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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 taking a hearty drink when I heard Harry's voice。
 〃Here; lad。〃
 〃I was afraid you had gone。 I've just had the most devilish dream about Desiree。 She was doing some crazy dance on top of a mountain or something。 and there was fire; and…Paul! Paul; was it a dream?〃
 〃No; Hal; I saw it myself。 But e; we'll talk later。
 Here's some dried fish for breakfast。〃
 〃Ah! That…that…now I remember! And she fell! I'm going…〃
 But I wanted no more fever or delirium; and I interrupted him sternly:
 〃Harry! Listen to me! Are you a baby or a man? Talk straight or shut up; and don't whine like a fool。 If you have any courage; use it。〃
 It was stiff medicine; but he needed it; and it worked。 There was a silence; then his voice came; steady enough:
 〃You know me better than that; Paul。 Only…if it were not for Desiree…but I'll swallow it。 I think I've been sick; haven't I?〃
 Poor lad! I wanted to take his hand in mine and apologize。
 But that would have been bad for both of us; and I answered simply:
 〃Yes; a little fever。 But you're all right now。 And now you must eat and drink。 Not much of a variety; but it's better than nothing。〃
 I carried the platter and basin over to him; and sat down by his side; and we fell to together。
 But he would talk of Desiree; and I humored him。 There was little enough to say; but he pressed my hand hopefully and gratefully when I expressed my belief that her disappearance had been a trick of some sort and no matter for apprehension。
 〃We must find her; Paul。〃
 〃At once。〃
 But there I objected。
 〃On the contrary; we must delay。 Right now we are utterly helpless from our long fast。 They would handle us like babies if it came to a fight。 Try yourself; stand up。〃
 He rose to his hands and knees; then sank back to the ground。
 〃You see。 To move now would be folly。 And of course they are watching us at this minute…every minute。 We must wait。〃
 His only answer was a groan of despair。
 In some manner the weary hours passed by。
 Harry lay silent; but not asleep; now and then he would ask me some question; but more to hear my voice than to get an answer。 We heard or saw nothing of our captors; for all our senses told us we were quite alone; but our previous experience with them had taught us better than to believe it。
 I found myself almost unconsciously reflecting on the character and nature of the tribe of dwarfs。
 Was it possible that they were really the descendants of the Incas driven from Huanuco by Hernando Pizarro and his horsemen nearly four hundred years before? Even then I was satisfied of it; and I was soon to have that opinion confirmed by conclusive evidence。
 Other questions presented themselves。 Why did they not speak?
 What fuel could they have found in the bowels of the Andes for their vats of fire? And how did sufficient air for ten thousand pairs of lungs find its way miles underground? Why; in the centuries that had passed; had none of them found his way to the world outside?
 Some of these questions I answered for myself; others remained unsolved for many months; until I had opportunity to avail myself of knowledge more profound than my own。 Easy enough to guess that the hidden deposits of the mountain had yielded oil which needed only a spark from a piece of flint to fire it; and any one who knows anything of the geological formation of the Andes will not wonder at their supply of air。
 Nature is not yet ready for man in those wild regions。 Huge upheavals and convulsions are of continual occurrence; underground streams are known which rise in the eastern Cordillera and emerge on the side of the Pacific slope。 And air circulates through these passages as well as water。
 Their silence remains inexplicable; but it was probably the result of the nature of their surroundings。 I have spoken before of the innumerable echoes and reverberations that followed every sound of the voice above a whisper。 At times it was literally deafening; and time may have made it so in reality。
 The natural effect through many generations of this inconvenience or danger would be the stoppage of speech; leading possibly to a plete loss of the faculty。 I am satisfied that they were incapable of vocalization; for even the women did not talk! But that is ahead of the story。
 I occupied myself with these reflections; and found amusement in them; but it was impossible to lead Harry into a discussion。
 His mind was anything but scientific; anyway; and he was pletely obsessed by fear for the safety of Desiree。 And I wasn't sorry for it; it is better that a man should worry about some one else than about himself。
 Our chance of rescuing her; or even of saving ourselves; appeared to me woefully slim。 One fear at least was gone; for the descendants of Incas could scarcely be cannibals; but there are other fates equally final; if less distasteful。 The fact that they had not even taken the trouble to bind us was an indication of the strictness of their watch。
 The hours crept by。 At regular intervals our food was replenished and we kept the platter empty; storing what we could not eat in our ponchos against a possible need。
 It was always the same…dried fish of the consistency of leather and a most aggressive taste。 I tried to convey to one of our captors the idea that a change of diet would be agreeable; but either he did not understand me or didn't want to。
 Gradually our strength returned; and with it hope。 Harry began to be impatient; urging action。 I was waiting for two things besides the return of strength; first; to lay in a supply of food that would be sufficient for many days in case we escaped; and second; to allow our eyes to accustom themselves better to the darkness。
 Already we were able to see with a fair amount of clearness; we could easily distinguish the forms of those who came to bring us food and water when they were fifteen or twenty feet away。 But the cavern in which we were confined must have been a large one; for we were unable to see a wall in any direction; and we did not venture to explore for fear our captors would be moved to bind us。
 But Harry became so insistent that I finally consented to a scouting expedition。 Caution seemed useless; if the darkness had eyes that beheld us; doubly so。 We strapped our ponchos; heavy with their food; to our backs; and set out at random across the cavern。
 We went slowly; straining our eyes ahead and from side to side。 It was folly; of course; in the darkness…like trying to beat a gambler at his own game。 But we moved on as noiselessly as possible。
 Suddenly a wall loomed up before us not ten feet away。 I gave a tug at Harry's arm; and he nodded。 We approached the wall; then turned to the right and proceeded parallel with it; watching for a break that would mean the way to freedom。
 I noticed a dark line that extended along the base of the wall; reaching up its side to a height of about two feet and seemingly melting away into the ground。 At first I took it for a separate strata of rock; darker than that above。 But there was a strange brokenness about its appearance that made me consider it more carefully。
 It appeared to be posed of curious knots and protuberances。
 I stopped short; and; advancing a step or two toward the wall; gazed intently。 Then I saw that the dark line was not a part of the wall at all; and then…well; then I laughed aloud in spite of myself。 The thing was too ludicrous。
 For that 〃dark line〃 along the bottom of the wall was a row of squatting Incas! There they sat; silent; motionless; even when my laugh rang out through the cavern they gave not the slightest sign that they either heard or saw。 Yet it was certain that they had watched our every move。
 There was nothing for it but retreat。 With our knives we might have fought our way through; but we were unarmed; and we had felt one or two proofs of their strength。
 Harry took it with more philosophy than I had expected。 As for me; I had not yet finished my laugh。 We sought our former resting…place; recognizing it by the platter and basin which we had emptied before our famous and daring attempt to escape。
 Soon Harry began:
 〃I'll tell you what they are; Paul; they're frogs。 Nothing but frogs。 Did 

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