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小说: mc.risingsun 字数: 每页4000字

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palm of her hand。 He didn't touch it; he just looked at it; and nodded。 She slipped it back in her pocket。 Then he gave her money。 She went away。
 You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain。 
 Too much love drives a man insane。
 You broke my will; but what a thrill… 
 A valet came out onto the loading dock; carrying a man's blue suit on a hanger。 Connor asked a question; and the valet looked at his watch before he answered。 Then Connor crouched down and peered closely at the lower edges of the suit coat。 He opened the jacket and examined the trousers on the hanger。
 The valet took away the first suit; and brought a second one out onto the dock。 This one was a blue pinstripe suit。 Connor repeated his inspection。 He seemed to find something on the coat; and scraped it carefully into a small glassine bag。 Then he paid the valet and walked back to the car。
 I said; 〃Checking Senator Rowe?〃
 〃Checking a number of things;〃 he said。 〃But; yes; Senator Rowe。〃
 〃Rowe's aide had white panties in his pocket last night。 But Cheryl was wearing black panties。〃
 〃That's true;〃 Connor said。 〃But I think we are making progress。〃
 〃What've you got in the bag?〃
 He took the little glassine bag out; and held it to the light。 I saw small dark strands through the plastic。 〃Carpet fibers; I think。 Dark; like the carpet at the Nakamoto conference room。 Have to check with the lab to be sure。 Meanwhile; we have another problem to solve。 Start the car。〃
 〃Where are we going?〃
 〃Darley…Higgins。 The pany that owns MicroCon。〃
 In the lobby beside the receptionist; a workman was mounting large gold letters on the wall: DARLEY…HIGGINS INC。 Beneath that it read EXCELLENCE IN MANAGEMENT。 More workmen were laying carpet in the hallway。
 We showed our badges and asked to see the head of Darley…Higgins; Arthur Greiman。
 The receptionist had a Southern accent and an upturned nose。 〃Mr。 Greiman is in meetings all day。 Is he expecting you?
 〃We're here about the MicroCon sale。〃
 〃Then you want Mr。 Enders; our vice…president for publicity。 He speaks to people about MicroCon。〃
 〃All right;〃 Connor said。
 We sat down on a couch in the reception area。 On a couch across the room sat a pretty woman in a tight skirt。 She had a roll of blueprints under her arm。 The workmen continued to hammer。 I said; 〃I thought the pany was in financial trouble。 Why're they redecorating?〃
 Connor shrugged;
 The secretary answered the phone; routing the calls。 〃Darley…Higgins; one moment; please。 Darley…Higgins 。 。 。 Oh; please hold; Senator 。 。 。 Darley…Higgins; yes; thank you 。 。 。〃
 I picked up a brochure from the coffee table。 It was the annual report of Darley…Higgins Management Group; with offices in Atlanta; Dallas; Seattle; San Francisco; and Los Angeles。 I found a picture of Arthur Greiman。 He looked happy and self…satisfied。 The report included an essay signed by him entitled; 〃A mitment to Excellence。〃
 The secretary said to us; 〃Mr。 Enders will be right with you。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 Connor said。
 A moment later; two men in business suits walked out into the hallway。 The woman with the blueprints stood。 She said; 〃Hello; Mr。 Greiman。〃
 〃Hello; Beverly;〃 the older man said。 〃I'll be with you in a minute。〃
 Connor stood up; too。 The secretary immediately said; 〃Mr。 Greiman; these men… 〃
 〃Just a minute;〃 Greiman said。 He turned to the man with him; who was younger; in his early thirties。 〃Just make sure you get it straight with Roger;〃 Greiman said。
 The younger man was shaking his head。 〃He won't like it。〃
 〃I know he won't。 But tell him anyway。 Six million four in direct pensation for the CEO is the minimum。〃
 〃But Arthur… 〃
 〃Just tell him。〃
 〃I will; Arthur;〃 the younger man said; smoothing his tie。 He lowered his voice。 〃But the board may balk at raising you above six when pany earnings are down so much… 〃
