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小说: danbrown.angels&demons 字数: 每页4000字

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 The antimatter canister felt like deadweight in Langdon's hands。 He held tighter; his palms slick now with sweat and blood。 Inside the trap; the globule of antimatter hovered calmly; pulsing red in the glow of the LED countdown clock。
 〃Two minutes!〃 Langdon yelled; wondering where the camerlegno intended to drop the canister。 
 The city lights beneath them spread out in all directions。 In the distance to the west; Langdon could see the twinkling delineation of the Mediterranean coast…a jagged border of luminescence beyond which spread an endless dark expanse of nothingness。 The sea looked farther now than Langdon had imagined。 Moreover; the concentration of lights at the coast was a stark reminder that even far out at sea an explosion might have devastating effects。 Langdon had not even considered the effects of a ten…kiloton tidal wave hitting the coast。
 When Langdon turned and looked straight ahead through the cockpit window; he was more hopeful。 Directly in front of them; the rolling shadows of the Roman foothills loomed in the night。 The hills were spotted with lights…the villas of the very wealthy…but a mile or so north; the hills grew dark。 There were no lights at all…just a huge pocket of blackness。 Nothing。
 The quarries! Langdon thought。 La Cava Romana! 
 Staring intently at the barren pocket of land; Langdon sensed that it was plenty large enough。 It seemed close; too。 Much closer than the ocean。 Excitement surged through him。 This was obviously where the camerlegno planned to take the antimatter! The chopper was pointing directly toward it! The quarries! Oddly; however; as the engines strained louder and the chopper hurtled through the air; Langdon could see that the quarries were not getting any closer。 Bewildered; he shot a glance out the side door to get his bearings。 What he saw doused his excitement in a wave of panic。 Directly beneath them; thousands of feet straight down; glowed the media lights in St。 Peter's Square。
 We're still over the Vatican! 
 〃Camerlegno!〃 Langdon choked。 〃Go forward! We're high enough! You've got to start moving forward! We can't drop the canister back over Vatican City!〃
 The camerlegno did not reply。 He appeared to be concentrating on flying the craft。
 〃We've got less than two minutes!〃 Langdon shouted; holding up the canister。 〃I can see them! La Cava Romana! A couple of miles north! We don't have…〃
 〃No;〃 the camerlegno said。 〃It's far too dangerous。 I'm sorry。〃 As the chopper continued to claw heavenward; the camerlegno turned and gave Langdon a mournful smile。 〃I wish you had not e; my friend。 You have made the ultimate sacrifice。〃
 Langdon looked in the camerlegno's exhausted eyes and suddenly understood。 His blood turned to ice。 〃But 。 。 。 there must be somewhere we can go!〃 
 〃Up;〃 the camerlegno replied; his voice resigned。 〃It's the only guarantee。〃 
 Langdon could barely think。 He had entirely misinterpreted the camerlegno's plan。 Look to the heavens! 
 Heaven; Langdon now realized; was literally where he was headed。 The camerlegno had never intended to drop the antimatter。 He was simply getting it as far away from Vatican City as humanly possible。 
 This was a one…way trip。

