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小说: gc.shadowslinger 字数: 每页4000字

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 than he。 In that conviction he could go on; and believe more impossible things。
  The funny thing was; he lied to himself with the truth。 I was; perhaps; the only person outside the Lady's inner circle who knew he had been guided into the jaws of death。 Only; the enemy who had done the guiding was not the Lady; as he believed。 
  That enemy was an evil greater still; the Dominator; the Lady's one…time spouse; whom she had betrayed and left buried but alive in a grave in the Great Forest north of a far city called Oar。 From that grave he had reached out; subtly; and twisted the minds of men high in Rebel circles; bending them to his will; hoping to use them to drag the Lady down and bring about his own resurrection。 He failed; though he had help from several of the original Taken in his scheme。
  If he knew of my existence; I must be high on his list。 He lay up there still; scheming; maybe hating me; for I helped betray the Taken helping him。 。 。 。 Scary; that。 The Lady was medicine bad enough。 The Dominator; though; was the body of which her evil was but a shadow。 Or so the legend goes。 I sometimes wonder why; if that is true; she walks the earth and he lies restless in the grave。
  I have done a good deal of research since discovering the power of the thing in the north; probing little…known histories。 Scaring myself each time。 The Domination; an era when the Dominator actually ruled; smelled like an era of hell on earth。 It seemed a miracle that the White Rose had put him down。 A pity she could not have destroyed him。 And all his minions; including the Lady。 The world would not be in the straits it is today。 I wonder when the honeymoon will end。 The Lady hasn't been that terrible。 When will she relax; and give the darkness within her free rein; reviving the terror of the past?
  I also wonder about the villainies attributed to the Domination。 History; inevitably; is recorded by self…serving victors。
  A scream came from Goblin's quarters。 Silent and I stared at one another a moment; then rushed inside。
  I honestly expected one of them to be bleeding his life out on the floor。 I did not expect to find Goblin having a fit while One…Eye desperately strove to keep him from hurting himself。 〃Somebody made contact;〃 One…Eye gasped。 〃Help me。 It's strong。〃
  I gaped。 Contact。 We hadn't had a direct munication since the desperately swift campaigns when the Rebel was closing in on Charm; years ago。 Since then; the Lady and Taken have been content to municate through messengers。
  The fit lasted only seconds。 That was customary。 Then Goblin relaxed; whimpering。 It would be several minutes before he recovered enough to relay the message。 We three looked at one another with card…playing faces; frightened inside。 I said; 
  〃Somebody ought to tell the Captain。〃
  〃Yeah;〃 One…Eye said。 He made no move to go。 Neither did Silent。
  〃All right。 I'm elected。〃 I went。 I found the Captain doing what he does best。 He had his feet up on his worktable; was snoring。 I wakened him; told him。
  He sighed。 〃Find the Lieutenant。〃 He went to his map cases。 I asked a couple questions he ignored; took the hint and got out。
  He had expected something like this? There was a crisis in the area? How could Charm have heard first?
Silly; worrying before I heard what Goblin had to say。
  The Lieutenant seemed no more surprised than the Captain。 〃Something up?〃 I asked。
  〃Maybe。 A courier letter came after you and Candy left for Tally。 Said we might be called west。 This could be it。〃
  〃West? Really?〃
  〃Yeah。〃 Such dense sarcasm he put into the word!
