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小说: gc.shadowslinger 字数: 每页4000字

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al; secret insurance against tomorrow。
  Silent told us it was up in Duretile with the old man。 There had been no chance to get it out。
  One…Eye broke down and wept。 That chest meant more to him than all vicissitudes past; present or promised。
  Goblin got down on him。 Sparks flew。 The Lieutenant was about to take a hand when someone shoved through the door。 〃You guys better e topside and see this。〃 He was gone before we could find out what he meant。
  We hurried up to the main deck。
  The ship was a good two miles down the Port; riding the current and tide。 But the glow from the black castle illuminated both us and Juniper as brightly as a cloudy day。
  The castle formed the base of a fountain of fire reaching miles into the sky。 A vast figure twisted in the flames。 Its lips moved。 Long; slow words echoed down the Port。 〃Ardath。 You bitch。〃 I had been right。
  The figure's hand rose slowly; lazily; pointed toward Duretile。
  〃They got enough bodies inside;〃 Goblin squeaked。 〃The old bastard is ing through。〃
  The men watched in rapt awe。 So did I; able only to think we were lucky to escape in time。 At the moment I felt nothing for the men we had left behind。 I could think only of myself。
  〃There;〃 somebody said softly。 〃Oh; look there。〃
  A ball of light formed on Duretile's wall。 It swelled rapidly; shedding many colors。 It was gorgeous; like a giant moon of stained glass rotating slowly。 It was at least two hundred yards in diameter when it separated from Duretile and drifted toward the black castle。 The figure there reached; grabbed at the globe; was unable to affect it。
  I giggled。
  〃What's so damned funny?〃 the Lieutenant demanded。
  〃Just thinking how the people of Juniper must feel; looking up at that。 They've never seen sorcery。〃
  The stained glass ball rolled over and over。 For a moment it presented a side I hadn't noticed before。 A side that was a face。 The Lady's face。 Those great glassy eyes stared right into me; hurting。 Without thinking I said; 〃I didn't betray you。 You betrayed me。〃
  I'd swear to the gods there was some form of munication。 Something in the eyes said she had heard; and was pained by the accusation。 Then the face rolled away; and I did not see it again。
  The globe drifted into the fountain of fire。 It vanished there。 I thought I heard the long; slow voice say; 〃I have you; Ardath。〃
  〃There。 Look there;〃 the same man said; and we turned to Duretile。 And upon the wall where the Lady had begun moving toward her husband there was another light。 For a while I could not make out what was happening。 It came our way; faltering; rising; falling。
  〃That's the Lady's carpet;〃 Silent signed。 〃I have seen it before。〃
  〃But who? 。。。〃 There was no one left who could fly one。 The Taken were ail over at the black castle。
  The thing began to move faster; converting rickety up…and…down into ever…increasing velocity。 It came our way; faster and faster; dropping lower and lower。
  〃Somebody who doesn't know what they're doing;〃 One…Eye opined。 〃Somebody who is going to get killed if。 。 。 。〃
  It came directly toward us; now not more than fifty feet off the water。 The ship had begun the long turn which would take her around the last headland to the open sea。 I said; 〃Maybe it was sent to hit us。 Like a missile。 To keep us from getting away。〃
  〃No;〃 One…Eye said。 〃Carpets are too precious。 Too hard to create and maintain。 And the Lady's is the only one left。 Destroy it and even she would have to walk home。〃
  The carpet was down to thirty feet; swelling rapidly; sending an audible murmur ahead。 It must have been traveling a hundred fifty miles an hour。
  Then it was on us; ripping through the rigging; brushing a mast; and spinning on to impact on the sound half a mile away。 A gout of spray arose。 The carpet skipped like a flat stone; hit again; bounced again; and smashed into the face of a cliff。 The spell energies ruling the carpet degenerated in a violet flash。
  And not a word was spoken by any member of the pany。 For as that carpet had torn through the rigging; we had glimpsed the face of its rider。
  The Captain。
  Who knows what he was doing? Trying to join us? Probably。 I suspect he went to the wall planning to disable the carpet so it could not be used to pursue us。 Maybe he planned to throw himself off the wall afterward; to avoid being questioned later。 And maybe he had seen the carpet in action often enough to have been tempted by the idea of using it himself。
  No matter。 He had succeeded。 The carpet would not be used to chase us。 He would not be exposed to the Eye。
  But he had failed his personal goal。 He had died in the North。
  His flight and death distracted us while the ship moved down the channel till both Juniper and the north ridge dropped behind the headland。 The fire over the black castle continued; its terrible flames extinguishing the stars; but it shrank slowly。 Oning dawn lessened its brilliance。 And when one great shriek rolled across the world; announcing someone's defeat; we were unable to determine who had won。
  For us the answer did not matter。 We would be hunted by either the Lady or her long…buried spouse。
  We reached the sea and turned south; with sailors still cursing as they replaced lines torn by the Captain's passage。 We of the pany remained very silent; scattered about the deck; alone with our thoughts。 And only then did I begin to worry for rades left behind。
  We held a long service two days out。 We mourned everyone left behind; but the Captain especially。 Every survivor took a moment to eulogize him。 He had been head of the family; patriarch; father to us all。
  Fair weather and good winds carried us to Meadenvil in good time。 The ship's master was pleased。 He had been well…paid beforehand for his trouble; but was eager to shed a manifest of such vile temper。 We had not been the best of passengers。 One…Eye was terrified of the sea; a grand victim of seasickness; and insisted everyone else be as scared and sick as he。 He and Goblin never let up on one another; though the Lieutenant threatened to throw the pair of them to the sharks。 The Lieutenant was in such a foul temper himself that they took him half seriously。
  In accordance with the Captain's wishes; we elected the Lieutenant our mander and Candy to bee second。 That position should have fallen to Elmo。 。 。 。 We did not call the Lieutenant Captain。 That seemed silly with the outfit so diminished。 There weren't enough of us left to make a good street gang。
  Last of the Free panies of Khatovar。 Four centuries of brotherhood and tradition reduced to this。 A band on the run。 It did not make sense。 Did not seem right。 The great deeds of our forebrethren deserved better of their successors。 The treasure chest was lost; but the Annals themselves had; somehow; found their way aboard。 I expect Silent brought them。 For him they were almost as important as for me。 The night before we entered Meadenvil harbor; I read to the troops; from the Book of Woeg; which chronicled the pany's history after its defeat and near destruction in the fighting along the Bake; in Norssele。 Only a hundred four men survived that time; and the pany had e back。 They were not ready for it。 The pain was too fresh。 I gave it up halfway through。
  Fresh。  Meadenvil was refreshing。  A real city; not a colorless berg like Juniper。 We left the ship with little but our arms and what wealth we'd carried in Juniper。 People watched us fearfully; and there was no little trepidation on our part; too; for we were not strong enough to make a show if the local Prince took exception to our presence。 The three wizards were our greatest asset。 The Lieutenant and Candy had hopes of using them to pull something that would provide the wherewithal to move on; aboard another ship; with further hopes of returning to lands we knew on the southern shore of the Sea of Torments。 To do that; though; meant an eventual overland journey at least partly through lands belonging to the Lady。 I thought we would be wiser to move down the coast; confuse our trail; and hook on with someone out here; at least till the Lad

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