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小说: uplift4.brightnessreef 字数: 每页4000字

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gray garb of farmers。 Overhead; excited apelike shrieks joined in。 Though not voting citizens; tradition let local chimps clamber up the wall tapestries to observe from slit vents high above。 How much they understood was debatable。 Some screamed lustily for whichever speaker seemed most impassioned; while others were as partisan as Sara's father; who clapped the carpenter's back with encouragement。
  It had gone this way for hours。 Angry men and women taking turns citing scripture or bemoaning costs; each side waxing ever louder as their fear and irritation grew。 Nor were humans the sole partisans。 Log Biter; matriarch of the local qheuenish hive; had spoken urgently for preserving Dolo Dam; while her cousin from Logjam Pond proclaimed it a 〃gaudy monstrosity。〃 Sara feared a melee would ensue between two huge armored matrons; until the chief elder; Fru Nestor; interposed her small human form; the rewq on her brow flashing soothing colors until both qheuens finally backed down。
  The audience was no better。 A woman stepped on Sara's foot。 Someone else must not have bathed this week; paring badly to Pzora's worst secretions。 Sara envied Prity; a tiny figure perched high on a windowsill next to several human kids too young to vote。 Unlike other chimps; she seemed to find her notebook more engaging than the shouting speakers; tugging at her lower lip while she studied lines of plex mathematics。
  Sara envied Prity's escape into abstraction。
  One of the tree farmers rose to speak…a dark man named Jop; whose pale yellow hair curled around his ears。 He clenched two large hands; knotty with lifelong calluses。
  〃Penny pinching and farsightedness!〃 Jop dismissed the carpenter's plea。 〃What would you preserve? A few workshops and docks? Passing toys like plumbing and paper? Dross! All dross! Some paltry forts that our sinner ancestors let us poor exiles keep for a while; softening our first steps on the road toward grace。 But the Scrolls say none of it will last! It's all destined for the sea!〃
  Jop turned to his partisans; clutching both hands together。 〃It was planned long ago…what we're sworn to do when starships e。 Or else; why've we supported a guild of explosers all this time?〃
  Sara glanced again at Henrik and son; seated at the back of the dais。 The boy; Jomah; betrayed unease with a slow twisting of his cap between nervous young hands。 But his pa might have been a statue。 Henrik had remained silent throughout; except to report tersely that his charges were ready。
  Sara always pictured their craft as a frustrating profession; probably unique to Jijo。 After so many years of preparation…performing endless tests in a small canyon in the hills…wouldn't they hanker to see it all finally put to use? I know I would。
  Long ago; she and Lark and little Dwer used to sit in their attic room; watching moonlight spill over the rumbling water wheel and thrilling each other with lurid tales of what they might see if ever the moment came when Henrik lit his fuses。 With delicious mock…terror pounding in their chests; they counted down heartbeats until… kablam!
  Dwer loved making sound effects; especially the pretend detonation that finished off the dam; acpanied by waving arms and lots of saliva。 Sara's younger brother then gleefully described the wall of water tossing proud boats like trifles; smashing Nelo's drying racks; and driving toward their bedroom window like a fist。
  Lark took over then; thrilling and terrifying the younger kids as he portrayed their attic being sheared off by a watery blast; sent careening through the garu forest while farmers stared down in pity。 Each pretend near…miss made Sara and Dwer cry out till they leaped on their laughing older brother; pummeling to make him stop。
  And yet…after Dwer and Lark had done their best to scare her; they would toss and turn; while Sara never had nightmares。 When she did dream about the dam bursting; she used to picture a great wave simply taking them in the palm of its gentle hand。 As froth concealed all of Jijo; it magically transformed into the fluffy; charged substance of a cloud。 Always; the fantasy ended with her body lighter than mist; fearless; soaring through a night radiant with stars。
  A roar of approval yanked her back to the present。 At first she could not tell if it came from the party wanting quick action; or from those resolved not to wreck nine generations' work on the mere evidence of their own eyes。
  〃We have no idea what it was we saw!〃 her father declared; bing his beard with gnarled fingers。 〃Can we be sure it was a spaceship? Perhaps a meteor grazed by。 That'd explain all the noise and ruckus。〃
  Sneers and foot…stamps greeted this suggestion。 Nelo hurried on。 〃Even if it was a ship; that don't mean we've been discovered! Other vessels have e and gone…Zang globes; for instance; e to siphon water from the sea。 Did we wreck everything then? Did the older tribes burn their towns when we humans came? How do we know it wasn't another sneakship; bringing a seventh exile race to join our mons?〃
  Jop snorted derisively。
  〃Let me remind the learned papermaker…sneakships sneak! They e under the shadow of night an' cloud an' mountain peak。 This new vessel made no such effort。 It aimed straight at the Glade of the Egg; at a time when the pavilions of Gathering are there; along with the chief sages of the Six。〃
  〃Exactly!〃 Nelo cried。 〃By now the sages should be well aware of the situation and would have farcast if they felt it necessary to…〃
  〃Farcasting?〃 Jop interrupted。 〃Are you serious? The sages remind us over an' over again that it can't be trusted。 In a crisis; farcasts may be just the thing to attract attention! Or else〃…Jop paused meaningfully…〃or else there may have been no calls for a more terrible reason。〃
  He let the implication sink in; amid a scatter of gasps。 Almost everyone present had a relative or close friend who had taken pilgrimage this year。
  Lark and Dwer…are you safe? Sara pondered anxiously。 Will I ever see you again?
  〃Tradition leaves it up to each munity。 Shall we shirk; when our loved ones may've already paid a dearer price than some buildings and a stinkin' dam?〃
  Cries of outrage from the craft workers were drowned out by support from Jop's followers。 〃Order!〃 Fru Nestor squeaked; but her plaint was lost in the chaos。 Jop and his allies shouted for a vote。
  〃Choose the Law! Choose the Law!〃
  Nestor appealed for order with upraised hands; clearly dreading the dismemberment of her town…its reduction to a mere farming hamlet; rich in reverence but little else。 〃Does anyone else have something to say?〃
  Nelo stepped up to try again but wilted under a stream of catcalls。 Who had ever seen a papermaker treated thus? Sara felt his shame and dishonor; but it would be far worse when his beloved factory was blown to oblivion before an all…destroying flood。
  Sara had a strange thought…should she sneak up to her old attic room and wait for the wave? Who had prophesied right? Dwer and Lark? Or those images she had foreseen in dreams? It would be a once…in…a…lifetime chance to find out。
  Resumed chanting tapered off as someone new moved forward from behind the crowd of pale hoon sailors。 It was a centauroid figure with a long sinuous body of mottled suede that branched into a pair of stubby shoulderless arms and a powerful snakelike neck。 The narrow…pointed head contained three black eyes; one of them lidless and faceted; all set around a triangular mouth。 It was an urrish tinker Sara recognized from past visits to Dolo; buying scraps of glass and metal; selling simple Buyur tools reclaimed from some ruin。 The urs stepped daintily; as if worried her hooves might catch in the rough floorboards。 She had one arm raised; exposing a glimpse of the bluish brooding pouch underneath; an act that might have different connotations in a meeting of her own kind; but Fru Nestor took it as a request to speak; which she granted with a bow。
  Sara heard a human mutter…〃hinney!〃…a rude callback to days when newer Earthlings fought urrish tribes over land and honor。 If the tinker heard the insult; she ignored it; carrying herself well for a youngish urs with just one husba

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