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小说: uplift4.brightnessreef 字数: 每页4000字

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 back; dribbling dark splatters in the dust。 The noor chirped happily and began to groom。
  Dwer shook the canteen; winning a few drops。 〃Of all the selfish; ungrateful…〃
  It was already too late to hike to the nearest stream; down a narrow; treacherous trail。 A waterfall growled; close enough to hear but over a midura away by foot。 This was no crisis; he'd done without before。 Still; the sound would give him dry…mouth; all night long。
  Never stop learning; said the sage Ur…Ruhols。 Tonight; Dwer had learned one more thing about noor。 All told; the price of the lesson was pretty cheap。
  He decided to arrange for a wakeup call。 For that; he would need a clock teet。
  There were good reasons to get an early start。 He might still make it back to the yearly Gathering of the Six; before all the unpledged human boys and girls chose partners for jubilee dancing。 Then there was his annual report to Danel Ozawa; and Lena Strong's ridiculous 〃tourism〃 idea to oppose。 Also; if he led the glaver away before dawn; he just might manage to leave Mudfoot snoring by the coals。 Noor loved sleep almost as much as upsetting the routines of villagers; and this one had had a long day。
  So after supper Dwer brought forth a sheaf of paper folders; his cache of practical things。 Many of the wrappers had e from his brother's wastebasket; or Sara's。
  Lark's handwriting; graceful and controlled; usually traced some living species on Jijo's plex order of life。 Dwer used Lark's castoff notes to store seeds; herbs; and feathers…things useful in the hunt。
  Sara's hand was expansive yet tense; as if imagination and order held each other in check。 Her discards swarmed with baffling mathematics。 (Some failed equations weren't just scratched out but stabbed to death in fits of frustration。) Dwer used his sister's work…sheets to hold medicines; condiments; and the powders that made many Jijoan foods edible to humans。
  From one folded page he drew six tobar seeds…plump; hard; and fragrant…which he spread across a rock some way downwind。 Holding his breath; he used his knife to split one open; then fled a rising; pungent cloud。 The glaver mewed unhappily; and the noor glared at him until the breeze swept most of the intense aroma away。
  Back in his sleeping roll; Dwer waited as the stars came out。 Kalunuti was a hot reddish pinpoint; set high on the leering face of Sargon; pitiless enforcer of laws。 More starry patterns followed; eagle; horse; dragon…and dolphin; beloved cousin; grinning with her jaw thrust in a direction some said might lead to Earth。
  If we exiles are ever caught; Dwer pondered; will the Great Galactic Library make a file about our culture? Our myths? Will aliens read our constellation myths and laugh?
  If all went as planned; no one would ever hear of this lonely colony or recall its tales。 Our descendants; if any; will be like glavers…simple; and innocent as the beasts of the field。
  Fluttering wings grazed the firelight。 A squat form landed near the tobar seeds; with wings of grayish plates that slid like overlapping petals。 The birdling's yellow beak quickly devoured the nut Dwer had cracked。
  Mudfoot sat up; eyes glinting。
  Dwer warned the noor; half…dozing…〃You bother it; an' I'll have yer hide fer a hat。〃
  Mudfoot sniffed and lay down again。 Soon there came a rhythmic tapping as the teet started pecking at the next nut。 It would take its time; consuming one kernel each midura…roughly seventy minutes…until the last was gone。 Then; with a chattering screech; it would fly off。 One didn't need a printout from the Great Library to know what function the Buyur had designed this creature to fill。 The living alarm clock still worked as programmed。
  Lark is wrong about our place on this world; Dwer thought; lulled by the unvaried tapping。 We do a service。 Jijo would be a sad place without people to use its gifts。
  There were dreams。 Dwer always had dreams。 Shapeless foes lurked beyond sight as he wandered a land covered with colors; like a rainbow that had melted; flowed across the ground; then frozen in place。 The harsh hues hurt his eyes。 Moreover; his throat felt parched; and he was unarmed。
  The dream shifted。 All of a sudden; he found himself alone in a forest of trees that seemed to stretch up past the moons。 For some reason; the trees were even more threatening than the colored landscape。 He fled; but could find no exit from the forest as their trunks glowed; burst into flame; then started to explode。
  The furious intensity of the nightmare yanked him awake; sitting up with a racing heart。 Dwer stared wide…eyed; glad to find the real woods intact; though dark and threaded by a chill breeze。 There was no raging firestorm。 He had dreamed the whole thing。
  Still; uneasiness gnawed。 Something felt wrong。
  He rubbed his eyes。 Different constellations swarmed the sky; fading in the east under a wash of predawn gray。 The biggest moon; Loocen; hovered over silhouetted peaks; its sunlit face spangled with bright pinpoints…the domes of long…abandoned cities。
  So what's wrong?
  It wasn't just intuition。 The clock teet had stopped。 Something must have disturbed it before the time to chatter its alarm。 He checked the area and found the noor snoring on quietly。 The glaver tracked Dwer dully with one thoughtless eye; the other still closed。
  All at once; he knew the problem。
  My bow!
  It wasn't where he'd left it; within arm's reach。 It was gone。
  Anger flooded the predawn dimness with blinding adrenaline outrage。 Dozens had spoken enviously of his bow…a masterpiece of laminated wood and bone; fashioned by the qheuenish craftsmen of Ovoom Town。 But who。。。 ?
  Calm down。 Think。
  Could it be Jeni Shen? She often joked about luring him into a poker game; with the bow at stake。 Or might it be…
  He took a deep breath; but it was hard disciplining his young body; so full of need to act。
  Stop and hear what the world has to say。。。。
  First; he must calm the furious spilling of his own unspoken words。 Dwer pushed aside all noisy thoughts。 Next he made himself ignore the rasping sound of breath and pulse。
  The distant; muttering waterfall was by now familiar; easy to cancel out。 The wind's rustle; less regular; soon went away; too。
  One hovering sound might be the clock teet; cruising in hope of more tobar seeds。 Another flutter told of a honey bat…no; a mated pair…which he also disregarded。 The noor's snoring he edited; and the soft grind of glaver…molars as the prisoner rechewed her cud。
  There! Dwer turned his head。 Was that a scrape on gravel? Pebbles rattling down a scree; perhaps。 Something; or someone…bipedal? Almost man…size; he guessed; and hurrying away。
  Dwer took off after the sound。 Gliding ghostlike in his moccasins; he ran some distance before noting that the thief was heading the wrong direction。 Away from the coast。 Away from the Slope。 Higher into the Rimmer Range。
  Toward the Pass。
  Padding up the rocky trail; Dwer's angry flush gave way to the scrupulous cadence of pursuit…a tense; almost ecstatic concentration on each thrust of heel and toe; the efficiency of motion needed for silence; an eager probing beyond his own soft noise to seize any trace of the pursued。 His head felt clear; no longer poisoned by fury。 Whatever the reason for this chase; tie could not help feeling a kind of joy。 This was his art; the thing he loved best。
  Dwer was near the notch of gray light separating two shadowy peaks; when a problem occurred to him。 Wait a minute!
  He slowed to a trot; then down to a walk。 This is stupid。 Here I am; chasing off after a sound I'm not even sure I heard…maybe a hangover of a dream…when the answer was there all along!
  The noor。
  He stopped; beating his fist against his thigh and feeling like an idiot。
  It's just what a noor would do…stealing things。 Swapping a villager's chipped cup for a treasure; or vice versa。
  When he returned; would a pile of ligger turds sit where the bow had lain? Or a diamond wrested from the crown of some long dead Buyur king? Or would they all…noor; bow; and glaver…simply be gone? Mudfoot had been quite an actor; snoozing

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