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小说: uplift4.brightnessreef 字数: 每页4000字

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  The caravan chief stared with all three eyes。 〃Code? Surely you do not mean the (archaic; irrelevant) rituals that old…time (barbaric) tribes used; back when…〃
  〃The code of war and faith among (noble; true…to…their…nature) tribes。 Confirmed! The way of our (much revered) aunts; going back generations before (recent; despicable) corruption set in。 Confirmed! Once again; I ask/demand…do you submit?〃
  Confused and alarmed; the caravan chief shook her head; human style; blowing air uncertainly like a hoon。 With a low aspiration; she muttered in Anglic;
  〃Hr…r…r。 Such jeekee nonsense for a grownuf adult to kill over…〃
  The raider sprang upon the merchant trader; wrapping their necks; shoving and twining forelegs till the caravan chief toppled with a groan of agony; wheezing in shock。 Any Earthly vertebrate might have had her spine snapped。
  The raider turned to the pilgrims with her head stretched far forward; as if to snap anyone in reach。 Frightened prisoners pressed close together。 Sara tightened her grip on Jomah; pushing the boy behind her。
  〃Again I ask/demand…who will (unreservedly) submit; in the name of this (miserable excuse for a) tribe?〃
  A dura passed。 Then out of the circle staggered a surviving lieutenant…perhaps pushed from behind。 Her neck coiled tightly; and her single nostril flared with dread as she stumbled toward the painted harlequin。 Trembling; the young urs crouched and slowly pushed her head along the ground till it rested between the raider's forehooves。
  〃Well done;〃 the corsair mented。 〃We shall make a (barely acceptable) plainsman of you。
  〃As for the rest; I am called UrKachu。 In recent (foolish) days I was known as Lord High Aunt of Salty Hoof Clan; a useless; honorary title; bereft of (real) power or glory。 Now banished from that (ungrateful) band; I co…lead this new pany of cousin…rades。 United; we resurrect one of the (great; lamented) warrior societies…the Urunthai!〃
  The other raiders raised their weapons; bellowing a piercing cry。
  Sara blinked surprise。 Few humans grew up ignorant of that name; fearsome from bygone days。
  〃This we have done because (so…called) aunts and sages have betrayed our glory race; falling into a (reviled) human trap。 A scheme of extermination; planned by alien criminals。〃
  From an abstract corner of her mind; Sara noted that the raider was losing control over her tailored; old…fashioned GalTwo phrasing; giving way to more modern tones; even allowing bits of hated Anglic to slip in。
  The other raiders hissed supportive counterpoint to their leader's singsong phrasings。 UrKachu leveled her head toward the pilgrims; twisting and searching; then stopped before a tall; dark human male…the Stranger。
  〃Is this he? The star…demon?〃
  The spaceman smiled back; as if not even bloody murder could break his good humor。 This; in turn; seemed to set the painted urs back momentarily。
  Is this the (selected; sought…after) one?〃 UrKachu went on。 〃Sky…cousin to those two…legged devils we have lived among for (long…suffering) generations?〃
  As if trying to perceive a new form of life; the crippled star…alien flipped the veil of his new rewq over his eyes; then off again; paring perspectives on the urrish marauder。 Perhaps; with meaning robbed from words; he found some in the riot of emotion…laden colors。
  A new voice spoke up; as smooth and coolly magnetic as the warrior chief was fiery…fierce; answering from behind the mass of huddled pilgrims。
  〃This is the one;〃 Ulgor assured; emerging from the tight…packed; sweaty crowd; stepping toward UrKachu。 Like the Stranger; she showed no trace of fear。
  〃It is the (promised) prize; recovered from far…off Dolo Town。 Recently confirmed by a human sage to be one of the star…demons; not Jijo born。〃
  While the pilgrims muttered dismay at Ulgor's betrayal; UrKachu's hooves clattered joy。 〃Those from space will pay (dearly) for his return。 For this they may offer one thing valuable above all else…survival for some (though not all) urs on Jijo。〃
