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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 We were amusing ourselves with an attempt to pry one of the bits of gold from the wall when we heard a sound behind us。
 We turned and saw Desiree。
 She stood in the entrance; smiling at us as though we had been caught in her boudoir examining the articles on her dressing…table。
 She was clothed as she had been on the throne; a rope girdle held her single garment; and her hair fell across her shoulders; reaching to her knees。 Her arms and shoulders appeared marvelously white; but they may have been by way of contrast。
 Harry sprang across to her with a single bound。 In another moment his arms were round her; she barely submitted to the embrace; but she gave him her lips; then drew herself away and crossed to me; extending her hands in a sort of wavering doubt。
 But that was no time for hostilities; and I took the hands in my own and bent over them till my lips touched the soft fingers。
 〃A visit from the queen!〃 I said with a smile。 〃This is an honor; your majesty。〃
 〃A doubtful one;〃 said Desiree。 〃First of all; my friend; I want to congratulate you on your savoir faire。 Par Bleu; that was the part of a man!〃
 〃But you!〃 cried Harry。 〃What the deuce did you mean by pretending to play the black? I tell you; that was a shabby trick。
 Most unpleasant moment you gave us。〃
 Desiree sent me a quick glance; she was plainly surprised to find Harry in ignorance of what had passed between us that evening in the camp on the mountain。 Wherein she was scarcely to be blamed; for her surprise came from a deep knowledge of the ways of men。
 〃I am beginning to know you; Paul;〃 she said; looking into my eyes。
 〃Now what's up?〃 demanded Harry; looking from her to me and back again。 〃For Heaven's sake; don't talk riddles。 What does that mean?〃
 But Desiree silenced him with a gesture; placing her fingers playfully on his lips。 They were seated side by side on the granite couch; I stood in front of them; and there flitted across my memory a picture of that morning scene in the grounds of the Antlers at Colorado Springs; when Desiree and I had had our first battle。
 We talked; or; rather; Harry and Desiree talked; and I listened。 First he insisted on a recital of her experiences since her reckless dash into the 〃cave of the devil;〃 and she was most obliging; even eager; for she had had no one to talk to for many days; and she was a woman。 She found in Harry a perfect audience。
 Her experience had been much the same as our own。 She; too; had fallen down the unseen precipice into the torrent beneath。
 She asserted that she had been carried along by its force scarcely more than a quarter of an hour; and had been violently thrown upon a ledge of rock。 It was evident that this must have been long before the stream reached the lake where Harry and I had found each other; for we had been in the water hardly short of an hour。
 She had been found on the ledge by our hairy friends; who had carried her on their backs for many hours。 I remembered the sensations of Harry and myself; who were men; and together; and gave a shudder of sympathy as Desiree described her own horror and fear; and her one attempt to escape。
 Still the brutes had shown her no great violence; evidently recognizing the preciousness of their burden。 They had carried her as gently as possible; but had absolutely refused to allow her to walk。 At regular intervals they gave her an opportunity to rest; and food and water。
 〃Dried fish?〃 I asked hopefully。
 Desiree nodded; with a most expressive grimace; and Harry burst into laughter。
 Then of the elevation to her evident authority。 Brought before the king; she had inspired the most profound wonder and curiosity。 Easy; indeed; to understand how the whiteness of her skin and the beauty of her form and face had awakened the keenest admiration in the breast of that black and hairy monarch。 He had shown her the most perfect respect; and she had played up to the role of goddess by displaying to the utmost her indifferent contempt for royalty and its favors。
 Here her remarks grew general and evasive; and when pressed with questions she refused details。 She declared that nothing had happened; she had been fed and fawned upon; nor been annoyed by any violence or unwele attentions。
 〃That is really too bad;〃 said I; with a smile。 〃I was; then; mistaken when I said 'your majesty'?〃
 〃Faugh!〃 said Desiree。 〃That is hardly witty。 For a time I was amused; but I am being bored。 And yet…〃
 〃I…don't…know。 They are mine; if you know what I mean。
 Eh; bien; since you ask me…for I see the question in your eye; friend Paul…I am content。 If the world is behind me forever; so be it。 Yes; they are unattractive to the eye; but they have power。 And they worship me。〃
 〃Desiree!〃 cried Harry in astonishment; and I was myself a little startled。
 〃Why not?〃 she demanded。 〃They are men。 And besides; it is impossible for us to return。 With all your cleverness; M。 Paul; can you find the sunlight? To remain is a necessity; we must make the best of it; and I repeat that I am satisfied。〃
 〃That's bally rot;〃 said Harry; turning on her hotly。
 〃Satisfied? You are nothing of the sort。 I'll tell you one thing …Paul and I are going to find our way out of this; and you are ing with us。〃
 For reply Desiree laughed at him…a laugh that plainly said; 〃I am my own mind; and obey no other。〃 It is one of the most familiar cards of the woman of beauty; and the most effective。 It conquered Harry。
 He gazed at her for a long moment in silence; while his eyes filled with an expression which one man should never show to another man。 It is the betrayal of the masculine sex and the triumph of the feminine。
 Suddenly he threw himself on his knees before her and took her hands in his own。 She attempted to withdraw them; he clasped her about the waist。
 〃Do you not love me; Desiree?〃 he cried; and his lips sought hers。
 They met; Desiree ceased to struggle。
 At that moment I heard a sound…the faintest sound…behind me。
 I turned。
 The king of the Incas was standing within the doorway; surveying the lovers with beadlike; sparkling eyes。
 Chapter XI。
 If it had not been for the manifest danger; I could have laughed aloud at what I read in the eyes of the king。 Was it not supremely ridiculous for Desiree Le Mire; who had been sought after by the great and the wealthy and the powerful of all Europe; to be regarded with desire by that ugly dwarf? And it was there; unmistakably。
 I sang out a sharp warning; but it was unnecessary; Desiree had already caught sight of the royal visitor。 She pushed Harry from her bodily。 He sprang to his feet in angry surprise; then; enlightened by the confusion in her face; turned quickly and swore as he; too; saw the intruder。
 How critical the situation was I did not know; despite Desiree's assertions。 His eyes were human and easily read; they held jealousy; and when power is jealous there is danger。
 But Desiree proved herself equal to the occasion。 She remained seated on the granite couch for a long minute without moving; confusion left her eyes as she gazed at us apparently with the utmost posure; but I who knew her could see that her brain was working with the rapidity of lightning。 Then her glance passed to the figure at the doorway; and with a gesture manding and truly royal in its simplicity; she held her hand forth; palm down; to the Inca king。
 Like an obedient trained monkey he trotted across the intervening space; grasped her soft white hand in his monstrous paw; and touched his lips to her fingers。
 That was all; but it spoke volumes to one who could divine the springs of action。 I remember that at the time there shot through my mind a story I had heard concerning Desiree in Paris。 The Duke of Bellarmine; then her protector; had one evening entered her splendid apartment on the Rue Jonteur…furnished; of course; by himself…and had found his divinity entertaining one Jules Chavot; a young and beautiful poet。 Whereupon he had launched forth into the most bitter reproaches and scornful denunciations。
 〃Monsieur;〃 Desiree had said; with the look of a queen outraged; when he had finished; 〃you are annoying。 Little Chavot amuses me。 You are awa

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