九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > rs.undertheandes >



小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Paul! My love! They have killed him!〃
 Soft white arms were about my neck; and a velvet cheek was pressed against my own。
 〃Desiree!〃 I gasped。 〃Don't! Harry! No; they have not killed me…〃
 Then Harry's voice:
 〃That's all right; old fellow。 I know…I have known she loves you。 This is no time to talk of that。 Listen; Paul…what you were going to do for Desiree…if you can…they will be back at any moment…〃
 That thought kindled my brain; I raised myself onto my elbow。
 〃I haven't the strength;〃 I said; hardly knowing how I spoke。
 〃You must do it; Harry; you must。 And quick; lad! The dagger!
 Desiree…the dagger!〃
 What followed came to me as in a dream; my eyes were dim with the exhaustion that had overe my body。 Desiree's face disappeared from before my face…then a silence…then the sound of her voice as though from a distance:
 〃Harry…e! I can't find it! I dropped it when I ran across…it must be here…on the floor…〃
 And then another sound came that I knew only too well…the sound of rushing; pattering feet。
 I think I tried to rise to my own feet。 I heard Harry's voice crying in a frenzy: 〃Quick…here they e! Desiree; where is it?〃
 There was a ringing cry of despair from Desiree; a swinging oath from Harry; and the next instant I found myself pinned to the floor by the weight of a score of bodies。
 Chapter XIII。
 I hardly know what happened after that。 I was barely conscious that there was movement round me; and that my wrists and ankles were being tightly bound。 Harry told me afterward that he made one last desperate stand; and was halted by a cry from Desiree; imploring him to employ the club in the intended office of the dagger。
 He wheeled about and raised it to strike; then his arm dropped; unable to obey for the brutal horror of it。 In another instant he and Desiree; too; had been overpowered and carried to the floor by the savage rush。
 This he told me as we lay side by side in a dark cavern; whither we had been carried by the victorious Incas。 I had expected instant death; the fact that our lives had been spared could have but one meaning; I thought: to the revenge of death was to be added the vindictiveness of torture。
 We knew nothing of Desiree's fate。 Harry had not seen her since he had been crushed to the floor by that last assault。 And instead of fearing for her life; we were convinced that a still more horrible doom was to be hers; and hoped only that she would find the means to avoid it by the only possible course。
 I have said that we again found ourselves in darkness; but it was much less profound than it had been before。 We could distinctly see the four walls of the cavern in which we lay; it was about twelve feet by twenty; and the ceiling was very low。 The ground was damp and cold; and we had neither ponchos nor jackets to protect us。
 A description of our state of mind as we lay exhausted; wounded; and bound so tightly that any movement was impossible; would seem to betray a weakness。 Perhaps it was so; but we prayed for the end…Harry with curses and oaths; myself in silence。 There is a time when misery bees so acute that a man wants only deliverance and gives no thought to the means。
 That was reaction; and gradually it lessened。 And when; after we had lain unconscious for many hours (we can hardly be said to have slept) they came to bathe our wounds and bruises and bring us food and drink; the water was actually grateful to our hot; suffering flesh; and we ate almost with relish。 But before they left they again bound our wrists firmly behind us; and tightened the cords on our ankles。
 If they meditated punishment they certainly seemed to be in no hurry about it。 The hours passed endlessly by。 We were cared for as tenderly as though we had been wounded rades instead of vanquished foes; and though we were allowed to remain on the damp; hard rock of the cavern; we gradually recovered from the effects of that gruesome struggle in the doorway; and our suffering bodies began to feel parative fort。
 〃What the deuce are they waiting for?〃 Harry growled; after one of their visits with food and water。 〃Why don't they end it?〃
 〃Most likely because a well man can appreciate torture better than a sick one;〃 I answered; not having seen fit to speak of it before。 〃You may be sure we'll get all that's ing to us。〃
 〃But what will they do?〃
 〃Heaven knows。 They are capable of anything。 We'll get the worst。〃
 There was a silence; then Harry said slowly; hesitating:
 〃Paul…do you think…Desiree…〃
 〃I don't think…I dare not think about her;〃 I interrupted。
 〃And it is our fault; we failed her。 I should have put her beyond their reach; as I promised。 I have reproached myself bitterly; Hal; you need add nothing。〃
 〃Do you think I would? Only…there is something else。 About what she said to you。 I knew that; you know。〃
 I was silent; he continued:
 〃I knew it long ago。 Do you think I am blind? And I want to say this while I have a chance…it was unmon good of you。 To take it the way you did; I mean。〃
 His simplicity made me unfortable; and I made no answer。
 Indeed; the thing was beyond discussion; it was merely a bare fact which; when once stated; left nothing to be said。 So I refused to humor Harry's evident desire to thrash out the topic; and abruptly changed the subject。
 We must have lain bound in that cavern little short of a week。
 Our wounds and bruises were pletely healed; save one gash on Harry's side where he had been hurled against the sharp edge of one of the stone seats as he had been borne to the floor。 But it was not painful; and was nearly closed。 And we could feel the return of strength even through the stiffness caused by the inactivity of our muscles。
 We had given up wondering at the delay by the time it came to an end。 When they finally came and cut our bonds and led us from the cavern we felt nothing keener than a mere curiosity as to what awaited us at the end of our journey。 For myself; there was a distinct sensation of thankfulness that uncertainty was to end。
 They took no chances with us; but paid us the pliment of a truly royal escort…at least; in number。 There could not have been less than two hundred of them in front; behind; and on either side; as we left the cavern and proceeded along a narrow; winding passage to the left。
 Once; as we started; we stretched our arms high and stood on tiptoe to relieve the stiffness of our joints; and immediately found ourselves clutched on every side by a score of hands。
 〃Gad! We seem to have made an impression!〃 Harry grinned。
 On the way down the passage we marched with the Prussian goose…step; and felt the blood quickening to life in our legs and arms。
 We had proceeded in this manner for some ten minutes when we rounded a corner which I recognized at once by the peculiar circular formation of the walls。 We were on our way to the great cavern…the cavern where we had first seen Desiree; and where later she had won the toss for our lives and then preserved them。
 Another minute and we had reached the steps leading to the tunnel under the lake。 Here our guards seemed in doubt as to just what to do; those in front halted and stood hesitant; and it seemed to me that as they gazed below down the stone stair their eyes held a certain shrinking terror。 Then one came up from behind and with a manding gesture ordered them to descend; and they obeyed。
 Harry and I still found ourselves surrounded by a full pany; there were fifty or sixty ahead of us and at least twice that number behind。 The idea of a successful struggle was so patently impossible that I believe it never entered our minds。
 There was further delay at the bottom of the stairs; for; as I have said before; the tunnel was extremely narrow and it was barely possible to walk two abreast。 None of them turned back; but Harry and I could scarcely restrain a laugh at the sight of those immediately in front of us treading on the toes of their fellows to keep out of our way。 With all their savage brutality I believe they possessed little real bravery。
 Five minutes more and we had reached the end of the tunnel and found ourselves at the foot of the spiral stairway。 The passage was so blocked by those 

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