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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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e。 You are aware that I never refuse myself anything which I consider necessary to my amusement; and just now I find you very dull。〃
 And the noble duke; conquered by that glance of fire and those terrible words; had retired with humble apologies; after receiving a gracious permission to call on the following day!
 In short; Desiree was irresistible; the subjection of the Inca king was but another of her triumphs; and not the most remarkable。
 And then I looked at Harry; and was aware of a new danger。 He was glaring at the Inca with eyes which told their own story of the fire within; and which were waiting only for suspicion to bee certainty。 I called to him:
 〃Harry! Hold fast!〃
 He glanced at me; gave a short laugh; and nodded。
 Then came Desiree's voice; in a low tone of warning:
 〃On your knees!〃
 Her meaning was clear; it was to us she spoke。 The king had turned from her and was regarding us steadily with eyes so nearly closed that their meaning was impenetrable。 Harry and I glanced at each other and remained standing。 Then Desiree's voice again:
 〃Harry! If you love me!〃
 It was the appeal to a child; but love is young。 Immediately Harry dropped to his knees; facing the king; and I followed him; wondering at myself。 To this day I do not know what the pelling force was that pulled me down。 Was it another instance of the power of Desiree?
 For perhaps a minute we remained motionless on our knees while the king stood gazing at us; it seemed to me with an air of doubt。
 Then slowly; and with a gait that smacked of majesty despite his ungainly appearance and diminutive stature; he stalked across to the doorway and disappeared in the corridor without。
 Harry and I looked at each other; kneeling like two heathen idols; and burst into unrestrained laughter。 But with it was mixed a portion of anger; and I turned to Desiree。
 〃In the name of Heaven; was that necessary?〃
 〃You do it very prettily;〃 said she; with a smile。
 〃That is well; but I don't care to repeat it。 Harry; for the sake of my dignity; employ a little discretion。 And what do you suppose the beggar will do about it?〃
 〃Nothing;〃 said Desiree; shrugging her shoulders。 〃Only he must be pacified。 I must go。 I wonder if you know you are lodged in the royal apartments? His majesty's room…he has but one…is in the corridor to the left of this。
 〃Mine is on the right…and he is probably stamping the place to pieces at this moment。〃 She left the granite couch and advanced half way to the door。 〃Au revoir; messieurs。 Till later…I shall e to see you。〃
 The next moment she was gone。
 Harry and I; left alone; had enough to think and talk about; but there was ten minutes of silence before we spoke。 I sat on one of the stone seats; wondering what the result would be…if any…of the king's visit and his discovery。
 Harry paced up and down the length of the apartment with lowered head。 Presently he spoke abruptly:
 〃Paul; I want to know exactly what you think of our chances for getting out of this。〃
 〃Why…〃 I hesitated。 〃Harry; I don't know。〃
 〃But you've thought about it; and you know something about these things。 What do you think?〃
 〃Well; I think they are slim。〃
 〃What are they?〃
 〃Nothing less than miracles。 There are just two。 First…and I've spoken of this before…we might find an underground stream that would carry us to the western slope。〃
 〃That is impossible…at least; for Desiree。 And the second?〃
 〃Nature herself。 She plays queer tricks in the Andes。 She might turn the mountain upside down; in which case we would find ourselves on top。 Seriously; the formation here is such that almost anything is possible。 Upheavals of vast masses of rock are of ordinary occurrence。 A passage might be opened in that way to one of the lower peaks。
 〃We are surrounded by layers of limestone; granite; and quartzite; which are of marked difference both in the quality of hardness and in their ability to withstand the attacks of time。
 When one finds itself unable to support the other; something happens。〃
 〃But it might not happen for a hundred years。〃
 〃Or never;〃 I agreed。
 Again silence。 Harry stood gazing at one of the flaming urns; buried in thought…easy to guess of what nature。 I did not think fit to disturb him; till presently he spoke again。
 〃What do you suppose that ugly devil will do about…what he saw in here?〃
 I smiled。 〃Nothing。〃
 〃But if he should? We are helpless。〃
 〃Trust Desiree。 It's true that she can't even talk to him; but she'll manage him somehow。 You saw what happened just now。〃
 〃But the creature is no better than a dumb brute。 He is capable of anything。 I tell you; we ought to get her away from here。〃
 〃To starve?〃
 〃And we're none too safe ourselves。 As for starving; we could carry enough of their darned fish to last a year。 And one thing is sure: we won't get back to New York lying round here waiting for something to turn up…even a mountain。〃
 〃What do you want to do?〃
 〃Clear out。 Get Desiree away from that ugly brute。 If we only had our knives!〃
 〃Where would we go?〃
 In that question was the whole matter。 To escape with Desiree was possible…but then what? We knew by experience what it meant to wander hopelessly about in the darkness of those desolate caverns; without food; and depending on Providence for water。
 Neither of us cared to repeat that trial; especially with the added difficulty of a woman to care for。 But what to do?
 We decided to wait for the future; and in the mean time lay in a supply of provisions; and; if possible; devise some sort of weapons。
 It is worth remarking here that the Incas; so far as we had seen; used no weapons whatever。 This was most probably the result of their total isolation and consequent freedom from foreign hostility。
 In the matter of food we were soon to receive an agreeable surprise。 It was about an hour after Desiree had left us that the royal steward…I give him the title on my own responsibility…arrived; with pots and pans on a huge tray。
 In the first place; the pots and pans were of solid gold。
 Harry stared in amazement as they were placed in brilliant array on one of the stone tables; and when we essayed to lift the empty tray from another table on which it had been placed we understood why the steward had found it necessary to bring four assistants along as cup…bearers。
 There was a king's ransom on that table; in sober truth; for there could be no doubt but that this was part of the gold which had been carried from Huanuco when it had been demanded by Pizarro as payment for the life of Atahualpa。
 But better even than the service was that which it contained。
 It may not have been such as would enhance the reputation of a French chef; but to us then it seemed that the culinary art could go no farther。
 There was a large platter; Harry lifted its cover in an ecstasy of hope; but the next instant his face fell ludicrously。
 〃Our old friend; Mr。 Dried Fish;〃 he announced sadly; and gave it up。
 Then I tried my luck; and with better success。
 First I uncovered a dish of stew; steaming hot! To be sure; it was fish; but it was hot。 Then a curious; brittle kind of bread; I call it that; though on trial it appeared to be made from the roe of some kind of fish。 Also there was some excellent fish…soup; also hot; and quite delicious。
 Four hundred years of development had taught the royal chefs to prepare fish in so many different ways that we almost failed to recognize them as of the same family。
 〃Couldn't be better;〃 said Harry; helping himself liberally to the stew。 〃We can eat this; and cache the dried stuff。 We'll have enough for an army in a week。〃
 〃As for me; I saw before me the raw material for our weapons。
 When we had emptied the golden platter that held our 〃bread;〃 I secreted it under the cover of the granite couch。 When the serving…men called to remove the dishes they apparently did not notice its absence。 So far; success。
 Some hours later Desiree paid us a second call。 She appeared to be in the gayest of spirits; and I eyed her curiously from a seat in the corner as she and Harry sat side by side; chatting for all the world as though they had been in her own Paris drawing…room。
 Was it possible t

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