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小说: iancaldwell&dustinthomason.theruleoffour 字数: 每页4000字

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。 I feel sleepy; almost drunk。
 Gil is calling the police。 An emergency; he says。 On Olden Street。 At the Institute。
 His voice is loud against the silence。 Paul mumbles the house number; and Gil echoes it into the phone。
 Suddenly Paul raises himself from the floor。 〃We need to get out of here。〃
 My senses are returning。 I put a hand on Paul's shoulder; but he darts into the bedroom; looking everywhere…the space beneath the bed; the crack between the doors of Taft's closet; odd slats in tall bookshelves。
 〃It's not here 。 。 。〃 he says。 Then he turns; struck by something else。 〃The map;〃 he blurts。 〃Where's my map?〃
 Gil looks at me as if this is it; the sign that Paul has lost touch。
 〃In the lockbox at Ivy;〃 he says; taking Paul by the arm。 〃Where we put it。〃
 But Paul shakes him off and begins toward the stairs on his own。 In the far distance there es the sound of sirens。
 〃We can't leave;〃 I call out。
 Gil glances at me; but follows him。 The sirens are closer now…blocks away; but rising。 Outside; through the window; the hills are the color of metal。 In a church somewhere; it is Easter。
 〃I lied to the police about Vincent;〃 Paul cries back。 〃I can't be here when they find him。〃
 I follow them out the front door; pushing toward the Saab。 Gil fires the engine; flooding it with gas; and the car roars in neutral; loud enough to bring on the lights in the house next door。 Throwing the gearshift into first; he guns the engine again。 When the tires catch asphalt; the car rockets into motion。 Just as Gil turns onto an adjoining road; the first patrol car arrives at the opposite end of the street。 We watch as it es to a stop in front of Taft's house。
 〃Where are we going?〃 Gil says; glancing at Paul in the rearview mirror。
 〃Ivy;〃 he says。
 Chapter 28
 The club is silent when we arrive。 Someone has piled rags on the floor of the main hall to sop up the alcohol Parker spilled; but puddles of booze still glisten。 Curtains and tablecloths are stained。 Nowhere is the staff to be found。 Kelly Danner seems to have emptied the club of every last soul。
 The carpet on the stairway to the second floor is damp underfoot; where partygoers have trudged alcohol up on the bottoms of their shoes。 At the entrance to the Officers' Room; Gil closes the door and flicks on the overhead lamp。 The remains of the broken wet bar are pushed up into a corner。 A fire has been left to die in the fireplace; but the embers are still raw; spitting up stray flames and red heat。
 Seeing the phone on the table; I think of the number I couldn't remember when Gil's cell phone went dead; and it es to me suddenly; what all of this is。 A failure of memory; a mismunication。 The line connecting Richard Curry to Paul has filled with static; and somehow Curry's message was lost。 Yet Curry had made his demands clear。
 Tell me where the blueprint is; Vincent; he said at the Good Friday lecture; and you won't see me again。 That's the only business we have anymore。 But Taft refused。
 Gil produces a key and opens the mahogany lockbox。 〃Here;〃 he says to Paul; pulling out the map。
 I can see Curry again; advancing toward Paul in the courtyard; then backing away toward the chapel; toward Dickinson Hall and Bill Stein's office。
 〃Jesus;〃 Gil says; 〃how are we going to deal with this?〃
 〃Call the police;〃 I tell him。 〃Curry could e for Paul。〃
 〃No;〃 Paul says。 〃He won't hurt me。〃
 But Gil meant something else: dealing with what we've done; fleeing Taft's house。 〃Curry killed Taft?〃 he says。
 I lock the door。 〃And he killed Stein。〃
 The room suddenly feels airtight。 The wreckage of the wet bar; brought up from downstairs; gives the place a sweet; rotten odor。
 Gil stands at the head of the table; speechless。
 〃He won't hurt me;〃 Paul repeats。
 But I remember the letter we found in Stein's desk。 I have a proposition for you。 There's more than enough here to suit both of us。 Followed by Curry's reply; which I'd misunderstood until now: What about Paul?
