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小说: anner.vittoriothevampire 字数: 每页4000字

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t with age。
 〃Bring them both;〃 he called out。 〃Ursula; quiet yourself; lest you frighten everyone。〃
 I made a swift bid for freedom。 She tightened her grip。 There came the pinprick of her teeth in my neck。 〃Oh; no; Ursula; let me see what's to happen!〃 I whispered。 But I could feel the murky clouds rising about me; as though the air itself had thickened and was enfolding me with scent and sound and the sensuous force。
 Oh; love you; want you; yes; I did and can't deny it。 I felt myself holding her in the high moist grasses of the field; and she lay beneath me; but these were dreams and there were no wild red flowers; and I was being taken somewhere; and she had but weakened me; pulled on my heart with the force of her own。
 I tried to curse her。 All around us lay the flowers and the grasses; and she said; 〃Run;〃 but this was quite impossible because it was not made of truth; but of fantasy and the sucking of her mouth on me and her limbs entwining me as if she were a serpent。
 A French castle。 It was as though I had been transported to the north。 I had opened my eyes。 All the accoutrements of a French court。
 Even the dim sedate music which I could hear made me think of old…fashioned French songs sung at suppers in long…ago childhood。
 I awoke; sitting cross…legged on a carpet; slumped over; and came to myself rubbing my neck and feeling about desperately for weapons which had all been taken from me。 I nearly lost my balance and fell backward。
 The music was repetitive and dull and pounding as it rose up from some faraway place below; with too many muffled drums and the thin nasal whine of horns。 It had no melody。
 I looked up。 French; yes; the high narrow pointed archway that led to a long balcony outside; below which some great celebration was in noisy progress。 Fancy French; the tapestries of the ladies with their tall cone…shaped hats; and their snow…white unicorns。
 Quaint antique; like the illustrations in prayer books of courts in which poets sat reading aloud the boring and tedious Roman de la Rose; or the fables of Reynard the Fox。
 The window was draped in blue satin covered in the fleurs…de…lys。 There was old filigree crumbling about the high doorway and what I could see of the window frame。 And cabinets were gilded and painted in the French style; decayed and stiff。 I turned around。
 There stood the two men; their long tunics streaked with blood; and their mail sleeves coarse and thick。 They had taken off their pointed helmets; and they stared at me with icy pale eyes; each a solemn bearded figure。 The light positively glinted on their hard white skin。
 And there stood Ursula; a silver…framed jewel upon the shadows; gazing down at me; her gown high…waisted and soft…falling and old…fashioned as their clothes; as though she too had e from some long…ago kingdom of the French; her snow…white breasts bare almost to her nipples; beneath a rich full little bodice of flowered red…and…gold velvet。
 At a desk; on an X…shaped chair; there sat the Elderly one; his age quite true to the posture I had glimpsed silhouetted against the castle light; and he was pale as they; of the same deadly white plexion; both beautiful yet awful and monstrous。
 Turkish lamps hung on chains about the room; flames glittering deep inside them; giving off a hurtful light against my dazed eyes; and also a fragrance as of roses and summer fields; something alien to heat and burnt things。
 The Elderly one had a bald head; as ugly as the unearthed bulb of an iris; upended and shaved of all root; and implanted with two gleaming gray eyes; and a long narrow solemn unplaining and unjudging mouth。
 〃Ah; so;〃 he said to me in a soft voice; lifting one eyebrow; which was scarcely visible except for the sharp arching wrinkle of his perfect white flesh。 He had thick slanting lines for cheeks。 〃You realize you've killed one of us; don't you?〃
 〃I hope so;〃 I said。 I climbed to my feet。 I nearly lost my balance。 Ursula reached out; then stepped back; as though she had caught herself in a breach of decorum。
 I righted myself; glaring at her quite ferociously and then at the bald Elderly one; who looked up at me with unbroken calm。
 〃Do you care to see what you've done?〃 he asked of me。 〃Why should I?〃 I asked。 But I did see。
 On a great trestle…board table to my left lay the dead blond thief who had hefted me body and soul into his big cloth sack。 Ah; the debt was paid in full。
 He lay still; shrunken horridly; as if his limbs had collapsed upon themselves; and his bloodless white head; lids open on dark clotted eyes; lay against his roughly torn neck。 What a delight。 I stared at one skeletal hand of the being; which hung over the edge of the table; white and like some shriveling creature of the sea beneath a merciless sun on sand by the oceanside。
 〃Ah; excellent;〃 I said。 〃This man who dared to abduct me and bring me here by force; quite dead; thank you for the sight of it。〃 I looked at the Elderly one。 〃Honor demands nothing less。 We don't even have to talk of mon sense; do we? And what others did you take from the village? The wild old man who tore at his shirt? The infant born small? The weak; the infirm; the sick; whatever they'd give you; and what do you give them in exchange?〃
 〃Oh; do be quiet; young one;〃 said the Elderly solemn male。 〃You are courageous beyond honor or mon sense; that's plain enough。〃
 〃No; it isn't。 Your sins against me demand I fight you with my last breath; you; all of you。〃 I pivoted and stared at the open door。 The plodding music in itself sickened me and threatened to make me dizzy from all the blows and falls I'd suffered。 〃Such noise from below。 What are you; a bloody court?〃 All three men broke into laughter。
 〃Well; you've very nearly got it right;〃 said one of the bearded soldiers in a deep bass of a voice。 〃We are the Court of the Ruby Grail; that's our very name; only we prefer that you say it properly in Latin or in French; as we say it。〃
 〃The Court of the Ruby Grail!〃 I said。 〃Leeches; parasites; blood drinkers; that's what you all are。 What is the Ruby Grail? Blood?〃
 I struggled to remember the prick of her teeth against my throat without the spell which had always e with them; but there it was; threatening to swallow me; the drifting; fragrant memory of meadows and her tender breasts。 I shook myself all over。 〃Blood drinkers。 Ruby Grail! Is that what you do with all of them; the ones you take? Drink their blood?〃
 The Elderly one looked pointedly at Ursula。 〃What is it you're asking of me; Ursula?〃 he put the question to her。 〃How can I make such a choice?〃
 〃Oh; but Godric; he's brave and fine and strong;〃 said Ursula。 〃Godric; if you but say yes; no one will go against it。 No one will question it。 Please; I beg you; Godric。 When have I ever asked …〃
 〃Asked for what?〃 I demanded; looking from her solicitous and heartbroken face to the Elderly man。 〃For my life? Is that what you ask? You'd better kill me。〃
 The old man knew that。 I didn't have to tell him。 There was no way I could be given mercy at this juncture。 I would merely fling myself against them again; seeking to bring down another or another。
 Suddenly; as if quite angry and impatient; the Elderly figure rose with surprising agility and grabbed me by the collar as he swept past me in a great graceful rustle of red robes; and dragged me with him; as if I weighed nothing; out through the archway and to the edge of the stone railing。 〃Look down on the Court;〃 he said。
 The hall was immense。 The overhang on which we stood ran all around; and below there was scarcely a foot of bare stone; so rich were the hangings of gold and burgundy。 The long table below hosted a string of Lords and Ladies; all in the requisite burgundy…red cloth; the color of blood; not wine; as I had believed; and before them glared the bare wood; with not a plate of food nor a cup of wine; but all were content and watching with cheerful eyes; as they chattered; the dancers who covered the great floor; dancing deftly on thick carpets as though they liked this padding beneath their slippered feet。
 There were so many interlocking circles of figures moving to the throb and beat of the music that they made a series of arabesques。 Th

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