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小说: uplift4.brightnessreef 字数: 每页4000字

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  betrayed by the ancestors who left us here;
  blind to much that was hard…learnt by other ages;
  fearful of light and the law;
  but above all; anxious in our hearts
  that there might be no God;
  no Father;
  no heavenly succor;
  or else that we are already lost to Him;
  to fate;
  to destiny。
  Where shall we turn; in banished agony;
  with our tabernacle lost;
  and faith weighed down by perfidy?
  What solace es to creatures lost in time?
  One source of renewal;
  never fails。
  With rhythms long;
  its means are fire and rain;
  ice and time。
  Its names are myriad。
  To poor exiles it is home。
  The passage ended on a strange note of bined reverence and defiance。
  If God still wants us; let him find us here。
  Till then; we grow part of this;
  our adopted world。
  Not to hinder; but to serve Her cyclic life。
  To sprout humble goodness out of the foul seed of crime。
  Not long after that scroll gained acceptance in the human sept; one winter's day; ground tremors shook the Slope。 Trees toppled; dams burst; and a terrible wind blew。 Panic swept from mountains to sea amid reports that Judgment Day had e。
  Instead; bursting through a cloud of sparkling dust; the Egg appeared。 A gift out of Jijo's heart。
  A gift which must be shared tonight…with aliens。
  What if they achieved what he had always failed? Or worse; what if they reacted with derisive laughter; declaring that the Egg was a simple thing that only yokels would take seriously…like fabled Earth…natives worshipping a music box they found on the shore?
  Lark struggled to push out petty thoughts; to tune himself with the basso rumble of the hoon; the qheuens' calliope piping; the twanging spokes of the g'Keks; and all of the other contributions to a rising song of union。 He let it take over the measured pace of his breathing; while warmth from the stone fragment seemed to swell up his hand and arm; then across his chest; spreading relaxed detachment。
  Close; he thought。 A tracery of soft patterns began taking shape in his mind。 A weblike meshing of vague spirals; made up partly of images; partly of sound。
  It's almost as if something is trying to…
  〃Is this; not exciting?〃 a voice broke in from Lark's right; splitting his concentration into broken shards。 〃I believe I can feel something now! It's quite unlike any psi phenomenon I have experienced。 The motif is highly unusual。〃
  Ignore her; Lark thought; clinging to the patterns。 Maybe she'll go away。
  But Ling kept talking; sending words clattering up avenues that could not help hearing them。 The harder he tried holding on; the quicker detachment slipped away。 Lark's hand now clenched a clammy ball of rock and twine; warm with his body heat alone。 He let go in disgust。
  〃We picked up some tremors on instruments several days ago。 The cycles have been rising in strength and plexity for some time。〃
  Ling seemed blithely unaware of having done anything wrong。 That; in turn; made Lark's simmering resentment seem both petty and futile。 Anyway; her beauty by moonlight was even more unnerving than usual; cutting through his anger to a vulnerable loneliness within。
  Lark sighed。 〃Aren't you supposed to be guarding your boss?〃
  〃Robots do the real guarding…as if we have anything to fear。 Ro…kenn gave Rann and me permission to look around while he talks to your sages; preparing them for what's about to happen。〃
  Lark stopped so suddenly; the next pilgrim in line had to stumble to avoid him。 He took Ling's elbow。 〃What are you talking about? What's about to happen?〃
  Ling's smile carried a touch of the old sardonicism。
  〃You mean you haven't guessed by now? Oh; Lark。 Think about the coincidences。
  〃For two thousand years sooners of various races lived on this world; squabbling and slowly devolving。 Then humans came and everything changed。 Though you started few and helpless; soon your culture became the most influential on the planet。
  〃Then; just a few generations after your arrival; a miracle suddenly erupts out of the ground; this spirit guide you all revere。〃
  〃You mean the Egg;〃 he said; brow furrowing。
  〃Exactly。 Did you really think the timing accidental? Or that your patrons had forgotten you?〃
  〃Our patrons。〃 Lark frowned。 〃You mean。。。 you're implying the Rothen knew all along…〃
  〃About the voyage of the Tabernacle? Yes! Ro…kenn explained it to us this morning; and now everything makes sense! Even our own arrival on Jijo is no accident; dear Lark。 Oh; our mission is partly to seek deserving presapients; to join our clan。 But more than that; we came for you。 Because the experiment is finished!〃
  〃Experiment?〃 He felt an involuntary disorientation。
  〃An arduous trial for your small branch of humanity; castaway and forgotten…or so you thought…on a savage world。 It sounds harsh; but the road of uplift is hard when a race is destined for the heights our patrons plan for us。〃
  Lark's mind whirled。 〃You mean our ancestors were meant to sneak down to Jijo? As part of an ordeal that's supposed to。。。 transform us somehow? The Egg was…is…part of some Rothen scheme…〃
  〃Design;〃 Ling corrected; a kind of elation invading her voice。 〃A grand design; Lark。 A test; which your folk passed brilliantly; I'm told; growing stronger; smarter; and more noble even as this awful place tried to grind you down。
  〃And now the time has e to graft this successful offshoot back onto the main trunk; helping all of humanity to grow; thrive; and better face the challenges of a dangerous universe。〃
  Her grin was joyful; exuberant。
  〃Oh; Lark; when I spoke to you last; I thought we might be taking a few human castaways with us; when we go。
  〃But now the news is pure and grand; Lark。
  〃Ships are ing。 So many ships!
  〃It is time to bring you all back home。〃
  ASTONISHMENT! This news bellows through our waxy cavities; driving out the Egg's pattern/resonance with acrid vapors of surprise。
  we/i/we/i/we。。。 cannot coalesce as Asx。 Nor contemplate these tidings with any sense of unity。
  The worst rumors of recent months…spread by irredentist urrish chiefs and bitter gray queens…claimed that humans might abandon Jijo; departing with their sky…cousins; leaving the other five to fester and be damned。
  Yet even that dark fantasy left one solace to the rest of us。
  One fort。
  The Egg。
  Now; we are told…
  (disbelieve it!)
  (but how?)
  that the holy ovoid was never ours! Only humans'; all along! Its dual purpose…to guide Earthlings toward greatness while at the same time soothing; domesticating we other Five!
  Taming the other septs; in order to keep humans safe during their brief stay on Jijo。
  Now this is topped by insulting 〃kindness;〃 as Ro…kenn says the Egg will be left as a parting gift。 Left as a token; a trifle; a gratuity for our pains。 Left to shame us all!
  Pause; my rings。 Pause。 Ensure fairness。 Stroke vapors across the wax drippings。 Remember。
  Did not Lester Cambel seem as dismayed as the rest of us?
  Did not all the sages resolve to conceal this news? Lest rumors do great harm?
  It is useless。 Even now; eavesdropping citizens rush off; dispersing exaggerated versions of what they overheard; casting a poison up and down the chain of pilgrims; shattering the rhythms that had been uniting us。
  Yet from the majestic Rothen; we sense cheerful un…awareness that anything is wrong!
  Is this what it means to be a god? To know not what harm you do?
  Ripples of infection spread along the twisty trail。 The worship…chant breaks apart; dissolving into many twelves of muttering individuals。
  Now; from my/our highest peak; we perceive another disturbance; propagating from the front of the procession! The two disruptions meet like waves on a storm…tossed lake; rolling through each other in a great spume of noise。
  〃The way is blocked;〃 a galloping messenger cries; hastening back with word。 〃A rope barrier bars the path; with a banner upon it!〃
  This can only be the work of

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