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kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir-第79部分

小说: kutzkattherine.the bishopsheir 字数: 每页4000字

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〃We are blessed with fair weather for our nuptials; my lady;〃 Kelson said; inclining his head in tentative greeting when he; Morgan; and Dhugal had made their way through the horses and bowing courtiers and stopped before her。 〃I trust that my people have made you wele and carried out the preparations to your satisfaction。〃
〃Satisfaction?〃 Llewell said before Sidana could reply。 〃How can there be satisfaction when we are prisoners?〃
〃Your bondage has been light; I think;〃 Kelson murmured; hoping desperately that Llewell was not going to make a scene。 〃You have not been ill…used。〃
〃Ah; and you do not consider that you ill use my sister by forcing her to agree to this marriage?〃 Llewell asked。
I thought he'd agreed to cooperate; Morgan said to Kelson; as Sidana drew in a breath of horror and Kelson's jaw tightened。 Do you want me to put him to sleep?
No; just shake him up a bit。 Sidana wants him to escort her。
As you wish。
Without a flicker of warning; Morgan reached across to seize Llewell's upper arm in a vise…grip; though his pleasant expression did not alter。
〃The lady has agreed to an honorable marriage;〃 he said softly。 〃Now; will you hold your tongue; or must I thrash you over my knee for the spoiled; ill…bred young boor that you are?〃
〃You wouldn't dare!〃
〃Wouldn't I?〃
〃Llewell; please … 〃
〃Stay out of this; Sidana!〃
〃My prince;〃 Morgan murmured; his hand clamping tighter on Llewell's arm; 〃by your leave; I shall escort this young fool to a place where he can do no one any harm … himself included。〃
〃Now yet。 Llewell;〃 Kelson said quietly; 〃you have found me an unmonly patient man so far。 You may judge the truth of that by the fact that you are still alive; even though your mother treacherously slew my bishop and you yourself claim to stand between your sister and the Mearan crown。 Out of concern for the feelings of my bride; I am willing to overlook a great deal。 But I will not have your insolence; and I will not have you disrupting your sister's wedding and coronation。 Now; are you certain you want to pursue this line of resistance?〃
Llewell's eyes blazed with undisguised hatred; but after a few seconds; he turned his head away。
〃You'd only use your black magic on me; if I tried;〃 he muttered into the horse's mane。
〃What did you say?〃 Kelson gasped。
As Morgan jerked Llewell around to face them; even angrier than he had been。 Kelson moved closer incredulously。
〃I … said that you'd only use your accursed powers on me; if I didn't agree to cooperate!〃 Llewell said haltingly; still defiant; though he winced at the pressure of Morgan's fingers digging into his biceps。 〃As your Deryni priest did before。〃
〃Are you trying to goad me into an act we'll both regret?〃 Kelson whispered。
〃Llewell; please!〃 Sidana begged。 〃For my sake。 You can't stop the marriage。 You promised you would stand beside me。 If they take you away; I'll be all alone!〃
Heaving a heavy; defeated sigh; Llewell drew himself up with as much dignity as he could salvage from the situation; though Morgan's hand remained clamped on his arm。
〃I see I am also alone;〃 he said evenly。 〃But I'll not deprive my sister of the escort to which her rank entitles her。 I'll … play my father's part and give away the bride; if it's the proper form you're looking for。 Kelson of Gwynedd。 But I'll be loathing you for every second!〃
〃Ah … loathing me。〃 Kelson raised an eyebrow and smiled with relief。 〃Well; I can put up with that; I suppose; if you do as you're told。 Morgan; you can let him go。 My lady; I'm sorry you had to witness this。〃
〃Please forgive my brother; my lord;〃 Sidana whispered。 〃He only means to protect me。〃
〃Sidana; I don't need to hide behind a woman's skirts!〃
〃Will you shut your mouth?〃 Morgan muttered。
As he raised a gloved hand in threat; Llewell drew back in alarm。
〃Enough; Morgan!〃 Kelson said。 〃He's young and he's proud and hurting。 Let's not make those fatal flaws。 I will make you one threat; however; Llewell of Meara;〃 he went on; turning the full force of his quicksilver gaze on the Mearan prince again。 〃I will remind you only once that Morgan and other loyal friends and vassals will be right at my side during the ceremony。 If anything happens that isn't supposed to; and it's your fault … anything … I am here and now giving them free license to take whatever action they deem necessary。 That assumes; of course; that I haven't dealt with you first。 Do I make myself perfectly clear?〃
〃You do;〃 Llewell muttered under his breath。
〃I didn't quite hear that。〃
〃You make yourself perfectly; abundantly clear;〃 Llewell repeated sullenly。
〃Good。 Then we understand one another。 My Lady?〃
He glanced up at Sidana again; tentatively extending his hand; and to his surprise; she responded。 Much heartened; he bent to brush her knuckles with his lips; more confident as he straightened and released her hand。
〃My lady; I apologize again。 A woman's wedding day should be joyous and free from care。 I'm afraid I've started it out on rather a poor note。〃
〃You have done what you had to do; my lord;〃 she whispered; 〃and I; too; must once more beg pardon for my brother。〃
Ignoring Llewell's outburst。 Kelson shook his head。 〃This is neither the time nor the place to speak further of the matter; my lady。 Later; after we are wed; there will be time enough for everything。 But for now; the archbishops are waiting … and the people … to see their new queen go to her marriage and coronation。 May I give the mands for our procession to begin?〃
〃Do you ask my permission; my lord?〃 she said; amazed。
〃Of course。 You are my lady and my queen。〃
One look at her brother glaring up at her; hanging on her every gesture and expression; apparently was sufficient to keep Sidana from answering with words; but she shyly inclined her head nonetheless。 To Kelson; it seemed more than just dutiful agreement。 As he withdrew to the head of the procession where his horse waited; he signalled the knights to bring the canopy … blue silk powdered all over with tiny stars and moons … but his expression was jubilant once his back was safely to the Mearan prince and princess。
〃Alaric; did you see?〃 he whispered; as Morgan held his stirrup and helped him mount; and Dhugal spread the cnmson mantle over the horse's rump。 〃I think she does like me。 Once we get her out from under her brother's thumb; who knows what might happen! Maybe it's going to work; after all。〃
As they started to move out; Morgan glanced back at the small; lonely figure on the white horse; led to her destiny beneath a canopy of silk; all their hopes of peace wrapped up in one frail girl。 He dearly hoped Kelson was right。

For the Lord delighteth in thee; and thy land shall be married。
Isaiah 62:4
To Kelson's already heightened senses; the bright…etched images of the procession route were almost overwhelming: crowds cheering; banners rainbow…hued; fluttering above the streets; showers of snowdrops and other winter flowers carpeting his path … and cheers and flowers also for the dark…haired bride who followed。 The sounds and the colors carried him higher on a wave of hope; and he grinned at Morgan and Dhugal; riding to either side of him。
The streets were narrow and winding; the procession thick with celebrants between him and his bride; but on the few occasions when the way was straight or they passed through a square; he could glance back and just catch the top of her rose…crowned head under its silken canopy。 Once; their eyes met; and he almost fancied he could feel the current leap between them; kindling anticipation in his brain and a white heat in his loins。
He told himself that he was imagining things; that he was letting himself read too much into their earlier meetings … a word; a glance … but it was not in his nature to hold back; once a mitment had been made。 His body was eager to unite with hers already; but he was also resolved to make theirs a union of hearts as well as lands; if he could。 He tried not to think too much about the ing wedding night。 He was much relieved when they reached the cathedral at last and he could dismount; turning mind as well as body to less physically distracting contemplation。
Archbishop Cardiel r

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