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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 That became our routine。 During the many weary hours that followed there was never a moment when one of us was not seated with his back against the stone across the doorway; we dared not trust our eyes。 Usually Harry and Desiree watched together; and; when I relieved them; slept side by side on the couch。
 Sometimes; when we were all awake; Desiree was left on guard alone; but Harry and I were never both asleep at the same time。
 An estimate of the time we spent thus would be the wildest guess; for time was heavy and passed on leaden feet。 But I should say we had been imprisoned for something like four days; possibly five; when the monotony came to an abrupt end。
 I had e off watch; and Harry and Desiree had taken my place。 Before I lay down I had taken some water to the prisoner; for we had some time before admitted the necessity of giving him drink。 But of food he had had none。
 Harry told me afterward that I had slept for two or three hours; but it seemed to me rather as many minutes; when I was awakened by the sound of his voice calling my name。 Glancing at the doorway; I sprang to my feet。
 The stone was slowly rising from the floor; already there was a space of a foot or more。 Desiree and Harry stood facing it in silence。
 〃You have seen nothing?〃 I asked; joining them。
 〃Nothing;〃 said Harry。 〃Here; take one of these clubs。 Something's up。〃
 〃Of course…the stone;〃 I observed facetiously; yawning。
 〃Probably nothing more important than a bundle of quipos。 Lord; I'm sleepy!〃
 Still the stone moved upward; very slowly。 It reached a height of two feet; yet did not halt。
 〃This is no quipos〃 said Harry; 〃or if it is; they must be going to send us in a whole library。 Six inches would have been enough for that。〃
 I nodded; keeping my eyes on the ever…widening space at our feet。
 〃This means business; Hal。 Stand ready with your club。 Desiree; go to the further corner; behind that seat。〃
 She refused; I insisted; she stamped her foot in anger。
 〃Do you think I'm a child; to run and hide?〃 she demanded obstinately。
 I wasted no time in argument。
 〃You will go〃; I said sternly; 〃or I shall carry you and tie you。 This is not play。 We must have room and know that you are safe。〃
 To my surprise; she made no reply; but quietly obeyed。 Then; struck by a sudden thought; I crossed to where she stood behind a stone seat in the corner。
 〃Here;〃 I said in a low tone; taking the little jeweled dagger from my pocket and holding it out to her; 〃in case…〃
 〃I understand;〃 she said simply; and her hand closed over the hilt。
 By that time the stone was half…way to the top of the doorway; leaving a space over three feet high; and was still rising。 I stood on one side and Harry on the other; not caring to expose ourselves immediately in front。
 Suddenly he left his post and ran to one of the stone seats and began prying at the blocks of granite。 I saw at once his intention and our mistake; we should have long before barricaded the door on the inside。 But it was too late now; I knew from experience the difficulty of loosening those firmly wedged blocks; and I called out:
 〃No good; Hal。 We were fools not to have thought of it before; but there is no time for it now。 e back; I couldn't stop 'em alone。〃
 Nevertheless; he continued his exertions; and succeeded in getting one of the blocks partially free; but by that time the doorway was almost pletely uncovered; and he saw the folly of attempting further。
 He resumed his post on the right of the door…I was on the left。
 The stone appeared to be going faster。 It reached the top…passed it…and quickly swung in toward the wall and disappeared; probably to rest on a ledge above。
 We stood waiting; tense and alert。 The open doorway gaped on the black; empty corridor; into which the light from our single urn shone dimly。 We could see or hear nothing; no indication that any one was in the passage; but we dared not look out in that darkness。
 The suspense was trying enough; Harry ripped out an impatient oath and made a movement as though to step in the entrance; but I waved him back。
 Then came the avalanche; with a suddenness and fury that nigh overwhelmed us。
 Crouching; rushing forms filled the doorway from both directions and leaped savagely at us。 After so many weary days of dull inaction and helpless; hopeless apathy; a mad joy fired my brain and thrilled my heart as I raised my club on high and struck a blow for freedom and life。
 That blow crushed the skull of one whose fingers were at my throat; and he dropped like a log at my feet; but his place was already filled。 Again I swung the club; another swayed; toppling against the doorway and leaning there with the blood streaming from his broken head; quite dead; but held erect by the pressure of his fellows from behind。
 If the doorway had been but a foot wider we would have been overwhelmed almost instantly。 As it was; but three or four could get to us at once; and they found the gold which their ancestors had carried from the temples of Huanuco waiting for them。 My arm seemed to have the strength of a hundred arms; it swung the heavy club as though it had been a feather; and with deadly accuracy。
 Harry fought like a demon。 I think I did all that a man could do; but he did more; and withal more coolly。 I brought down my club on heads; shoulders; chests; and rarely failed to get my man。
 But the impact of Harry's blows was like the popping of a Maxim。 I saw him reach over and grasp the throat of one who had his teeth set in my shoulder; and; holding him straight before him with his arm extended; break his neck with one blow。 Again; his club descended on one black skull with a glancing blow and shot off to the head of another with the force of a sledge…hammer。
 At the time I did not know that I saw these things; it was all one writhing; struggling; bloody horror; but afterward the eyes of memory showed them to me。
 Still they came。 My arm rose and fell seemingly without order from the brain; I was not conscious that it moved。 It seemed to me that ever since the beginning of time I had stood in that butcher's doorway and brought down that bar of gold on thick; black skulls and distorted; grinning faces。 But they would not disappear。 One fell; another took his place; and another; and another; and another。
 The bodies of those who fell were dragged away from underneath。 I did not see it; but it must have been so; or soon we would have raised our own barricade for defense…a barricade of flesh。 And there was none。
 I began to weaken; and Harry saw it; for he gasped out: 〃Steady…Paul。 Take it…easy。 They can't…last…forever。〃
 His blows were redoubled in fury as he moved closer to me; taking more than his share of the attack; so that I almost had time to breathe。
 But we could not have held out much longer。 My brain was whirling madly and a weight of a thousand tons seemed dragging me remorselessly; inevitably to the ground。 I kept my feet through the force of some crazy instinct; for will and reason were gone。
 And then; for an instant; Harry's eyes met mine; and I read in them what neither of us could say; nor would。 With the fury of despair we struck out together in one last effort。
 Whether the Incas saw in that effort a renewed strength that spoke of immortality; or whether it happened just at that moment that the pressure from behind was removed; no longer forcing them to their death; I do not know。 It may have been that; like some better men; they had merely had enough。
 From whatever cause; the attack ceased almost with the suddenness with which it had begun; they fell back from the doorway; Harry lunged forward with raised club; and the forms melted away into the darkness of the corridor。
 Harry turned and looked at me as I stood swaying from side to side in the doorway。 Neither of us could speak。 Together we staggered back across the room; but I had not gone more than half way when my legs bent under me and I sank to the floor。 Dimly I saw Harry's face above me; as though through a veil…then another face that came close to my own…and a voice:
 〃Paul! My love! They have killed him!〃
 Soft white arms were about my neck; and a velvet cheek was pressed against my own。

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