 In St。 Peter's Square; Vittoria Vetra stared upward。 The helicopter was a speck now; the media lights no longer reaching it。 Even the pounding of the rotors had faded to a distant hum。 It seemed; in that instant; that the entire world was focused upward; silenced in anticipation; necks craned to the heavens 。 。 。 all peoples; all faiths 。 。 。 all hearts beating as one。
 Vittoria's emotions were a cyclone of twisting agonies。 As the helicopter disappeared from sight; she pictured Robert's face; rising above her。 What had he been thinking? Didn't he understand? 
 Around the square; television cameras probed the darkness; waiting。 A sea of faces stared heavenward; united in a silent countdown。 The media screens all flickered the same tranquil scene 。 。 。 a Roman sky illuminated with brilliant stars。 Vittoria felt the tears begin to well。
 Behind her on the marble escarpment; 161 cardinals stared up in silent awe。 Some folded their hands in prayer。 Most stood motionless; transfixed。 Some wept。 The seconds ticked past。
 In homes; bars; businesses; airports; hospitals around the world; souls were joined in universal witness。 Men and women locked hands。 Others held their children。 Time seemed to hover in limbo; souls suspended in unison。
 Then; cruelly; the bells of St。 Peter's began to toll。
 Vittoria let the tears e。
 Then 。 。 。 with the whole world watching 。 。 。 time ran out。
 The dead silence of the event was the most terrifying of all。 
 High above Vatican City; a pinpoint of light appeared in the sky。 For a fleeting instant; a new heavenly body had been born 。 。 。 a speck of light as pure and white as anyone had ever seen。
 Then it happened。
 A flash。 The point billowed; as if feeding on itself; unraveling across the sky in a dilating radius of blinding white。 It shot out in all directions; accelerating with inprehensible speed; gobbling up the dark。 As the sphere of light grew; it intensified; like a burgeoning fiend preparing to consume the entire sky。 It raced downward; toward them; picking up speed。
 Blinded; the multitudes of starkly lit human faces gasped as one; shielding their eyes; crying out in strangled fear。
 As the light roared out in all directions; the unimaginable occurred。 As if bound by God's own will; the surging radius seemed to hit a wall。 It was as if the explosion were contained somehow in a giant glass sphere。 The light rebounded inward; sharpening; rippling across itself。 The wave appeared to have reached a predetermined diameter and hovered there。 For that instant; a perfect and silent sphere of light glowed over Rome。 Night had bee day。
 Then it hit。 
 The concussion was deep and hollow…a thunderous shock wave from above。 It descended on them like the wrath of hell; shaking the granite foundation of Vatican City; knocking the breath out of people's lungs; sending others stumbling backward。 The reverberation circled the colonnade; followed by a sudden torrent of warm air。 The wind tore through the square; letting out a sepulchral moan as it whistled through the columns and buffeted the walls。 Dust swirled overhead as people huddled 。 。 。 witnesses to Armageddon。
 Then; as fast as it appeared; the sphere imploded; sucking back in on itself; crushing inward to the tiny point of light from which it had e。

 Never before had so many been so silent。
 The faces in St。 Peter's Square; one by one; averted their eyes from the darkening sky and turned downward; each person in his or her own private moment of wonder。 The media lights followed suit; dropping their beams back to earth as if out of reverence for the blackness now settling upon them。 It seemed for a moment the entire world was bowing its head in unison。 
 Cardinal Mortati knelt to pray; and the other cardinals joined him。 The Swiss Guard lowered their long swords and stood numb。 No one spoke。 No one moved。 Everywhere; hearts shuddered with spontaneous emotion。 Bereavement。 Fear。 Wonder。 Belief。 And a dread…filled respect for the new and awesome power they had just witnessed。 
 Vittoria Vetra stood trembling at the foot of the basilica's sweeping stairs。 She closed her eyes。 Through the tempest of emotions now coursing through her blood; a single word tolled like a distant bell。 Pristine。 Cruel。 She forced it away。 And yet the word echoed。 Again she drove it back。 The pain was too great。 She tried to lose herself in the images that blazed in other's minds 。 。 。 antimatter's mind…boggling power 。 。 。 the Vatican's deliverance 。 。 。 the camerlegno 。 。 。 feats of bravery 。 。 。 miracles 。 。 。 selflessness。 And still the word echoed 。 。 。 tolling through the chaos with a stinging loneliness。
 He had e for her at Castle St。 Angelo。 
 He had saved her。
 And now he had been destroyed by her creation。
 As Cardinal Mortati prayed; he wondered if he too would hear God's voice as the camerlegno had。 Does one need to believe in miracles to experience them? Mortati was a modern man in an ancient faith。 Miracl

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