〃
  〃He won't learn; eh? A damned city of fools。〃
  Asa boiled through the doorway。 〃Shed; I got to talk to you。〃 He was scared。 〃Krage thinks I turned him over to Raven。 He's after me。 You got to hide me; Shed。〃
  〃Like hell。〃 The trap was closing。 Two of them here。 Krage would kill him for sure; would dump his mother into the street。
  〃Shed; I kept you in wood all winter。 I kept Krage off your back。〃
  〃Oh; sure。 So I should get killed; too?〃
  〃You owe me; Shed。 I never told nobody how you go out at night with Raven。 Maybe Krage would want to know that; huh?〃
  Shed grabbed Asa's hands and yanked him forward; against the counter。 As if cued; Raven stepped up behind the little man。 Shed glimpsed a knife。 Raven pricked Asa's back; whispered; 〃Let's go to my room。〃
  Asa went pallid。 Shed forced a smile。 〃Yeah。〃 He released Asa; took a stoneware bottle from beneath the counter。 〃I want to talk to you; Asa。〃 He collected three mugs。  Shed went up last; intensely aware of his mother's blind stare。 How much had she heard? How much had she guessed? She had been cool lately。 His shame had e between them。 He no longer felt deserving of her respect。  He clouted his conscience。 I did it for her!
  Raven's room had the only door left on the upper floors。 Raven held it for Asa and Shed。 〃Sit;〃 he told Asa; indicating his cot。 Asa sat。 He looked scared enough to wet himself。  Raven's room was as Spartan as his dress。 It betrayed no hint of wealth。  〃I invest it; Shed;〃 Raven said; wearing a mocking smile。 〃In shipping。 Pour the wine。〃 He began cleaning his nails with a knife。  Asa downed his wine before Shed finished pouring the rest。 〃Fill him up;〃 Raven said。 He sipped his own wine。 〃Shed; why have you been giving me that sour cat's piss when you had this?〃
  〃Nobody gets it without asking。 It costs more。〃
  〃I'll take this from now on。〃 Raven locked gazes with Asa; tapped his own cheek with his knife blade。
  No; Raven wouldn't have to live frugally。 The body business would be lucrative。 He invested? In shipping? Odd the way he said that。 Where the money went might be as interesting as whence it came。 〃You threatened my friend;〃 Raven said。 〃Oh。 Excuse me; Shed。 A misstatement。 It's partner; not friend。 Partners don't have to like each other。 Little man; you have something to say for yourself?'' Shed shuddered。 Damn Raven。 He'd said that so Asa would spread it around。 Bastard was taking control of his life。 Nibbling away at it like a mouse slowly destroying a head of cheese。  
  〃Honest; Mr。 Raven。 I didn't mean nothing。 I was scared。 Krage thinks I tipped you。 I got to hide; and Shed's scared to put me up。 
  〃I was just trying to get him to。 。。。〃
  〃Shut up。 Shed; I thought he was your friend。〃 
  〃I just did him some favors。 I felt sorry for him。〃
  〃You'd shelter him from weather; but not from enemies。 You're a real gutless wonder; Shed。 Maybe I made a mistake。 I was going to make you a full partner。 Going to give you the whole business eventually。 Thought I'd do you a favor。 But you're a yellow…dog creep。 Without the guts to deny it。〃 He whirled。 〃Talk; little man。 Tell me about Krage。 Tell me about the Enclosure。〃 Asa went white。 He didn't open up till Raven threatened to call the Custodians。
  Shed's knees racketed off one another。 The hilt of his butcher knife was sweat…moist and slippery。 He could not have used the blade; but Asa was too scared to see that。 He just squeaked at his team and started rolling。 Raven followed them in his own wagon。 Shed glanced across the valley。 The black castle brooded on the northern skyline; casting its dread shadow across Juniper。  Why was it there? Where had it e from? He rejected the questions。 Best to ignore it。
  How had he gotten into this? He feared the worst。 Raven had no sensibilities。
  They left the wagons in the grove; entered the Enclosure。 Raven examined Asa's wood stash。 〃Move these bundles to the wagons。 Stack them alongside for now。〃
  〃You can't take my wood;〃 Asa protested。 〃Shut up。〃 Raven pushed a bundle through the wall。 
  〃You first; Shed。 Little man; I'll hunt you down if you run off。〃
  They had moved a dozen bundles when Asa whispered; 〃Shed; one of Krage's goons is watching us。〃 He was about to panic。
  Raven was not displeased with the news。 〃You two go get bundles from the woods。〃
  Asa protested。 Raven glared。 Asa headed uphill。 〃How does he know?〃 he whined at Shed。 〃He never followed me。 I'm sure of that。〃
  Shed shrugged。  〃Maybe he's a sorcerer。  He always knows what I'm thinking。〃
  Raven was gone when they returned。 Shed looked around; nervously decided; 〃Let's get another load。〃
  Raven was waiting next trip。 〃Take those bundles to Asa's wagon。〃
  〃An object lesson;〃 Shed said; pointing into the wagon。 Blood ran across the floorboards; seeping from under a pile of wood。 
  〃See what kind of man he is?〃
  〃Up the hill now;〃 Raven ordered when they returned。 〃Lead off; Asa。 Collect your tools and torches to start。〃
  Suspicion nagged Shed as he watched Raven build a litter。 But no。 Even Raven wouldn't stoop that low。 Would he?
  They stood looking down into the dark mouth of the underworld。 〃You first; Asa;〃 Raven said。 Reluctantly; Asa descended。 
  〃You're next; Shed。〃
  〃Have a heart; Raven。〃
  〃Get moving。〃
  Shed moved。 Raven came down behind him。
  The Catabs had a carnal smell; but weaker than Shed had anticipated。 A draft stirred Asa's torch。
  〃Stop;〃 Raven said。 He took the brand; examined the gap throu

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