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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 Well; it was better to talk of that than nothing; at least; it kept Harry from his childish cries for Desiree。 So I explained that the precipice over which we had fallen was presumably of recent origin。
 Geologically the Andes are yet in a chaotic and formative condition; huge slides of Silurian slates and diorite are of frequent occurrence。 A ridge of one of these softer stones had most probably been encased in the surrounding granite for many centuries; then; loosened by water or by time; had crumbled and slid into the stream below。
 〃And;〃 I finished; 〃we followed it。〃
 〃Then we may find another;〃 said Harry hopefully。
 I agreed that it was possible。 Then he burst out:
 〃In the name of Heaven; don't be so cool! We can't get out till we try。 e! And who knows…we may find Desiree。〃
 Then I decided it was best to tell him。 Evidently the thought had not entered his mind; and it was best for him to realize the worst。 I gripped his hand tighter as I said:
 〃Nothing so pleasant; Harry。 Because we're going to starve to death。〃
 〃Starve to death?〃 he exclaimed。 Then he added simply; with an oddly pathetic tone: 〃I hadn't thought of that。〃
 After that we lay silent for many minutes in that awful darkness。 Thoughts and memories came and went in my brain with incredible swiftness; pictures long forgotten presented themselves; an endless; jumbled panorama。 They say that a drowning man reviews his past life in the space of a few seconds; it took me a little more time; but the job was certainly a thorough one。 Nor did I find it more interesting in retrospect than it had been in reality。
 I closed my eyes to escape the darkness。 It was maddening; easy enough then to prehend the hysterics of the blind and sympathize with them。 It finally reached a point where I was forced to grit my teeth to keep from breaking out into curses; I could lie still no longer; exhausted as I was; and Harry; too。 I turned on him:
 〃e on; Hal; let's move。〃
 〃Where?〃 he asked in a tone devoid of hope。
 〃Anywhere…away from this beastly water。 We must dry out our clothing; no use dying like drowned rats。 If I only had a match!〃
 We rose to our hands and knees and crawled painfully up the slippery incline。 Soon we had reached dry ground and stood upright; then; struck by a sudden thought; I turned to Harry:
 〃Didn't you drink any of that water?〃
 He answered: 〃No。〃
 〃Well; let's try it。 It may be our last drink; Hal; make it a good one。〃
 We crept back down to the edge of the lake (I call it that in my ignorance of its real nature); and; settling myself as firmly as possible; I held Harry's hand while he lowered himself carefully into the water。 He was unable to reach its surface with his mouth without letting go of my hand; and I shook off my poncho and used it as a line。
 〃How does it taste?〃 I asked。
 〃Fine!〃 was the response。 〃It must be clear as a bell。 Lord。
 I didn't know I was so thirsty!〃
 I was not ignorant of the fact that there was an excellent chance of the water being unhealthful; possibly poisoned; what with the tertiary deposits of copper ores in the rock…basins; but the thought awakened hope rather than fear。 There is a choice even in death。
 But when I had pulled Harry up and descended myself I soon found that there was no danger…or chance。 The water had a touch of alkali; but nothing more。
 Then we crept back up the wet ledge; and once more stood on dry ground。
 The surface was perfectly level; and we set off at a brisk pace; hand in hand; directly away from the lake。 But when; about a hundred yards off; we suddenly bumped our heads against a solid wall of rock; we decided to proceed with more caution。
 The darkness was intensified; if anything。 We turned to the right and groped along the wall; which was smooth as glass and higher than my best reach。 It seemed to the touch to be slightly convex; but that may have been delusion。
 We had proceeded in this manner some hundred yards or more; advancing cautiously; when we came to a break in the wall。 A few feet farther the wall began again。
 〃It's a tunnel;〃 said Harry。
 I nodded; forgetting he could not see me。 〃Shall we take it?〃
 〃Anything on a chance;〃 he answered; and we entered the passage。
 It was quite narrow…so narrow that we were forced to advance very slowly; feeling our way to avoid colliding with the walls。
 The ground was strewn with fragments of rock; and a hasty step meant an almost certain fall and a bruised shin。 It was tedious work and incredibly fatiguing。
 We had not rested a sufficient length of time to allow our bodies to recuperate from the struggle with the torrent; also; we began to feel the want of food。 Harry was the first to falter; but I spurred him on。 Then he stumbled and fell and lay still。
 〃Are you hurt?〃 I asked anxiously; bending over him。
 〃No;〃 was the answer。 〃But I'm tired…tired to death…and I want to sleep。〃
 I was tempted myself; but I brought him to his feet; from some impulse I know not what。 For what was the use? One spot was as good as another。 However; we struggled on。
 Another hour and the passage broadened into a clearing。 At least so it seemed; the walls abruptly parted to the right and left。 And still the impenetrable; maddening darkness and awful silence!
 We gave it up; we could go no farther。 A few useless minutes we wasted; searching for a soft spot to lie on…moss; reeds; anything。 We found none; of course; but even the hard; unyielding rock was grateful to our exhausted bodies。 We lay side by side; using our ponchos for pillows; our clothing at least was dry。
 I do not know how long I slept; but it seemed to me that I had barely dozed off when I was awakened by something…what?
 There was no sound to my strained ears。 I sat up; gazing intently into the darkness; shuddering without apparent reason。
 Then I reflected that nothing is dangerous to a man who faces death; and I laughed aloud…then trembled at the sound of my own voice。 Harry was in sound sleep beside me; his regular breathing told of its depth。
 Again I lay down; but I could not sleep。 Some instinct; long forgotten; quivered within me; telling me that we were no longer alone。 And soon my ear justified it。
 At first it was not a sound; but the mere shadow of one。 It was rhythmic; low; beating like a pulse。 What could it be? Again I sat up; listening and peering into the darkness。 And this time I was not mistaken…there was a sound; rustling; sibilant。
 Little by little it increased; or rather approached; until it sounded but a few feet from me on every side; sinister and menacing。 It was the silent; suppressed breathing of something living…whether animal or man…creeping ever nearer。
 Then was the darkness doubly horrible。 I sat paralyzed with my utter helplessness; though fear; thank Heaven; did not strike me! I could hear no footstep; no sound of any kind but that low; rushing breathing; but it now was certain that whatever the thing was; it was not alone。
 From every side I heard it…closer; closer…until finally I felt the hot; fetid breath in my very face。 My nerves quivered in disgust; not far from terror。
 I sprang to my feet with a desperate cry to Harry and swung toward him。
 There was no answering sound; no rush of feet; nothing; but I felt my throat gripped in monstrous; hairy fingers。
 I tried to struggle; and immediately was crushed to the ground by the overpowering weight of a score of soft; ill…smelling bodies。
 The grasp on my throat tightened; my arms relaxed; my brain reeled; and I knew no more。
 Chapter VII。
 I returned to consciousness with a sickening sensation of nausea and unreality。 Only my brain was alive; my entire body was numb and as though paralyzed。 Still darkness and silence; for all my senses told me I might have been still in the spot where I had fallen。
 Then I tried to move my arms; and found that my hands and feet were firmly bound。 I strained at the thongs; making some slight sound; and immediately I heard a whisper but a few feet away:
 〃Are you awake; Paul?〃
 〃I was still half dazed; but I recognized Harry's voice; and I answered simply: 〃Yes。 Where are we?〃
 〃The Lord knows! They carried us。 You have been unconscious f

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