  Many things suddenly made sense。 The motive for this raid; as well as Ulgor's spellbinding performance on the storytelling platform; designed to keep the caravan crew inside while the Urunthai moved stealthily into position。
  A slim shadow fell between the two urrish leaders。 A new voice cut in; speaking Anglic。
  〃Don't forget friends; we'll be demandin' a bit more'n just that。〃
  A human form stood in the torn entry。 Moving away from the late…afternoon glare; it resolved as/op; the Dolo Village tree farmer。 〃There's a whole list o' things we'll be needin' if they're to get their boy back; hale and whole〃…Jop glanced at the Stranger's scarred scalp…〃or as whole as the poor veg will ever be。〃
  Sara realized。 He went outside to signal the raiders while Vigor kept us distracted。
  A strange alliance。 A human purist helping urrish fanatics who named their group after the ancient Earthling…hating Urunthai Society。
  A frail alliance; if Sara overheard rightly when UrKachu muttered sideways to Ulgor…
  〃Would things not prove simpler without this one?〃
  Tellingly; the painted warrior winced and shut up when Ulgor gave her leg a sharp kick; out of view of the other urs。
  Sara detached Jomah and Prity; sheltering them in the crowd before taking a step forward。
  〃You can't do this;〃 she said。
  Jop's smile was grim。 〃And why not; little bookworm?〃
  It was a victory to keep a tremor out of her voice。
  〃Because he may not be one of the gene…thieves at all! I have reason to believe he may actually be an enemy of theirs。〃
  Ulgor looked the Stranger up and down; nodding。 〃A fossivility that natters not at all。 What counts is…we have goods to sell and can set a frice。〃
  That price Sara could envision。 For UrKachu; a return to glory days of wild warriors roaming free…not inpatible with Jop's goal to have all the dams; machines; and books cast down; speeding humanity along the Path of Redemption。
  Neither seemed to fear the chance of renewed war; so clear was the contempt each held for the other。 At the moment; it hardly mattered。
  We are in the hands of maniacs; Sara thought。 Fools who will ruin us all。
  AND NOW RETURNS THE ROTHEN SHIP。 BACK from its cryptic mission probing nearby space for some unknown god…purpose。
  Back to collect the station it left behind; and its crew of biological prospectors。
  Back to gather up a treasure…hold of purloined genes。
  Back to cover up their crime。
  Only now; that erstwhile…buried station gapes before us; a twisted ruin。 One Rothen and a sky…human lie on makeshift biers; robbed of life; while the surviving visitor…invaders rage choleric; vowing retribution。 If any doubted their intent before; my rings; can it be ambiguous anymore? We are bound to be punished。 Only means and extent remain in doubt。
  This is what the rebel zealots desired。 No more confusion。 An end to hints and sweet; lying promises。 Only the cleanliness of righteous opposition; however uneven our powers against those we must resist。 Let us be judged; the zealots demand; by our courage and faith; not our hesitation。
  The hot; unwinking star moves across our pre…dawn sky; orbiting slowly closer; an angel…or demon…of vengeance。 Do those aboard already know what has happened? Are they even now plotting the storm to e?
  The zealots argue we must seize the survivors…Ro…kenn; Ling; and Rann…as hostages for the protection of every member of the mons。 And the remaining star…man; Kunn; when his aircraft returns to its shattered base。
  Horrified; our qheuenish High Sage; Knife…Bright Insight; skewers the zealot logic。
  〃You would pile one crime on another? Did they harm us; these aliens? Did they strike the first blow; with their clinics and high…paying jobs? You have slain two of them based on mere speculation of ill intent! Now you would kidnap the rest? Let us imagine that those on the ship agree to your demands; promising not to attack the Six。 What is to stop them changing their minds; once the hostages go free?〃
  The zealot chief replies…
  〃Who says they will go free? Let them dwell among us for the rest of their natur

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