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小说: anner.vittoriothevampire 字数: 每页4000字

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 were some very large porches; and these too had their idle gloating and merciless occupants。 Damn them all; I thought。
 What stunned me and fascinated me was the great jumble of human beings and dwellings which I saw crowding the courtyard before me。
 First of all; it was far more fiercely illuminated than the ghastly Court; where I had just stood trial; if it could be called such; and it was an entire world unto itself … a rectangular court planted with dozens of olive trees and other flowering trees; orange trees; lemon trees; and all of these strung with lanterns。
 It was an entire little world full of what seemed to be drunken and confused persons。 Bodies; some half…naked; others fully and even richly clothed; shuffled; stumbled or lay about with no purpose。 Everyone was filthy; disheveled; degraded。
 There were hovels all over; like old…fashioned peasant huts of mere straw; and open wooden shacks; and little stone enclaves; and trellised gardens and countless circuitous pathways。
 It was a drunken labyrinth of a garden gone wild under the naked night。
 The fruit trees grew thick in clusters and then broke open to reveal grassy places where people merely lay staring at the stars; as if they were dozing; though their eyes were open。
 Myriad flowering vines covered wire enclosures that seemed to have no purpose but to create some alcove of privacy; and there were giant cages full of fat birds; aye; birds; and cooking fires scattered about … and big kettles simmering on beds of coals; from which a deeply spiced fragrance arose。 Kettles! Yes; full of broth。
 I saw that a foursome of demons roamed about … there may have been more … scrawny…limbed and bleached as their Lords; and forced to the same blood…red dress; only they were in shapeless garments no better than rags … peasant garb。
 Two tended a pot of the simmering broth or soup or whatever it was; whilst another swept with a big old broom; and yet another carried on his hip indifferently a small mewling human toddler; whose head rolled painfully on his weak neck。
 It was more grotesque and disturbing than the hideous Court below; with its stately cadaverous mock aristocrats。
 〃It's stinging my eyes;〃 I said。 〃I can feel the smoke rising from the kettles。〃 It was a pungent delicious mingling of fragrances。 I could identify many of the rich cooking spices; and the smell of mutton and beef; but there were other more exotic flavors intermingled with it。
 Everywhere human beings were in this hopeless daze。 Children; old women; the famed cripples who never appeared in the town below; hunchbacks; and little twisted bodies which had never grown to full size; and big hulking men as well; bearded and swart; and boys my age or older … all of them shuffling about or lying about; but dazed; and crazy; and looking up at us; and blinking and pausing as though our presence should mean something though they could not make out what。
 I swayed on the landing; and Ursula held my arm。 I felt ravenous as the heavy fumes filled my nostrils。 Hunger; hunger such as I'd never known。 No; it was a pure thirst for the soup; as though there were no food that was not liquid。
 Suddenly the two gaunt and aloof men who had not left us … they who had blindfolded me and dragged me here … turned and went down the steps; letting their heels make a sharp marching sound on the stones。
 A few eager cries came up from the great mottled and scattered assemblage。 Heads turned。 Sluggish bodies tried to rouse themselves from the vaporous torpor。
 The two Lords; with their long trailing sleeves and stiff backs; marched together as if they were kinsmen as they approached the first of the visible cauldrons。
 I watched as drunken mortals gathered themselves up and stumbled towards the red…clad Lords。 As for the red…clad Lords; they seemed to glory in mystifying all。
 〃What are they doing? What will they do?〃 I was sick。 I was going to fall。 Yet how sweet this soup smelled; and how much I wanted it。 〃Ursula;〃 I said。 But I didn't know what words to make to follow this prayer of her name。
 〃I'm holding you; my love; this is the coop。 Look; do you see?〃 Through a haze; I saw the Lords pass beneath the jagged thorny branches of the blooming orange trees; where fruit hung still; as though none of these swollen; lethargic souls needed such a fresh and bright thing as an orange。
 The Lords took up a stance on either side of this first kettle; and each; extending a right hand; slashed his right wrist with a knife which he held in his left hand; and let the blood flow copiously into the brew。
 A weak happy cry rose from those humans gathering meekly around them。
 〃Oh; damnable; it's the blood; of course;〃 I whispered。 I would have fallen if Ursula had not taken hold of me。 〃The brew is spiced with blood。〃
 One of the Lords turned away; as though the smoke and the fumes disgusted him; yet he allowed himself to bleed into the mix。 Then turning swiftly; almost crossly; he reached out to snatch by the arm one of the thin; weak…looking white demons in peasant garb。
 He caught the poor fellow and dragged him to the kettle。 The thin paltry demon begged and whined to be allowed to be free; but his wrists were both slashed; and now; though he turned his bony face away; he was bled furiously into the soup。
 〃Ah; you are better than Dante with your circles of Hell; aren't you?〃 I said。 But it hurt me that I had taken such a tone with her。 She supported me utterly。
 〃They are peasants; yes; they dream of being Lords; and if they obey; they might。〃 I recalled now that the demon soldiers who had brought me back to the castle had been rude huntsmen。 How well it was all thought out; but this; my narrow…shouldered love; with her soft yielding arms and her shining tear…stained face; was a pure Lady; was she not? 〃Vittorio; I want so badly for you not to die。〃
 〃Do you; dearest?〃 I said。 I had my arms around her。 I could no longer stand without this support。 My vision was fading。
 Yet with my head against her shoulder; my eyes directed to the crowd below; I could see the human beings surrounding the kettles and dipping their cups into the brew; dipping their cups right where the blood had fallen; and then blowing on the hot liquid to cool it before they drank。
 A soft; horrid laughter echoed up the walls。 I think it came from those spectators above on the balconies。
 There was a sudden swirl of red color; as if a giant unfurling flag had fallen。
 But it was a Lady dropping down from the remote heights above; to land amid the worshipful hordes of the coop。
 They bowed and saluted her; and backed away from her; and gave forth loud gasps of awe as she too approached the kettle and; with a loud rebellious laugh; cut her wrist and fed her blood into it。
 〃Yes; my darlings; my little chicks;〃 she declared。 She looked up at us。
 〃e down; Ursula; have pity on our hungry little world; be generous tonight。 So it is not your night to give; give in honor of our new acquisition。〃
 Ursula seemed shamed by all of this; and held me gently with her long fingers。 I looked into her eyes。 〃I'm drunk; drunk merely from the fragrance。〃
 〃My blood is only for you now;〃 she whispered。
 〃Give it to me then; I hunger for it; I'm weak to dying;〃 I said。 〃Oh; God; you've brought me to this。 No; no; I did it myself。〃
 〃Sshhh; my lover; my sweet;〃 she said。
 Her arm coiled about my waist; and there came just under my ear her tender lips sucking on the flesh; as if she meant to make a pucker there on my neck; warm it with her tongue; and then the prick of her teeth。
 I felt ravaged; and with both hands in a fantasy I reached out for her figure as we ran together through the meadow which belonged only to us and to which these others could never be admitted。
 〃Oh; innocent love;〃 she said even as she drank from me; 〃oh; innocent innocent love。〃
 Then a sudden icy hot fire entered the wound in my neck; and I felt it as if it were a delicate parasite of long tendrils that once inside my body could find the most remote reaches of me。
 The meadow spread out around us; vast and cool; and utterly given over to the blowing lilies。 Was she with me? Beside me? It seemed in one radiant instant I stood alone and h

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