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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第66部分

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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 his shoulders。 His overtunic came 〃P partway as well; tangling around his neck with the mail; and he could sense her mirth as his head got stuck when she tried to pull both off at once。
〃Just hold still until I get this sorted out;〃 she whispered。
He could feel her body warm against his back as she rose up on her knees behind to free him; every nerve tingling at the touch of her hair trailing over one of his shoulders。 She tugged at the tunic and muttered as something started to rip。 He yelped as one ear got bent。
More fumbling at the tangled opening; a grunt as she lifted the weight of the chain; and he was finally free。 Drawing a deep breath; he pushed the mail and the rumpled undertunic out of the bed and turned to gaze at her again; doing his best to suppress a foolish grin。
〃Thank you;〃 he said softly。
Her smile was still just a little tentative as she nodded in answer; but her eyes never left his as she brushed one hand down his side to play at the waist of his breeches。
〃And you are sure you're not angry; my lord?〃 she murmured。
〃You know that I should be;〃 he said; taking her in his arms and bearing her gently back onto the bed with the weight of his body。 〃But I'm not。 That passed as soon as I saw you lying here。 All I can think about is how long it's been since I've been in your bed。 I think you must be some kind of witch … a Deryni witch; perhaps。〃
She laughed delightedly at that and drew him down to kiss him; lightly at first and then more lingeringly; as their speech shifted beyond mere words。
A witch; am I? she whispered in his mind。 And have I ensorcelled you; my love?
Totally and utterly; he managed to reply; before losing himself in the growing urgency of what her hands were doing; working at the laces of his breeches。 God; how I've missed you; Richenda!
But even in the sharing of minds as well as bodies; he was not totally ensorcelled。 Some things he knew she understood he could not share; for he held the trust of other minds besides her own and might not grant those trusts even to a wife without leave。
But the thing he would not share remained a niggling frustration; doubly irritating to Richenda because Morgan would not really acknowledge its existence。 To ease the rebuff; he gave her his perception of the events since their last reunion: the color and intrigue of the synod at Culdi; Loris' escape; the attempt on Duncan's life; Kelson's foray into the borderlands of Transha … and Dhugal and his shields。
〃Shields?〃 Richenda whispered; drawing back to search his eyes even as her mind continued to read what he offered。 〃Is he one of us?〃
〃We think so;〃 Morgan replied; 〃but we're not sure。 No one can get past the shields; and he doesn't know how to lower them。 Most attempts to read him have been so painful that he's bee afraid for anyone else to try …  except Duncan。 Duncan doesn't hurt him; but Duncan doesn't get past the shields; either。〃
〃Does Dhugal want to be read?〃 Richenda asked。
Morgan shrugged。 〃He says he does … though he hasn't gone out of his way to let us try。 Not that any of us have had the time to pursue the matter。 Maybe you'll have some ideas for new approaches。 Duncan's actually the logical choice to do it; but he's been as busy as the rest of us。〃
By the time he had given her the rest of what he knew of Dhugal … the capture by Loris; Istelyn's mortal danger; the daring escape from Ratharkin; with its resultant royal hostages; and Dhugal's totally unexpected reaction to Duncan's consecration … Richenda was quite taken with the challenge the young border lord presented。
〃I have a few ideas already;〃 she said thoughtfully。 〃Be sure I get to meet him at court tomorrow。〃
〃You'll hardly be able to avoid it;〃 Morgan chuckled。 〃He's being formally invested as Earl of Transha。 And then the real excitement begins。〃
〃Caitrin's answer to Kelson's ultimatum;〃 Richenda guessed。
Morgan sighed and nodded。 〃Aye。 And since we really don't expect her to submit; it's almost certainly war in the spring … and a royal wedding for Kelson and Sidana at Twelfth Night。〃
Richenda stiffened in his arms and turned her face away at that; and Morgan could only hold her close in fort and wait for the moment to pass; regretting the off…handedness of his last remark。 He had never pressed her for the intimate details of her own first marriage; but he knew she had had no more say about it than Sidana would have。 Unless they entered the religious life; marriages of state were almost inevitable for daughters of great houses。 Richenda had been just sixteen when she married Bran Coris; and had never even seen her future husband before their wedding day。
〃Oh; I understand all the dynastic reasons for a marriage between Gwynedd and Meara;〃 she finally said; huddling back into the curve of his arm for reassurance。 〃They've been fighting for generations。 It could finally resolve that old; old argument。〃
She gave a heavy sigh before continuing。
〃But Kelson and Sidana … they're people; Alaric; not kingdoms。 I don't know the girl at all; but I know Kelson。 He's a kind and generous young man; and I know he'll do his best to make the marriage more than just a legal form for getting heirs; but … but … 〃
〃But neither of them really has a choice;〃 Morgan said; answering what she could not articulate。 〃I know。 It doesn't make me very happy either。 Unfortunately; such duties go with a crown。〃
〃I suppose。〃 She was silent a long time; her thoughts shuttered inside those private areas Morgan would not have thought of invading; until finally she sighed again。
〃Well; if the marriage happens; you're going to have to take charge of Kelson;〃 she said。 〃I don't know how a man feels about such things; but I do know how a woman feels。 Despite whatever she may want; Sidana of Meara will probably be our next queen。 She's bound to be afraid and unhappy and upset; but there's no reason it has to be as bad as it could be。 I've been in a similar position; perhaps I can help her see the positive aspects。 If you'll allow it; I'll ask to be a lady…in…waiting … and her friend; if she'll have me。 I feel so sorry for the girl; Alaric。〃
〃My beautiful Richenda;〃 Morgan murmured; drawing her closer into the circle of his arms。 〃I am so very; very glad I found you。〃
He had also found; he reflected; as he drifted off to sleep; at least a temporary diversion for his wife's discontent so long as she remained in Rhemuth; at any rate。

Early Christmas morning; Haldane scouts reported the approach of a Mearan herald and a man…at…arms; perhaps two hours away at their present pace。 A page brought the news to Kelson in Dhugal's chamber; where king and border lord had been speculating on that very subject while Dhugal dressed for his investiture。 The king himself wore an ankle…length court robe of Haldane scarlet; ermine showing at wrists and hem and along the deep slits front and back; but he had not yet put on his crown Or the other accoutrements of his kingship。
〃I don't like the sound of that; do you?〃 Kelson asked; when page and squire had been dismissed; watching Dhugal knot a narrow sash over his grey woolen tunic。 〃A herald and one man…at…arms。 Not even a delegation。 What do you suppose it means?〃
With a snort; Dhugal shook out a cloak of fine MacArdry tartan and slung it around his shoulders; holding it closed with one hand while he rummaged in a wooden casket for a suitable brooch。 The yellow; black; and grey plaid made bright contrast to the nubby grey wool beneath。
〃Not a surrender; I'll warrant … but then; we never did really expect that; did we? I take it you will receive them?〃
〃I will … after we've finished with your investiture。 It won't do them any harm to cool their heels for a while。 That's part of what heralds are paid to do。〃
〃That's true; I suppose。〃
As Dhugal threaded the pin of a heavy ring brooch through the two edges of his cloak。 Kelson raised an eyebrow and leaned closer; tipping the carved silver toward the light with two fingers underneath the edge。
〃That's a striking piece。 Border silver?〃
Dhugal nodded and turned the ring into place; fussing with the arrangement of the cloak's folds on his shoulders。
〃Aye。 This one's a MacArdry clan motif。 It's been in the family for generation

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