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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 There came an exclamation from Harry; and we ascended faster。
 I remember that I counted a hundred and sixty steps…and then; as a glimmering of the truth shot through my brain into certainty; I counted no more。
 Harry was crowding me from below; and we took the last few steps almost at a run。 Then the end; and we stumbled out into a blaze of light and surveyed the surrounding scene with stupefaction and wonder。
 It was not new to us; we had seen it before; but from a different angle。
 We were on the top of the column in the center of the lake; on the spot where Desiree had whirled in the dance of the sun。
 Chapter X。
 For many seconds we stood bewildered; too dazed to speak or move。 The light dazzled our eyes; we seemed surrounded by an impenetrable wall of flame。 There was no sensation of heat; owing; no doubt; to the immense height of the cavern and our paratively distant removal from the flames; which mounted upward in narrow tongues。
 Then the details began to strike me。
 I have said the scene was the same as that we had previously beheld。 Round the walls of the immense circular cavern squatted innumerable rows of the Incas on terraced seats。
 Below; at a dizzy distance; was the smooth surface of the lake; black and gloomy save where the reflections from the blazing urns pierced its depths。 And directly facing us; set in the wall of the cavern; was the alcove containing the throne of gold。
 And on the throne was seated…not the diminutive; misshapen king; but Desiree Le Mire!
 She sat motionless; gazing directly at us。 Her long gold hair streamed over her shoulders in magnificent waves; a stiffly flowing garment of some unknown texture covered her limbs and the lower part of her body; her shoulders and breasts and arms were bare; and shone with a dazzling whiteness。
 Beside her was a smaller seat; also of gold; and on this crouched the form of an Inca…the king。 About them; at a respectful distance; were ranged attendants and guards…a hundred or more; for the alcove was of an impressive size。 The light from the four urns shone in upon it with such brightness that I could clearly distinguish the whites of Desiree's eyes。
 All this I saw in a single flash; and I turned to Harry:
 〃Not a word; on your life! This is Desiree's game; trust her to play it。〃
 〃But what the deuce is she doing there?〃
 I shrugged my shoulders。
 〃She seems to have found another king。 You know her fondness for royalty。〃
 〃Paul; for Heaven's sake…〃
 〃All right; Hal。 But we're safe enough; I think。 Most probably our introduction to court。 This is what they call 'the dizzy heights of prominence。' Now keep your eyes open…something is going to happen。〃
 There was a movement in the alcove。 Four of the attendants came forward; carrying a curious framework apparently posed of reeds and leather; light and flexible; from the top bar of which hung suspended several rope…like ribbons; of various lengths and colors and tied in curious knots。 They placed it on the ground before the double throne; at the feet of Desiree。
 All doubt was then removed from my mind concerning the identity of our captors and their king。 For these bundles of knotted cords of different sizes and colors I recognized at once。
 They were the famous Inca quipos…the material for their remarkable mnemonic system of munication and historical record。 At last we were to receive a message from the Child of the Sun。
 But of what nature? Every cord and knot and color had its meaning…but what? I searched every avenue of memory to assist me; for I had latterly confined my studies exclusively to Eastern archeology; and what I had known of the two great autochthonous civilizations of the American Continent was packed in some dim and little used corner of my brain。 But success came; with an extreme effort。
 I recollected first the different disposition of the quipos for different purposes…historical; sacred; narrative; et cetera。 Then the particulars came to me; and immediately I recognized the formula of the quipos before the throne。 They were arranged for adjudication…for the rendering of a verdict。
 Harry and I were prisoners before the bar of the quipos! I turned to him; but there was not time for talk。
 The king had risen and stretched out his hand。
 Immediately the vast assemblage rose from their stone seats and fell flat on their faces。 It was then that I noticed; for the first time; an oval or elliptical plate of shining gold set in the wall of the cavern just above the outer edge of the alcove。
 This; of course; was the representation of Pachacamac; the 〃unknown god〃 in the Inca religion。 Well; I would as soon worship a plate of gold as that little black dwarf。
 For perhaps a minute the king stood with outstretched arm and the Incas remained motionless on their faces。 Then he resumed his seat and they rose。 And then the trial began。
 The king turned on his throne and laid his hand on Desiree's arm; we could see her draw away from his touch with an involuntary shudder。 But this apparent antipathy bothered his kingship not at all; it was probably a most agreeable sensation to feel her soft; white flesh under his black; hairy hand; and he kept it there; while with the other arm he made a series of sweeping gestures which I understood at once; but which had no meaning for Desiree。
 By her hand he meant the quipos to speak。
 We had a friend in court; but she was dumb; and I must give her voice。 There was no time to be lost; I stepped to the edge of the column and spoke in a voice loud enough to carry across the cavern…which was not difficult in the universal silence。
 〃He means that you are to judge us by the quipos。 The meaning is this…yellow; slavery; white; mercy; purple; reward; black; death。 The lengths of the cords and the number of knots indicate the degree of punishment or reward。 Attached to the frame you will find a knife。 With that detach the cord of judgment and lay it at the feet of the king。〃
 Again silence; and not one of the vast throng; nor the king himself; appeared to pay the slightest attention to my voice。 The king continued his gestures to Desiree。
 She rose and walked to the frame of quipos and took in her hand the knife which she found there suspended by a cord。
 There she hesitated; with the knife poised in the air; while her eyes sought mine…and found them。
 I felt a tug at my arm; but I had no time for Harry then。 I was looking at Desiree; and what I saw caused a cold shudder to flutter through my body。 Not of fear; it was the utter surprise of the thing…its incredible horror。 To die by the hands of those hairy brutes was not hard; but Desiree to be the judge!
 For she meant death for us; I read it in her eyes。 One of the old stale proverbs of the stale old world was to have another justification。 I repeat that I was astounded; taken pletely by surprise; and yet I had known something of 〃the fury of a woman scorned。〃
 It was as though our eyes shot out to meet each other in an embrace of death。 She saw that I understood and she smiled…what a smile! It was triumphant; and yet sad; a vengeance; and a farewell。 She put forth her hand。
 It wavered among the quipos as though uncertainly; then closed firmly on the black cord of death。
 A thought flashed through my mind with the speed of lightning。
 I raised my voice and sang out:
 She hesitated; the hand which held the knife fell to her side and again her eyes sought mine。
 〃What of Harry?〃 I called。 〃Take two…the white for him; the black for me。〃
 She shook her head and again raised the knife; and I played my last card。
 〃Bah! Who are you? For you are not Le Mire!〃 I weighted my voice with contempt。 〃Le Mire is a child of fortune; but not of hell!〃
 At last she spoke。
 〃I play a fair hand; monsieur!〃 she cried; and her voice trembled。
 〃With marked cards!〃 I exclaimed scornfully。 〃The advantage is yours; madame; may you find pleasure in it。〃
 There was a silence; while our eyes met。 I thought I had lost。 Le Mire stood motionless。 Not a sound came from the audience。 I felt Harry pulling at my arm; but shook myself free; without taking my eyes from Le Mire's face。
 Suddenly she spoke:
 〃You are right;

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