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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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er ankles; and we got her through to the ledge beyond。
 Then I leaped back through the crevice; and barely in time。
 As I looked out a black; rushing horde emerged from the passage and dashed across the ledge toward us。 I stood at the entrance to the narrow crevice; spear in hand。
 They appeared to have no sense of the fact that my position was impregnable; but dashed blindly at me。 The crevice in which I stood and which was the only way through to the ledge where Harry had taken Desiree; was not more than two feet wide。 With unarmed savages for foes; one man could have held it against a million。
 But they came and I met them。 I stood within the crevice; some three or four feet from its end; and when one appeared in the opening I let him have the spear。 Another rushed in and fell on top of the first。
 As I say; they appeared to be deprived of the power to reason。
 In five minutes the mouth of the crevice was pletely choked with bodies; some; who were merely wounded; struggling and squirming to extricate themselves from the bloody tangle。
 I heard Harry's voice at my back:
 〃How about it? Want some help?〃
 〃Not unless they find some gunpowder;〃 I answered。 〃The idiots eat death as though it were candy。 We're safe; they can never break through here。〃
 〃Are they still ing?〃
 〃They can't; they've blocked the way with their smelly black carcasses。 How is Desiree?〃
 〃Better; she's awake。 I've been bathing her ankle with cold water。 She has a bad sprain; how the deuce she ever managed to hobble on it even two steps is beyond me。〃
 〃A sprain? Are you sure?〃
 〃I think so; it's badly swollen。 Maybe only a twist; a few hours will tell。〃
 I heard him return to the ledge back of me; I dared not turn my head。
 Thinking I heard a sound above; I looked up; but there was nothing to fear in that direction。 The boulders which formed the sides of the crevice extended straight up to the roof of the cavern。 We appeared; in fact; to be fortified against any attack。
 With one exception…hunger。 But there would be plenty of time to think of that; for the present we had our fish; which was sufficient for the three of us for a month; if we could keep it fresh that long。 And the water was at our very feet。
 The bodies wedged in the mouth of the crevice began to disappear; allowing the light from the urns to filter through; they were removing their dead。 I could see the black forms swaying and pulling not five feet away。 But I stood motionless; saving my spear and my strength for any who might try to force an entrance。
 Soon the crevice was clear; and from where I stood I manded a view of something like three…quarters of the ledge。 It was one mass of black forms; packed tightly together; gazing at our retreat。
 They looked particularly silly and helpless to me then; rendered powerless as they were by a little bit of rock。 Brute force was all they had; and nature; being the biggest brute of all; laughed at them。
 But I soon found that they were not devoid of resource。 For perhaps fifteen minutes the scene remained unchanged; not one ventured to approach the crevice。 Then there was a sudden movement and shifting in the mass; it split suddenly in the middle; they pressed off to either side; leaving an open lane between them leading directly toward me。
 Down this lane suddenly dashed a dozen or more of the savages; with spears aloft in their brawny arms。 I was taken by surprise and barely had time to cut and run for the ledge within。
 As it was I did not entirely escape; the spears came whistling through the crevice; and one of them lodged in my leg just below the thigh。
 I jerked it out with an oath and turned to meet the attack。
 I was now clear of the crevice; standing on the ledge inside; near Harry and Desiree。 I called to them to go to one side; out of the range of the spears that might e through。 Harry took Desiree in his arms and carried her to safety。
 As I expected; the Incas came rushing through the crevice…that narrow lane where a man could barely push through without squeezing。 The first got my spear full in the face…a blow rather than a thrust; for I had once or twice had difficulty in retrieving it when I had buried it deep。
 As he fell I struck at the one behind。 He grasped the spear with his hand; but I jerked it free and brought it down on his head; crushing him to the ground。 It was mere butchery; they hadn't a chance in the world to get at me。 Another fell; and the rest retreated。 The crevice was again clear; save for the bodies of the three who had fallen。
 I turned to where Harry and Desiree were seated on the further edge of the ledge。 Her body rested against his; her head lay on his shoulder。
 As I looked at them; smiling; her eyes suddenly opened wide and she sprang to her feet and started toward me。
 〃Paul! You are hurt! Harry; a bandage…quick; your shirt…anything!〃
 I looked down at the gash on my leg; which was bleeding somewhat freely。
 〃It's nothing;〃 I declared; 〃a mere tear in the skin。 But your ankle! I thought it was sprained?〃
 She had reached my side and bent over to examine my wound; but I raised her in my arms and held her before me。
 〃That;〃 I said; 〃is nothing。 Believe me; it isn't even painful。 I shall bandage it myself; Harry will take my place here。
 But your foot?〃
 〃That; too; is nothing;〃 she answered with a half…smile。 〃I merely twisted it; it is nearly well already。 See!〃
 She placed her weight on the injured foot; but could not suppress a faint grimace of pain。
 Calling to Harry to watch the crevice; I took Desiree in my arms and carried her back to her seat。
 〃Now sit still;〃 I manded。 〃Soon we'll have dinner; in the mean time allow me to say that you are the bravest woman in the world; and the best sport。 And some day we'll drink to that…from a bottle。〃
 But facts have no respect for sentiment and fine speeches。
 The last words were taken from my very mouth by a ringing cry from Harry:
 〃Paul! By gad; they're ing at us from the water!〃
 Chapter XVI。
 The ledge on which we rested was about forty feet square。
 Back of us was a confused mass of boulders and chasms; across which I had e when I first encircled the cavern and found Harry。
 In front was the crevice; guarded by the two massive boulders。
 On the right the ledge met the solid wall of the cavern; and on the left was the lake itself; whose waters rippled gently at our very feet。
 At sound of Harry's warning cry I ran to the water's edge and peered round the side of the boulder。 He was right; but what I saw was not very alarming。
 Two rafts had been launched from the enemy's camp。 Each raft held three Incas…more would have sunk them。 Two were paddling; while the third balanced himself in the center; brandishing a spear aloft。
 Turning to Desiree; I called to her to move behind a projecting bit of rock。 Then; leaving Harry to guard the crevice in case of a double attack; I took three of our four spears…one of which had made the wound in my leg…and stood at the water's edge awaiting the approach of the rafts。
 They came slowly; and their appearance was certainly anything but terrifying。
 〃Not much of a navy;〃 I called to Harry; and he answered; with a laugh: 〃Lucky for us! Look at our coast defense!〃
 One of the rafts was considerably ahead of the other; and in another minute it had approached within fifty feet of the ledge。
 The Inca in the center stood with legs spread apart and his spear poised above his head; I made no movement; thinking that on such precarious footing he would have difficulty to hurl the thing at all。 Wherein I underrated his skill; and it nearly cost me dear。
 Suddenly; with hardly a movement of his body; his arm snapped forward。 I ducked to one side instinctively and heard the spear whistle past my ear with the speed of a bullet; so close that the butt of the shaft struck the side of my head a glancing blow and toppled me over。
 I sprang quickly to my feet; and barely in time; for I saw the Inca stoop over; pick up another spear from the raft; and draw it back above his head。 At the same moment the second raft drew up alongside; and as I fell to the ground flat on my face I heard the two spears whistle shr

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