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小说: cwilleford.theburntorangeheresy 字数: 每页4000字

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  There was; I think; too much orange in her lipstick; but perhaps this slight imperfection was the single needed touch that made her so lovely as a whole。
  I had shaved and showered before Berenice took over the bathroom for an hour; and I had trimmed my Spanish Don sideburns neatly with scissors。 Nevertheless; I looked incongruously raunchy beside Berenice in my faded blue denim; short…sleeved jumpsuit; especially when she slipped on a pair of white gloves。 It was too hot outside for a jacket; and I needed the multiple pockets in the jumpsuit to carry all my paraphernalia。
  I had three pens; a notebook; my wallet and keys; a handkerchief; two packs of Kools; and my ribbed…model Dunhill lighter (one of the few luxuries I had treated myself to when I had a regular teaching salary ing in); a tiny Kodak Bantam in my right trousers pocket; some loose change; a pocket magnifying glass in a leather case; fingernail clippers; and a two…inch piece of clammy jade; with indentations for a finger grip。 Except for the well…concealed Kodak Bantam; loaded with color film; I carried too much crap around with me; but I had gotten used to carrying it and could hardly do without it。
  We had slept late and had a leisurely breakfast。 After getting dressed; I had jotted down a few questions in my notebook。 I would not refer to the questions; but the act of writing them down had set them in my mind。 This was an old reporter's trick that worked; and I always took my Polaroid camera along; loaded with black…and…white; and extra film。 Professionals sneer at Dr。 Edwin H。 Land's Polaroids; but I was an expert with them and rarely snapped more than two shots before getting what I wanted。 I had learned; too; that people wifi okay without argument almost any picture that they have seen; but wifi refuse to allow photos to be published when they haven't seen everything on the roll。
  By 1:30 P。M。 we were ready to go。 I preceded Berenice down the stairs into the glare of the breathtaking Florida sunlight。 The humidity was close to ninety; although the temperature wasn't quite eighty…five。 There were threatening nimbus clouds farther south; but the sky was clear and blue above Palm Beach。 It doesn't always rain in South Florida when the humidity hits 100 percent; although technically it is supposed to; but inasmuch as we were heading toward the dark sky above Boynton Beach; I decided not to put the canvas top back。 Inside the car; on burning leatherefte seats; we sweltered。
  We had hardly crossed the bridge into West Palm when Berenice pointed to a blazing orange roof and said; 〃Let's stop at Howard Johnson's。〃
  〃Why? We just finished breakfast an hour ago。〃
  〃I have to widdle。 That's why。〃
  〃I told you to pee before we left。〃
  〃I did; but I have to go again。〃
  It was partly the heat; but I jerked the car into the parking lot; thinking angrily that it wasn't too late。 I could call a cab and send Berenice back to the apartment。
  But once inside the cave…cold depths and booth…seated; I ordered two chocolate ice cream sodas; waited for them and Berenice; and smoked a Kool。 Because the service was seasonal; Berenice joined me at the table long before the sodas arrived。 She picked up my cigarette from the ashtray; took a long drag; replaced the cigarette exactly as she found it; held the inhaled smoke inside her lungs like a skin diver trying to break the hold…your…breath…underwater record; and finally let what was left of the smoke out。 I had noticed; during the three days I was in Miami; when Berenice had not been with me; that her so…called efforts to quit smoking caused three packs a day to go up in smoke instead of my usual two。 She had merely quit buying and carrying them。 She smoked mine instead…or took long drags off the cigarette I happened to be smoking。 She hated mentholated cigarettes; or so she claimed; but not enough; apparently; to give them up altogether。
  〃If you want a cigarette;〃 I said; pushing the pack toward her; 〃take one。 When you drag mine down a quarter of an inch that way; I finish the cigarette unsatisfied because I didn't have the exact ration of smoke I'm accustomed to。 Then; because I feel gypped out of a quarter inch; I light another one; only to find that an entire cigarette; smoked too soon after the one I just finished; is too much。 I butt it; replace it in the pack; and when I finally get around to lighting the butt the next time I want a smoke; it tastes too strong and it still isn't a regular…length smoke。 If I throw the butt away; with only a couple of drags gone; it's a waste; and…〃
  Berenice put a cool hand over mine。 There were faint crinkles in the corners of her guileless cornflower blue eyes。 Her bowed lips narrowed as they flickered a rapid smile。
  〃What's bothering you; James?〃
  I shrugged。 〃I don't know。 I took an up with my third cup of coffee; and the bination of a benny with too much coffee makes me talk too much。 As I told you last night; Berenice; this is a one…of…a…kind opportunity for me。 And I'm apprehensive; that's all。〃
  She shook her head。 The smile appeared and disappeared again so fast I almost missed it。 〃No; James; you told me so much about this painter last night I got confused; bogged down in details; so to speak。 Something is either missing or you didn't tell me everything。〃
  〃You fell asleep; for Christ's sake。〃
  〃No; I didn't。 Well; maybe toward the end。 But what I don't understand is how this painter; this Debierue; can be such a famous painter when no one has ever seen any of his paintings。 It doesn't make sense。〃
  〃What do you mean; no one has seen his paintings? Thousands of people saw his first one…man show; and his subsequent work has been written about by Mazzeo; Charonne; Reinsberg; and Galt; who all studied his paintings。 These are some of the most famous critics of this century; for God's sake!〃
  She shook her head and pursed her lips。 〃I don't mean them; or even you…that is; if you get to see what he's painted since ing to Florida。 I mean the public; the people who flock to museums when a traveling Van Gogh show es in; and buy all kinds of Van Gogh reproductions and so on。 I had seen dozens of Van Gogh paintings in books and magazines long before I ever saw one of his originals。 That's what I mean by famous。 How can I be impressed by Debierue's fame when I've never seen any of his work and can't judge for myself how good he is?〃
  Our ice cream sodas arrived。 I didn't want to hurt Berenice's feelings; but I was forced to because of her ignorance。
  〃Look; baby; you aren't qualified to judge for yourself。 Now keep quiet; and drink your nice ice cream soda… there's a good girl…and I'll try and explain it to you。 Did you ever study cetology?〃
  〃I don't know。 What is it?〃
  〃The scientific study of whales。 A cetologist is a man who studies whales; and he can spend an entire lifetime at it; just as I've spent my life; so far; studying art…as have the critics who wrote about Debierue。 Now; let's suppose that you pick up a copy of Scientific American and read an article about whales written by a well…known cetologist…〃
  〃Are there any well…known cetologists?〃
  〃There are bound to be。 I don't have any names to rattle off for you…that isn't my racket。 But I haven't finished yet。 All right; you're reading this article by a cetologist in Scientific American and he states that a baby sperm whale is a tail presentation。〃
  〃What does that mean?〃
  〃It means that a baby whale; unlike other mammals; is born tail first。〃
  〃How do you know that?〃
  〃I read a lot。 But the same would hold true even if the cetologist said that it was a cephalic presentation。 The point I'm making is this: The article is written by a cetobogist and published in Scientific American; and you will accept an expert's word for it。 You aren't going to get yourself a goddamned boat and sail around the seven fucking seas trying to find a pregnant whale; are you? Just so you can check on whether a baby whale is born head first or tail first?〃
  Berenice giggled。 〃You're cute when you're stern。 No 。 。 。 I guess not; but art; it seems to me; is supposed to be for everybody; not just for those critics you mentioned 。 。
  I pu

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