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The meadow spread out around us; vast and cool; and utterly given over to the blowing lilies。 Was she with me? Beside me? It seemed in one radiant instant I stood alone and heard her cry out as if she were behind me。 I meant; within this ecstatic dream; this fluttering cooling dream of blue skies and tender breaking stems; to turn and go to her。 But out of the corner of my eyes; I beheld something of such splendor and magnificence that my soul leapt。 〃Look; yes; you see!〃
My head fell back。 The dream was gone。 The high white marble walls of the prison castle rose above my hurting gaze。 She held me and stared down at me; bewildered; her lips bloody。
She hoisted me in her arms。 I was as helpless as a child。 She carried me down the stairs; and there was nothing I could do to rouse my limbs。
It seemed all the world above was tiny figures ranging on balconies and battlements and laughing and pointing with their tiny outstretched hands; so dark against the torches all around them。 Blood red; smell it。
〃But what was it; did you see it in the field?〃 I asked her。 〃No!〃 she cried。 She looked so frightened。
I lay on a heap of hay; a makeshift bed; and the poor underfed demon peasant boys stared stupidly down at me with bloodshot eyes; and she; she wept; her hands again to her face。 〃I cannot leave him here;〃 she said。
She was far; far away。 I heard people crying。 Was there a revolt among the drugged and the damned? I heard people weeping。
〃But you will; and e to the kettle first and give your blood。〃 Who spoke those words? I didn't know。 〃。。。 time for the Mass。〃
〃You won't take him tonight。〃
〃Why are they crying?〃 I asked。 〃Listen; Ursula; they've all started crying。〃
One of the scrawny boys stared right into my eyes。 He had a hand on the back of my neck and a warm cup of brew to my mouth。 I didn't want it to slop down my chin。 I drank and drank。 It filled my mouth。
〃Not tonight;〃 came Ursula's voice。 Kisses on my forehead; on my neck。 Someone snatched her away。 I felt her hand hold tight to mine; then I felt her pulled away。 〃e now; Ursula; leave him。〃
〃Sleep; my darling;〃 she cried in my ear。 I felt her skirts brushing me。 〃Vittorio; sleep。〃
The cup was thrown aside。 Stupidly; in utter intoxication I watched the contents spill and sink darkly into the mounded hay。 She knelt before me; her mouth open and tender and luscious and red。
She took my face in her cool hands。 The blood poured out of her mouth and into mine。
〃Oh; love;〃 I said。 I wanted to see the field。 It didn't e。 〃Let me see the field! Let me see it!〃
But there was no meadow; only the shocking sight of her face again; and then a dimming light; a gathering embrace of darkness and sound。 I could no longer fight。 I could no longer speak。 I could no longer remember。。。 But someone had said that very thing。
And the crying。 It was so sad。 Such crying; such doleful; helpless weeping。
When next I opened my eyes; it was morning。 The sun hurt me; and my head ached unbearably。
A man was on top of me; trying to get my clothes off me。 Drunken fool。 I turned over; dizzy and sick; sick to vomiting; and threw him off; and with a sound blow knocked him senseless。
I tried to get up but I couldn't。 The nausea was intolerable。 All around me others slept。 The sun hurt my eyes。 It scalded my skin。 I snuggled into the hay。 The heat beat down on my head; and when I ran my own fingers through my hair; my hair felt hot。 The pain in my head throbbed in my ears。
〃e into the shelter;〃 a voice said。 It was an old crone; and she beckoned to me from beneath a thatched roof。 〃e in; where it's cool。〃
〃Curse you all;〃 I said。 I slept。 I drifted。
Sometime during the late afternoon I came to my senses。
I found myself on my knees near one of the kettles。 I was drinking in a slovenly wretched manner from a bowl of brew。 The old woman had given it to me。
〃The demons;〃 I said。 〃They are asleep。 We can。。。 we can。。。〃 but then the futility of it overcame me。 I wanted to throw away the cup; but I drank the hot brew。
