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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第64部分

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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as only the outward forms of those sacraments which were being denied him。 Just before the dawning; having made his own examination of conscience and act of contrition; he knelt and kissed the earthen floor of his cell in memoration of the Body of his Lord; and drank of melted snow in remembrance of His Sacred Blood。 Then he sat quietly to watch the lightening sky and await the earthly reckoning; all at peace。
He was calm when they came to fetch him; his escort four smartly turned…out soldiers and one of his own former captains; none of whom would look him in the eyes。 He bore their rough handling without ment or protest as they bound his hands behind; only wincing once when someone jarred the bandage on his right hand where once he had worn a bishop's amethyst。 The stairs up from his cell were slick with melted snow and slush; but the men steadied him when he slipped and would have fallen。 He hardly felt the snow beneath his feet as he emerged into the open courtyard; or the cold wind knifing through his thin gown。 Nor did he give the scaffold more than passing notice; or the executioners and their shining implements。
Loris he did note; meeting the archbishop's frigid glare with a serenity and even passion which made Loris drop the contact first; to gesture brusquely to the guards。 Caitrin and Sicard likewise avoided his gaze; but young Ithel stared at him in confusion as Istelyn smiled gently to himself and shook his head。
The scaffold steps were wet and slippery。 He stubbed a toe on the way up。 His murmured apology put his guards off balance; and they backed off uneasily once he was standing in the center of the scaffold。 The masked executioner who came to place the rope around his neck would not meet his eyes either; and himself apologized as he slid the knot snug against the back of the prisoner's neck。
〃You must do what you must do; my son;〃 Istelyn murmured; giving the man another gentle smile。 〃I forgive you freely。〃
The man retreated in confusion; leaving Istelyn alone in the center of the scaffold once more。 Serenely; he turned his eyes toward the winter sky as the sentence was read; hardly even minding the pressure of the ropes around his wrists or the noose closed harsh around his neck。
〃Henry Istelyn; formerly bishop and priest;〃 the herald read; when the drums had given another muffled roll; 〃having been adjudged traitor; it is the sentence of the Crown of Meara that you be hanged by the neck and cut down while still living; your members cut off and your bowels taken out and burnt before you; and then to be rent by horses and your head and pieces of your body to be set on display at such places as the queen shall assign。 Thus shall all know the fate of traitors to Meara!〃
There was no plea for God to have mercy on the soul of the condemned; for exmunicants were judged to have forfeited all hope of that。 Istelyn had not expected it so he was not disappointed。 As the drums rolled again; it became clear that he was not to be allowed any final statement; either … nor had he expected that。 He kept his gaze lifted to the heavens as they stripped him naked and made sure of the rope around his neck; only a strangled little gasp escaping his lips as they hoisted him off his feet and the world began to go dark。
He prayed as long as he could。 Only dimly did he feel the jolt as they shortly cut him down and pinned him spread…eagled in the snow。 He let the cold and the shock claim him; slipping gently beyond the reach of his torturers; and was never even aware of the knives; much less the fire … or the snorting horses; maddened by the smell of his blood; who ripped his bleeding body limb from limb。 The smile on his lips; even after they severed his head from what was left of his body; sent a cold chill through the heart of more than one witness to his judicial murder。

The following week saw the arrival of increasing numbers of Kelson's vassals in Rhemuth; all e to keep the feast of Christmas with their king as was customary; no one in Rhemuth yet aware of Istelyn's fate。 Kelson held daily courts to greet the newers; with briefing sessions each afternoon; while Morgan; Nigel; and the other senior members of his staff continued their planning and preparation for the projected spring campaign。 The bishops had their own affairs to attend to; but exchanged progress reports with the king and his chief advisors each evening after dinner。 Tension grew as Christmas Day approached; for all their futures would be affected by the expected reply from Meara。
Burchard de Varian; Earl of Eastmarch since the conclusion of the war with Torenth two years before; arrived at midweek as expected with Generals Gloddruth; Remie and Elas in his train; along with half a dozen barons and other lesser lords。 A few days later; the Earl of Danoc came with two more of Kelson's generals; Godwin and Perris; and also the young Earl of Jenas; whose father had fallen with Jared McLain at Candor Rhea。 Not at all expected was the man waiting for Morgan outside his quarters when he returned alone from Mass on Christmas Eve。
〃What the … who's there?〃 Morgan demanded; hand reaching warily toward the hilt of his sword。
Sean Lord Derry; the young noble who once had been Morgan's aide and now served as his lieutenant in Corwyn; stood away from the wall where he had been leaning and held out empty hands; a sheepish grin flickering across his earnest face as he inclined his head in salute。
〃Christmas blessings。 Your Grace。 I hope you don't mind that we didn't join you for Mass; but we only arrived just on midnight。〃
His blue eyes held a twinkle of mirth at Morgan's surprise; but also a note of apprehension。 He flinched as Morgan seized him by the shoulders to stare at him; but he did not avert his gaze。
〃Sean; what on earth are you doing here?〃 Morgan murmured; though he had an idea exactly what the younger man was doing。 〃And what do you mean; we?〃 Good God; you didn't bring Richenda; did you?〃
Derry raised one eyebrow in an expression he had picked up from his former master。 〃Your lady wife decided she'd like to keep Christmas with her husband。 Your Grace。 If I hadn't brought her; I suspect she would have e on her own。〃
〃Aye; she probably would have;〃 Morgan muttered under his breath。 〃I wish you could have tried to talk her out of it; though。〃
〃Do you think I didn't try?〃 Derry asked indignantly。 〃I know what your orders were。 I can't say my heart was really in it; though。 I think she's about had enough of Coroth for a while。〃
Morgan sighed; awareness of that situation catapulting hack to consciousness as it had not for several weeks; so far from home himself。 For all the personal satisfaction his marriage with Richenda had brought him; there were still vast areas of their relationship which had not yet e into balance。 Chief among them was the question of how much authority his new wife should assume during his all too frequent absences from his own court … and that decision; to Morgan's continued dismay; was not entirely his to make; for all that he was Corwyn's duke。
In the ordinary course of things; certainly within the first year of their marriage; Morgan's duchess should have bee his chatelaine at Coroth and regent of Corwyn in his absence。 Morgan had not granted Richenda that status。 The fact was that many of his own men distrusted her … not because she was Deryni; for probably no one at Coroth even suspected that … or would have cared; if they had; since Corwyn's duke was Deryni anyway … but because her first husband had betrayed the Crown。
Perhaps she was tainted with treachery as well; they reasoned … perhaps even plotting revenge for her first husband's death; for the sake of her son by him。 As Dowager Countess of Marley; she already had young Brendan's guardianship jointly with her new husband; with virtual freedom to manage the lands and ine of the six…year…old earl as she chose。 If anything were to happen to Morgan; Her Grace the Dowager Duchess of Corwyn and Dowager Countess of Marley would have access to Corwyn's vast wealth as well; until the infant Duchess Briony came of age。 For such power and position; what might the former wife of a known traitor not do?
It was all utter nonsense; of course; but convincing his 

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