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小说: uplift4.brightnessreef 字数: 每页4000字

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  Even if we hadn't been snapping at each other; it wasn't easy for a gang like ours to peer discreetly into a room; the way you read about humans doing in detective stories。 Still; those inside mightn't have noticed us; if Huphu the noor hadn't chosen that moment to go bounding in; yipping at those spinning pulleys and disks。 Before we knew it; she leaped onto a leather belt and was running in place like mad; snapping toward a pair of cringing urs husbands。
  Urdonnol noticed; waving her arms; displaying the bright glands under both brood pouches。
  〃This event signifies? It signifies?〃 the apprentice demanded with slurred interrogative trills。 Her agitation grew as the Master snaked a grizzled snout around to peer at the motion。
  Despite stereotypes; a hoon can act quickly if he sees a clear need。 I rushed over to snatch Huphu; rumbling my very best umble; and rejoined the others; girding for a group tongue…lashing。
  〃Behavior that is (astonishingly; horrifyingly) unacceptable;〃 declared Urdonnol in GalTwo。 〃Interruption of an important congress by (knavish; microcephalic; unhousebroken)…〃
  Uriel cut in; breaking Urdonnol's insult…stream before the fuming; stamping Ur…ronn could be provoked to responding in kind。
  〃That will do; Urdonnol;〃 the Master manded in GalSeven。 〃Kindly take the youngsters to Gybz; who has business of ers own with them; then hurry back。 We have several more models to run before we are through for the day。〃
  〃It shall be done;〃 Urdonnol replied in the same tongue。 Turning to us with an aggressive neck…stretch; the older prentice said…〃e along; you gaggle of jeekee adventurers。〃
  She said it with dripping scorn; which is possible in GalSeven; though not as harsh as Anglic。
  〃e swiftly。 It's been decided to take you up on your offer。
  〃Your grand plan。
  〃Your one…way expedition to Hell。〃
  It is said that glavers are an example to us all。 Of the seven races to plant exile colonies on the slope; they alone have escaped this prison where their ancestors consigned them。 They did this by finding; and traveling; the Path of Redemption。
  Now they are innocent; no longer criminals; having bee one with Jijo。 In time; they may even be renewed; winning that blessed rarity…a second chance at the stars。
  It is a source of some frustration to Earthlings…the youngest sept to e here…that humans never got to meet glavers as thinking; speaking beings。 Even the hoon and urs arrived too late to know them at their prime; when glavers were said to have been mighty intellects; with a talent for deep race memory。 Watching their descendants root through our garbage middens; it is hard to picture the race as great starfarers and the patrons of three noble client…lines。
  What desperation brought them here; to seek safety in oblivion?
  The g'Keks tell us; by oral tradition; that it was the result of financial setbacks。
  Once (according to g'Kek lore); glavers were said to be among those rare breeds with a knack for conversing with Zang…the hydrogen…breathing civilization existing aloofly in parallel to the society of races that use oxygen。 This aptitude enabled glavers to act as intermediaries; bringing them great wealth and prestige; until a single contractual mistake reversed their fortunes; landing them in terrible debt。
  It is said that the great Zang are patient。 The debt falls due in several hundred thousand years; yet so deep is the usury that the glaver race; and all its beloved clients; were hopelessly forfeit。
  Glavers had but one thing left to trade; a precious thing they might yet sell; providing they could find the right path。
  That thing was themselves。
  …Collected Fables of Jijo's Seven; Third Edition。
  Department of Folklore and Language; Biblos。
  Year 1867 of Exile。
  THE PLUNDER SHIP SOON DEPARTED AS IT CAME; amid a storm of whirling fragments of our poor; shattered forest。 A tornado leaned in its wake; as if Jijo's own ghostly hand were reaching; clasping; trying to restrain it。
  Alas; this departure was no cause for joy; for the crew vowed an early return。 Surety of this promise squatted near the steaming scar where the ship had lain…a black cube; half an arrowflight wide; featureless save where a ramp led to a gaping hatch。
  Nearby; two frail cloth pavilions had been transplanted from Gathering; at the request of star…gods who had stayed behind when their ship departed。 One to serve as a place of liaison; and a large tent for 〃examining specimens。〃 Already a small foray party of star…humans worked under that canopy; feeding dark mysterious machines with samples of Jijoan life。
  Shock still throbbed throughout the mons。 Despite unity…entreaties by their sages; the many septs and clans cleaved; each seeking shelter among its own kind。 Emissaries darted among these cloistered groups; parleying in hushed secrecy。 All save the youngest of the Six; whose envoys were rebuffed。
  For the moment no one; not even the traeki; wants to speak to humans。
  AROUND MIDAFTERNOON; THE RIVER SPILLED into canyon country。 As if remembering some urgent errand; the water hastened through a terrain of thorny scrub; clinging to eroded slopes。 Sara recalled these badlands from childhood fossil…hunting trips with Dwer and Lark。 Those had been good times; despite the heat; stale food; and gritty dust。 Especially when Melina used to e along; before the final lingering illness that took her away; leaving Nelo an old man。
  Their mother's soft accent used to grow stronger; Sara recalled; the farther south they traveled。 The open sky never seemed to cause her any dread。
  In contrast; the crew of the Hauph…woa grew restless with each southward league; especially after the morning's episode of inept piracy; by the shattered bridge。 Clearly the hoon sailors would prefer tying up for the rest of the day under some rocky shelter。 The captain reminded them; with a farty blat from his violet sac; that this was no leisurely dross run but an urgent mission for the mons。
  A prevailing west wind normally filled the sails of craft climbing upstream。 In places where the river's current pushed strongest; trusty hoon operators offered winch tows from cleverly camouflaged windmills…shaped like upright eggbeaters…that tapped the funneled breeze under cliff overhangs。 But the first set of lonely vanes swept in and out of sight before anyone could emerge from the attached hut to answer their hails; and half a midura later; the overseer of the next windmill barely finished a rumbling courtesy…preamble before the river hauled the Hauph…woa beyond range。
  Like the tug of time; Sara thought。 Pulling you into the future before you're ready; leaving behind a wake of regrets。 If only life let you catch a friendly tow rope now and then; to climb back into the past; offering a chance to change the flow of your own life…stream。
  What would she do; with the last year or two to live over again? Could any amount of foresight have averted the sweet pain of giving her heart where it did not belong? Even with foreknowledge of Joshu's nature; would or could she have rejected in advance all those months of heady joy; when she had pretended in her own mind that he could be hers alone?
  Might any amount of prophecy have helped save his life?
  An image came to her; unbeckoned and unwele out of memory。 Recollection of the very day she fled Biblos Citadel; clutching her books and charts; rushing home to that treehouse overlooking Dolo Dam; to drown herself in study。
  …black banners flapping in a zephyr that blew past the castle's heavy roof…of…stone。。。
  …murmur…kites; tugging at their tether strings; moaning their warbling lament during the mulching ceremony for Joshu and the other plague victims。。。
  …a tall; fair…skinned woman; newly e by boat from far…off Ovoom Town; standing by Joshu's bier; performing a wife's duty; laying on his brow the wriggling torus that would turn mortal flesh into gleaming; crystal dust。。。
  …the poised; cool face of Sage Taine; rimmed by a mane of hair like Buyur steel; approaching to graciously forgive Sara's year…long indisc

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