  Stupid。 If we chose Charm as the customary demarcation point between east and west; Tally lay two thousand plus miles away。 Three months' travel under perfect conditions。 The country between was anything but perfect。 In places roads just didn't exist。 I thought six months sounded too optimistic。  But I was worrying before the fact again。 I had to wait and see。
  It turned out to be something even the Captain and Lieutenant hadn't anticipated。  We waited in trepidation while Goblin pulled himself together。 The Captain had his map case open; sketching a tentative route to Frost。 He grumbled because all westbound traffic had to cross the Plain of Fear。 Goblin cleared his throat。
  Tension mounted。 He did not lift his eyes。 The news had to be unpleasant。 He squeaked; 〃We've been recalled。 That was the Lady。 She seemed disturbed。 The first leg goes to Frost。 One of the Taken will meet us there。 He'll take us on to the Barrowland。〃 The others frowned; exchanged puzzled looks。 
  I muttered; 〃Shit。 Holy Shit。〃
  〃What is it; Croaker?〃 the Captain asked。
  They didn't know。 They paid no attention to historical things。 〃That's where the Dominator is buried。 Where they all were buried; back when。 It's in the forest north of Oar。〃 We'd been to Oar seven years ago。 It was not a friendly city。
  〃Oar!〃 the Captain yelled。 〃Oar! That's twenty…five hundred miles!〃
  〃Add another hundred or two to the Barrowland。〃
  He stared at the maps。 〃Great。 Just great。 That means not just the Plain of Fear but the Empty Hills and the Windy Country too。 Just fandamntastic great。 I suppose we've got to get there next week?〃
  Goblin shook his head。 〃She didn't seem rushed; Captain。 Just upset and wanting us headed the right way。〃
  〃She give you any whys or wherefores?〃
  Goblin smirked。 Did the Lady ever? Hell; no。
  〃Just like that;〃 the Captain muttered。 〃Out of the blue。 Orders to hike halfway around the world。 I love it。〃 He told the Lieutenant to begin preparations for movement。
  It was bad news; mad news; insanity squared; but not as bad as he made out。 He had been preparing since receiving the courier letter。 It wasn't that hard to get rolling。 The trouble was; nobody wanted to roll。
  The west was far nicer than anything we'd known out here; but not so great anybody wanted to walk that far。
  Surely she could have summoned a closer unit?
  We are the victims of our own petence。 She always wants us where the going threatens to bee toughest。 She knows we will do the best job。
  Damn and double damn。
   Chapter Eleven: JUNIPER: NIGHT WORK
  Shed had given Krage only nine of ten leva。 The coin he held back bought firewood; wine; and beer to replenish his stocks。 Then other creditors caught wind of his prosperity。 A slight upturn in business did him no good。 He met his next payment to Krage by borrowing from a moneylender named Gilbert。 He found himself wishing somebody would die。 Another ten leva would put him in striking distance of getting through the winter。 It was a hard one; that winter。 Nothing moved in the harbor。 There was no work in the Buskin。 Shed's only bit of good fortune was Asa。 Asa brought wood whenever he got away from Krage; in a pathetic effort to buy a friend。 Asa arrived with a load。 Privately; he said; 〃Better watch out; Shed。 Krage heard about you borrowing from Gilbert。〃 Shed went grey。 〃He's got a buyer for the Lily lined up。 They're rounding up girls already。〃
  Shed nodded。 The whoremasters recruited desperate women this time of year。 By the time summer brought its sailors; they were broken to their trade。
  〃The bastard。 Made me think he'd given me a break。 I should have known better。 This way he gets my money and my place。 The bastard。〃
  〃Well; I warned you。〃
  〃Yeah。 Thanks; Asa。〃 Shed's next due date came on like a juggernaut。 Gilbert refused him another loan。 Smaller creditors besieged the Lily。 Krage was aiming them Shed's way。
  He took Raven a plimentary drink。 〃May I sit?〃  A hint of a smile crossed Raven's lips。 〃It's your place。〃 And: 〃You haven't been friendly lately。 Shed。〃
  〃I'm nervous;〃 Shed lied。 Raven irritated his conscience。 〃Worried about my debts。〃 Raven saw through the excuse。 〃You thought maybe I could help?〃 Shed almost groaned。 〃Yes。〃
  Raven laughed softly。 Shed thought he detected a note of triumph。 〃All right; Shed。 Tonight?〃
  Shed pictured his mother being carted off by the Custodians。 He swallowed his self…disgust。 〃Yeah。〃
  〃All right。 But this time you're a helper; not a partner。〃 Shed swallowed and nodded。 〃Put the old woman to 

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