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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第13部分

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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 you; Alaric?〃
Grudgingly; Morgan had to agree; though sometimes Arilan's scruples seemed to him to be rigid almost to the point of crippling。 But in front of Cardiel was not the place to pursue that old argument。 Cardiel himself required additional persuasion; but eventually he; too; had to admit that forcing Judhael to the question was premature。
〃I still think Kelson should be told what has happened;〃 Cardiel said stubbornly。 〃And I don't think it should wait until he gets back in three or four days; either。 That was fine when we were only talking about Istelyn; but now …〃
For that; at least; Morgan had a Deryni solution。
〃Not all of our powers are forbidden。 Excellency;〃 he said quietly。 〃It's possible I might be able to reach Kelson in his sleep; later tonight。 He won't be expecting it; but I can try。〃 Cardiel nodded happily as Morgan went on。 〃If that doesn't work; I'll leave for Transha in the morning; after I've seen to Duncan … unless you have a better idea; sir?〃 he queried; glancing at Arilan。
The Deryni bishop shook his head。 〃No; none。 Given the bond I know binds you and Kelson; I shouldn't be at all surprised if your plan works。 However; I also know how difficult it is to make the link at such a distance and without preparation at both ends。 If you don't succeed; we'll make the time you need to get there physically。〃
Arilan's confidence in his ability helped to take the edge off Morgan's earlier resentment at having to back off on questioning Judhael; but now that his own course was set for the next few hours; he needed some time alone。 When he had assured himself that Duncan was resting more easily; and slipped briefly inside the priest's mind to deepen his sleep; he took his leave of the two prelates and headed for his own quarters。 He tried not to think about how close Duncan had e to death; or the mortal helplessness Duncan had suffered under the influence of merasha; concentrating instead on the calm he would need if he hoped to succeed in reaching the king。
But distraction in the form of Judhael of Meara met him as he passed the open door of the chapel in the guest wing。 Morgan stiffened as he saw him; mentally berating himself for even having glanced inside。 Judhael and another vaguely familiar…looking priest were just ing out。 The temptation at least to test whether Judhael had heard about the attack on Duncan was too enticing to resist。
〃Your Grace;〃 Judhael murmured; as Morgan loomed in the doorway and blocked his exit; all diffidence and courtly courtesy to the king's champion。
〃Father Judhael;〃 Morgan acknowledged。 〃I wonder whether I might have a word with you in private;〃 he said; glancing pointedly at Judhael's panion。 〃Perhaps we could step back into the chapel。〃
Judhael looked puzzled and a little uneasy; but he agreed readily enough。 When one aspired to high office in the confirmation of the king; one did not decline the invitation of the king's friend and confidant。 He watched dispassionately as Morgan closed the chapel door behind them; inclining his head and preceding him down the short aisle when Morgan gestured toward the front of the chapel。 Both men genuflected and signed themselves when they reached the altar rail; Morgan and then Judhael easing onto the kneelers which lay along its length。 Morgan bowed his head for a moment as if in prayer; letting Judhael's curiosity and apprehension grow; then glanced at the priest sidelong。
〃You're acquainted with my cousin。 Father Duncan McLain; I believe;〃 he said softly。
Judhael cocked his head and stared at Morgan in surprise。
〃Why; I'm aware that he is secretary to the Lord Archbishop of Rhemuth; Your Grace。 He's been keeping the accounts of the interviews this week。〃
〃That he has;〃 Morgan murmured; opening his mind to Truth…Read。 〃Are you aware that he was set upon by a boy with a knife earlier this evening?〃
Judhael's eyes widened at the news; then shuttered behind a quickly posed mask of concern。
〃Father McLain is a priest like myself。 Your Grace;〃 he said in a low; uninflected voice。 〃I am sorry to hear that someone would attempt his sacrilegious murder; but it grieves me far more to think that you might believe me involved in any way。〃
〃You have no knowledge of it; then?〃 Morgan asked; a little taken aback to realize that Judhael was telling the truth。
〃None; Your Grace。〃
〃I see。〃
No knowledge whatsoever。 Judhael really had not known。 Morgan gazed searchingly into the priest's eyes for several seconds; not doing anything but looking …  though Judhael might construe what he liked; and hopefully panic enough to let slip some additional bit of information … but Judhael met his gaze with no more uneasiness than anyone might have exhibited when stared at by a Deryni; the extent of whose powers were uncertain。
〃Just one more question; then;〃 Morgan said; choosing his words carefully。 〃When was the last time you heard from your aunt?〃
Judhael hardly batted an eye。
〃Last Christmastide; Your Grace。 Why do you ask?〃
Last Christmastide; long before Meara's bishopric became vacant; Morgan noted。 Nor was there any duplicity in Judhael's answer。 Not only was Judhael innocent of knowledge about the attempt on Duncan; but he did not seem to be involved in any machinations his aunt might have planned for his insertion into a bishop's see …  though Judhael surely had his own ambitions。
Morgan dared not push the issue any further; however。 Judhael was beginning to look more anxious; and the only way to go from here was to actually force a deep reading on the priest … and Arilan would very likely skin him if he got wind of it; after his earlier lecture to Cardiel。
〃Very well。 Father。 I'll leave you; then。 Thank you for your time。 If you've a mind to ease a soul; you might whisper a prayer for the boy with the knife。 I'm afraid he died unshriven。〃
He signed himself slowly and deliberately; not taking his eyes from Judhael's; then rose and glided back up the aisle。 Judhael was still kneeling; face buried in his hands; when Morgan glanced back just before going out。
He walked for a while after that; reviewing what he had done and finally inquiring among the guards as to what had happened to the body of Duncan's attacker。 He found it in the infirmary; covered with a blanket; and he stared at the face of the dead boy for some time; wondering who had sent him。

Thou hast made us to drink the wine of astonishment。
Psalms 60:3
Farther north and east of Culdi; nearer the coast; an early dusk began to settle as Kelson and his warband urged their weary horses along the final stretch approaching Castle Transha; cloaks pulled close against an increasingly bitter drizzle。 Dhugal; riding at the king's side; had set them a brisk pace since leaving the Trurill patrol at midmorning; pushing to reach the shelter of his father's castle before dark。 They slowed as the grade of the road got steeper; Dhugal expectantly searching the rain ahead until the vast pile which was Transha gradually took shape; almost black against the darkening sky。 The young border lord grinned as he glanced aside at the king。
〃We're nearly there now;〃 he said cheerily。 〃My father's castellan should have everything prepared。 We've been observed for the past hour; you know。〃'
Surprised and a little taken aback。 Kelson turned to look at Dhugal in question; for he had been scanning the craggy hills with Deryni senses as well as sight for nearly that long; and had detected nothing。
〃Don't worry;〃 Dhugal went on with a chuckle。 〃I didn't see them either。 But then; I'm not as experienced as Ciard yet。 He signalled me when we made our last rest stop。〃
Ciard。 Of course。 He had been the only other MacArdry retainer riding with the Trurill patrol; so of course had e with them。 Kelson remembered him well from the days of Dhugal's fosterage at court。 Glancing back thoughtfully at the middle…aged gillie riding a few ranks behind; he recalled being told that Ciard O Ruane had been made Dhugal's personal attendant and bodyguard by the MacArdry chief himself; shortly after Dhugal's birth。 Kelson had never known him to be far from his young charge's side。 The man's almost uncanny ability in the field had mystified Kelson even in the old da

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