九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > rs.undertheandes >



小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 Again we sought the passage。 A little farther on it was crossed by another; running at right angles in both directions。
 But to the right there was nothing but darkness; and we turned to the left; where; some distance ahead; we could see a light evidently proceeding from a doorway similar to the one we had just left。
 We went rapidly; but our feet made scarcely any sound on the granite floor。 Still we were incautious; and it was purely by luck that I glanced ahead and discovered that which made me jerk Harry violently back and flatten myself against the wall。
 〃What is it?〃 he whispered。
 In silence I pointed with my finger to where two Incas stood in the passage ahead of us; just without the patch of light from the doorway; which they were facing。 They made no movement; we were as yet undiscovered。 They were about a hundred feet away from where we stood。
 〃Then she's here!〃 whispered Harry。 〃They are on guard。〃
 I nodded; I had had the same thought。
 There was no time to lose; at any moment that they should chance to glance in our direction they were certain to see us。 I whispered hastily and briefly to Harry。 He nodded。
 The next instant we were advancing slowly and noiselessly; hugging the wall。 We carried our spears ready; though we did not mean to use them; for a miss would have meant an alarm。
 〃If she is alone!〃 I was saying within myself; almost a prayer; when suddenly one of the Incas turned; facing us squarely; and gave a start of surprise。 We leaped forward。
 Half a dozen bounds and we were upon them; before they had had time to realize their danger or move to escape it。 With a ferocity taught us by the Incas themselves we gripped their throats and bore them to the floor。
 No time then for the decencies; we had work to do; and we crushed and pounded their lives out against the stone floor。 There had not been a sound。 They quivered and lay still; and then; looking up at some slight sound in the doorway; we saw Desiree。
 She stood in the doorway; regarding us with an expression of terror that I did not at first understand; then suddenly I realized that; having seen us disappear beneath the surface of the take after our dive from the column; she had thought us dead。
 〃Bon Dieu!〃 she exclaimed in a hollow voice of horror。
 〃This; too! Do you e; messieurs?〃
 〃For you;〃 I answered。 〃We are flesh and bone; Desiree; though in ill repair。 We have e for you。〃
 〃Paul! Harry; is it really you?〃
 Belief crept into her eyes; but nothing more; and she stood gazing at us curiously。 Harry had sprung to her side; she did not move as he embraced her。
 〃Are you alone?〃
 〃Good。 Here; Harry…quick! Help me。 Stand aside; Desiree。〃
 We carried the bodies of the two Incas within the room and deposited them in a corner。 Then I ran and brought the spears; which we had dropped when we attacked the Incas。 Desiree stood just within the doorway; seemingly half dazed。
 〃e;〃 I said; 〃there is no time to be lost。 e!〃
 〃Where?〃 She did not move。
 〃With us。 Isn't that enough? Do you want to stay here?〃
 She shuddered violently。
 〃You don't know…what has happened。 I want to die。 Where are you going to take me?〃
 〃Desiree;〃 Harry burst out; 〃for Heaven's sake; e! Must we carry you?〃
 He grasped her arm。
 Then she moved and appeared to acquiesce。 I started ahead; Harry brought up the rear; with an arm round Desiree's shoulders。
 She started once more to speak; but I wheeled sharply with a mand for silence; and she obeyed。
 We reached the turn in the corridor and passed to the right; moving as swiftly and noiselessly as possible。 Ahead of us was the light from the doorway of the room in which we had formerly been imprisoned。
 We had nearly reached it when I saw; some distance down the corridor; moving forms。 The light was very dim; but there appeared to be a great many of them。
 I turned; with a swift gesture to Harry and Desiree to follow; and dashed forward to the light and through the doorway into the room。 Discovery was inevitable; I thought; in any event; but it was better to meet them at the door to the room than in the open passage。 And we had our spears。
 But by a rare stroke of luck we had not been seen。 As we stood within the room on either side of the doorway; out of the line of view from the corridor; we heard the patter of many footsteps approaching。
 They neared the doorway; and I glanced at Harry; pointing to his spear significantly。 He gave me a nod of understanding。 Let them e; we would not again fall into their hands alive。
 The footsteps sounded just without the doorway; I stood tense and alert; with spear ready; expecting a rush momentarily。 Then they passed; passed altogether; and receded down the corridor in the direction whence we had e。 I wanted to glance out at their number; but dared not。 We stood still till all was again perfectly silent。
 Then Desiree spoke in a whisper:
 〃It is useless; we are lost。 That was the king。 He is going to my room。 In ten seconds he will be there and find me gone。〃
 There was only one thing to do; and I wasted no time in discussing it。 A swift mand to Harry; and we dashed from the doorway and down the corridor to the left; each holding an arm of Desiree。 But she needed little of our assistance; the presence of the Inca king seemed to have inspired her with a boundless terror; and she flew; rather than ran; between us。
 We reached the bend in the passage; and just beyond it the light…the first one we had seen on our way in。 I had our route marked on my memory with plete distinctness。 Soon we found ourselves in the wide; sloping passage that carried us to the level below; and in another five seconds had reached its end and the beginning of the last stretch。
 At the turn Harry stumbled and fell flat; dragging Desiree to her knees。 I lifted her; and he sprang to his feet unhurt。
 She was panting heavily。 Harry had dropped his spear in the fall; and we wasted a precious minute searching for it in the darkness; finally finding it where it had slid; some twenty feet ahead。 Again we dashed forward。
 A light appeared ahead in the distance; dim but unmistakable …the light of the urns in the cavern for which we were headed。
 Suddenly Desiree faltered and would have fallen but for our supporting arms。
 〃Courage!〃 I breathed。 〃We are near the end。〃
 She stopped short and sank to the ground。
 〃It is useless;〃 she gasped。 〃I hurt my ankle when I fell。
 I can go no farther。 Leave me!〃
 Harry and I with one impulse stooped over to pick her up; and as we did so she fainted away in our arms。 We were then but a few hundred feet from our goal; the light from the urns could be plainly seen gleaming on the broad ledge by the lake。
 Suddenly the sound of many footsteps came from behind。 I turned quickly; but the passage was too dark。 I could see nothing。
 The sound came closer and closer; there seemed to be many of them; advancing swiftly。 I straightened and raised my spear。
 Harry grasped my arm。
 〃Not yet!〃 he cried。 〃One more try; we can make it。〃
 He thrust his spear into my hand; and in another instant had thrown Desiree's unconscious body over his shoulder and was staggering forward toward the cavern。 I followed; while the sound of the footsteps behind grew louder and louder。
 We neared the end of the passage; we reached it; we were on the ledge。 Even with Desiree for a burden; Harry moved so swiftly that I found it difficult to keep up with him。 The strength of a god was in him; which was but just; since he had his goddess in his arms。
 On the ledge; near the edge of the water; stood two Incas。
 They turned at our approach and rushed at us。 Unlucky for them; for Harry's example had fired my brain and put the strength of a giant in me。
 To this day I don't know what followed…whether I used my spear or my fists or my head。 I know only that I leaped at them in irresistible fury and left them stretched on the ground before they had reached Harry or halted him。
 We crossed the ledge and made for the boulders to the left。
 The crevice which led to our hiding…place was too narrow for Harry and his burden。 I sprang forward and grasped Desiree's shoulders; he held her ankles; and we got her through to the l

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