 〃He will;〃 I say。
 〃You're wrong; Tom;〃 Paul snaps。
 But I'm seeing more and more clearly where this all leads。
 〃You showed Curry the diary when we went to the exhibit;〃 I tell him。 〃He knew Taft had stolen it。〃
 〃Yes; but…〃
 〃Stein even told him they were going to steal your thesis。 Curry wanted to get it before they did。〃
 〃Then; at the hospital; you told him everything you'd found。 You even told him you were looking for the blueprint。〃
 I reach for the phone; but Paul places a hand down on the receiver; holding it in place。
 〃Stop; Tom;〃 he says。 〃Listen to me。〃
 〃He killed them。〃
 Now it's Paul who leans in; looking heartbroken; to say something Gil and I don't expect。
 〃Yes。 That's what I'm telling you。 Will you just listen? That's what he meant at the hospital。 Remember? Just before you came into the waiting room? We understand each other; son。 He told me he couldn't sleep because he was worried about me。〃
 Paul's voice trembles。 〃Then he said; If I'd known what you were going to do; I would've done things differently。 Richard thought I knew he'd killed Bill。 He meant he would've done it differently if he'd known I was going to leave Vincent's lecture early。 That way the police wouldn't have e looking for me。〃
 Gil begins pacing。 On the far side of the room; a log breaks in the fireplace。
 〃Remember the poem he mentioned at the exhibit?〃
 〃Browning。 'Andrea del Sarto。' 〃
 〃How did it go?〃
 〃 'You do what many dream of; all their lives;' 〃 I tell him。 〃 'Dream? Strive to do; and agonize to do; and fail in doing。' 〃
 〃Why would he choose that poem?〃
 〃Because it went with the del Sarto painting。〃
 Paul bangs his hand on the table。 〃No。 Because we solved what he and your father and Vincent never solved。 What Richard dreamed of doing; all his life。 What he strove; and agonized; and failed in doing。〃
 A frustration has e over him that I haven't seen since we worked together; when he seemed to expect that we could act as a single organism; think a single thought。 It shouldn't be taking you that long。 It shouldn't be that hard。 We are riddling again; puzzling meaning from a man he thinks we ought to know equally。 I have never understood Colonna; or Curry; well enough for Paul。
 〃I don't understand;〃 Gil says; seeing that something has e between us; something outside his experience。
 〃The paintings;〃 Paul says; still to me; trying to make me see。 〃The stories of Joseph。 I even told you what they meant。 We just didn't know what Richard was getting at。 Now Jacob loved Joseph more than all his children; because he was the son of his old age。 And he made him a coat of many colors。〃
 He waits for me to give some signal; to tell him I understand; but I can't。
 〃It's a gift;〃 he says finally。 〃Richard thinks he's giving me a gift。〃
 〃A gift?〃 Gil asks。 〃Have you lost your mind? What gift?〃
 〃This;〃 Paul says; extending his arms; enpassing everything。 〃What he did to Bill。 What he did to Vincent。 He stopped them from taking it away from me。 He's giving me what I found in the Hypnerotomachia。〃
 There is an awful equanimity when he says it; fear and pride and sadness circling around a quiet certainty。
 〃Vincent stole it from him thirty years ago;〃 Paul says。 〃Richard wouldn't let the same thing happen to me。〃
 〃Curry lied to Stein;〃 I tell him; unwilling to let him be fooled by a man trading on an orphan's weakness。 〃He lied to Taft。 He's doing the same thing to you。〃
 But Paul is past the point of doubting。 Beneath the horror and disbelief in his voice is something approaching gratitude。 Here we are; in another room of borrowed paintings; another exhibit in the museum of fatherhood Curry built for the son he never had; and the gestures have bee so grand that the motives are unimportant。 It's a final wedge。 It reminds me; suddenly; that Paul and I are not brothers。 That we believe in different things。
 Gil begins to speak; ing between us to bring this discussion back to earth; when a shuffling sound es from outside。 All three of us turn。
 〃What the hell was that?〃 Gil says。
 Then Curry's voice es。
 〃Paul;〃 he murmurs; from just on the other side of the door。
 We all freeze。

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