 〃We're not talking about earnings;〃 Greiman said。 〃We're talking about pensation。 It has nothing to do with earnings。 The board has to match current pensation levels for chief executives。 If Roger can't bring the board into line on this; I'm going to cancel the March meeting and ask for changes。 You tell him that。'
 〃Okay; I will; Arthur; but… 〃
 〃Just do it。 Call me tonight。〃
 〃Right; Arthur。〃
 They shook hands。 The younger man walked off unhappily。 The receptionist said; 〃Mr。 Greiman; these gentlemen… 〃
 Greiman turned to us。 Connor said; 〃Mr。 Greiman; we'd like to speak to you for a minute about MicroCon。〃 And he turned slightly aside; and showed his badge。
 Greiman exploded in rage。 〃Oh; for Christ's sake。 Not again。 This is goddamned harassment。〃
 〃What would you call it? I've had senatorial staffers here; I've had the F。B。I。 here。 Now I have the L。A。 police? We're not criminals。 We own a pany and we have the right to sell it。 Where is Louis?〃
 The receptionist said; 〃Mr。 Enders is ing。〃
 Connor said calmly; 〃Mr。 Greiman; I'm sorry to disturb you。 We have only one question。 It'll just take a minute。〃
 Greiman glowered。 〃What's your question?〃
 〃How many bidders were there for MicroCon?〃
 〃That's none of your business;〃 he said。 〃Anyway; our agreement with Akai stipulates that we can't discuss the sale publicly in any way。〃
 Connor said; 〃Was there more than one bidder?〃
 〃Look; you have questions; you talk to Enders。 I'm busy。〃 He turned to the woman with blueprints。 〃Beverly? What have you got for me?〃
 〃I have a revised layout for the boardroom; Mr。 Greiman; and tile samples for the washroom。 A very nice gray I think you'll like。〃
 〃Good; good。〃 He led her down the hallway away from us。
 Connor watched them go; and then abruptly turned toward the elevator。 〃e on; kōhai。 Let's get some fresh air。〃
 〃Why does it matter if there were other bidders?〃 I said; when we were back in the car。
 〃It goes back to the original question we had;〃 Connor said。 〃Who wants to embarrass Nakamoto? We know the sale of MicroCon has strategic significance。 That's why Congress is upset。 But that almost certainly means other parties are upset; too。〃
 〃In Japan?〃
 〃Who will know that?〃
 The Japanese receptionist tittered when she saw Connor's badge。 Connor said; 〃We would like to see Mr。 Yoshida。〃 Yoshida was the head of the pany。
 〃One moment; please。〃 She got up and hurried away; almost running。
 Akai Ceramics was located on the fifth floor of a bland office…block in El Segundo。 The decor was spare and industrial…looking。 From the reception area; we could see into a large space; which was not partitioned: lots of metal desks and people at the phones。 The soft click of word processors。
 I looked at the office。 〃Pretty bare。〃
 〃All business;〃 Connor said; nodding。 〃In Japan; ostentation is frowned on。 It means you are not serious。 When old Mr。 Matsushita was the head of the third biggest pany in Japan; he still took the regular mercial jet between his head offices in Osaka and Tokyo。 He was the head of a fifty…billion…dollar pany。 But no private jets for him。〃
 As we waited; I looked at the people working at the desks。 A handful were Japanese。 Most were Caucasian。 Everyone wore blue suits。 There were almost no women。
 〃In Japan;〃 Connor said; 〃if a pany is doing poorly; the first thing that happens is the executives cut their own salaries。 They feel responsible for the success of the pany; and they expect their own fortunes to rise and fall as the pany succeeds or fails。〃
 The woman came back; and sat at her desk without speaking。 Almost immediately; a Japanese man wearing a blue suit came toward us。 He had gray hair; horn…rimmed glasses; and a solemn manner。 He said; 〃Good morning。 I am Mr。 Yoshida。〃
 Connor made the introductions。 We all bowed and exchanged business cards。 Mr。 Yoshida took each card with both hands; bowing each time; formally。 We did the same。 I noticed that Connor did not speak Japanese to him。
 Yoshida led us to his office。 It had windows looking toward the airport。 The furnishings were austere。
 〃Would you like coffee; or tea?〃
 〃No; thank you;〃 Connor said。 〃We are here in an official capacity。〃
 〃I understand。〃 He gestured for us to sit down。
 〃We would like to talk to yo

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