〃It's not just blood; it's wine; it's good wine;〃 said the old woman。 〃Drink it; my boy; and feel no pain。 They'll kill you soon enough。 It's not so terrible。〃 When it was dark again; I knew it。 I rolled over。
I could fully open my eyes; and they did not hurt as they had in the day
I knew that I had lost the whole arc of the sun in this drugged and stupid and disastrous languor。 I had fallen into their plans。 I had been helpless when I should have been trying to rouse these useless ones around me to mutiny。 Good God; how could I have let it happen! Oh; the sadness; the dim distant sadness。。。 And the sweetness of slumber。 〃Wake; boy。〃 A demon voice。 〃They want you tonight。〃
〃Oh; and who wants me for what?〃 I asked。 I looked up。 The torches were alight。 All was twinkling and glowing; and there came the soft rustle of green leaves overhead … the sharp sweet smell of the orange trees。 The world was woven of dancing flames above and the entrancing patterns of the black leaves。 The world was hunger and thirst。
The brew simmered; and that scent blotted out all else。 I opened my mouth for it; though there was none of it near me。
〃I'll give it to you;〃 said the demon voice。 〃But sit up。 I must clean you up。 You must look good for tonight。〃
〃For what?〃 I said。 〃All of them are dead。〃
〃My family。〃
〃There is no family here。 This is the Court of the Ruby Grail。 You are the property of the Lord of the Court。 Now; e; I have to prepare you。〃
〃For what do you prepare me?〃
〃For the Mass; you're to go; get up;〃 said the demon; who stood wearily over me; leaning on his broom; his shining hair an elfin mess around his face。 〃Get up; boy。 They'll want you。 It's almost midnight。〃
〃No; no; not almost midnight; no!〃 I cried out。 〃No!〃
〃Don't be afraid;〃 he said; coldly; wearily。 〃It's useless。〃
〃But you don't understand; it's the loss of time; the loss of reason; the loss of hours during which my heart beat and my brain slept! I'm not afraid; you miserable demon!〃 He held me flat to the hay。 He washed my face。
〃There; there; you are a handsome fine one。 They always sacrifice those such as you right away。 You're too strong; too fine of limb and face。 Look at you; and the Lady Ursula dreaming of you and weeping for you。 They took her away。〃
〃Ah; but I was dreaming too。。。〃 I said。 Was I talking to this monstrous attendant as though he and I were friends? Where was the great magnificent web of my dreams; the immense and luminous majesty?
〃You can talk to me; why not?〃 he said。 〃You will die in rapture; my pretty young Lord;〃 he said。 〃And you'll see the church all alight; and the Mass; you'll be the sacrifice。〃
〃No; I dreamed of the meadow;〃 I said。 〃I saw something in the meadow。 No; it wasn't Ursula。〃 I was talking to myself; to my own sick bedeviled mind; talking to my wits to make them listen。 〃I saw someone in the meadow; someone so。。。 I can't。。。〃
〃You make things so painful for yourself;〃 said the demon soothingly。 〃Here; I have all your buttons and buckles right。 What a fine Lord you must have been。〃
Must have been; must have been; must have been。。。 〃You hear that?〃 he asked。
〃I hear nothing。〃
〃It's the clock; striking the third quarter of the hour。 It's almost time for the Mass。 Don't pay attention to the noise。 It's the others who'll be sacrificed。 Don't let it unnerve you。 Just so much mon weeping。〃
HAD ever a chapel been more beautiful? Had ever white marble been used to such an advantage; and from which a fount of eternal gold had e these glorious curlicues and serpentine adornments; these high…pointed windows; illuminated from without by fierce fires that brought into the perfection of jewels their tiny thick facets of tinted glass to form their solemn narrow and seemingly sacred pictures? But they were not sacred pictures。
I stood in the choir loft; high above the vestibule; looking down over the great nave and at the altar at the far end。 Once again I was flanked by ominous and regal Lords; who seemed now to be absolutely fervent in their duty as they held me firm and standing by the arms