九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > rs.undertheandes >



小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 Chapter XIX。
 As we ran swiftly; following the edge of the stream; the cries continued; filling the cavern with racing echoes。 They could not quicken our step; we were already straining every muscle as we bounded over the rock。 Luckily; the way was clear; for in the darkness we could see but a few feet ahead。 Desiree's voice was sufficient guide for us。
 Finally we reached her。 I don't know what I expected to see; but certainly not that which met our eyes。
 〃Your spear!〃 cried Harry; dashing off to the right; away from the stream。
 My spear was ready。 I followed。
 Desiree was standing exactly in the spot where we had left her; screaming at the top of her voice。
 Around her; on every side; was a struggling; pushing mass of the animals we had frightened away from the carcass of the reptile。
 There were hundreds of them packed tightly together; crowding toward her; some leaping on the backs of others; some trampled to the ground beneath the feet of their fellows。 They did not appear to be actually attacking her; but we could not see distinctly。
 This we saw in a flash and an instant later had dashed forward into the mass with whirling spears。 It was a farce; rather than a fight。
 We brought our spears down on the swarm of heads and backs without even troubling to take aim。 They pressed against our legs; we waded through as though it were a current of water。 Those we hit either fell or ran; they waited for no second blow。
 Desiree had ceased her cries。
 〃They won't hurt you!〃 Harry had shouted。 〃Where's your spear?〃
 〃Gone。 They came on me before I had time to get it。〃
 〃Then kick 'em; push 'em…anything。 They're nothing but pigs。〃
 They had the senseless stubbornness of pigs; at least。 They seemed absolutely unable to realize that their presence was not desired till they actually felt the spear…utterly devoid even of instinct。
 〃So this is what you captured for us at the risk of your life!〃 I shouted to Harry in disgust。 〃They haven't even sense enough to squeal。〃
 We finally reached Desiree's side and cleared a space round her。 But it took us another fifteen minutes of pushing and thrusting and indiscriminate massacre before we routed the brutes。
 When they did decide to go they lost no time; but scampered away toward the water with a sliding; tumbling rush。
 〃Gad!〃 exclaimed Harry; resting on his spear。 〃And here's a pretty job。 Look at that! I wish they'd carry off the dead ones。〃
 〃Ugh! The nasty brutes! I was never so frightened in my life;〃 said Desiree。
 〃You frightened us; all right;〃 Harry retorted。 〃Utterly fungoed。 I never ran so fast in my life。 And all you had to do was shake your spear at 'em and say boo! I thought it was the roommate of our friend with the eyes。〃
 〃Have I been eating those things?〃 Desiree demanded。
 Harry grinned。
 〃Yes; and that isn't all。 You'll continue to eat 'em as long as I'm the cook。 e on; Paul; it's a day's work。〃
 We dragged the bodies down to the edge of the stream and tossed them into the current; saving three or four for the replenishment of the larder。
 I then first tried my hand at the task of skinning and cleaning them; and by the time I had finished was thoroughly disgusted with it and myself。 Harry had bee hardened to it; he whistled over the job as though he had been born in a butcher's shop。
 〃I'd rather go hungry;〃 I declared; washing my hands and arms in the cool water。
 〃Oh; sure;〃 said Harry; 〃my efforts are never appreciated。
 I've fed you up till you've finally graduated from the skeleton class; and you immediately begin to criticize the table。 I know now what it means to run a boarding…house。 Why don't you change your hotel?〃
 By the time we had finished we were pretty well tired out; but Harry wouldn't hear of rest。 I was eager myself for another look at the exit of that stream。 So; again taking up our spears; we set out across the cavern; this time with Desiree between us。 She swallowed Harry's ridicule of her fear and refused to stay behind。
 Again we stood at the point where the stream left the cavern through the broad arch of a tunnel。
 〃There's a chance there;〃 said Harry; turning to me。 〃It looks good。〃
 〃Yes; if we had a boat;〃 I agreed。 〃But that's a ten…mile current; and probably deep。〃
 I waded out some twenty feet and was nearly swept beneath the surface as the water circled about my shoulders。
 〃We couldn't follow that on our feet;〃 I declared; returning to the shore。 〃But it does look promising。 At ten miles an hour we'd reach the western slope in four hours。 Four hours to sunshine…but it might as well be four hundred。 It's impossible。〃
 We turned then and retraced our steps to our camp; if I may give it so dignified a title。 I hated to give up the idea of following the bed of the stream; for it was certain that somewhere it found the surface of the earth; and I revolved in my brain every conceivable means to do so。 The same thought was in Harry's mind; for he turned to me suddenly:
 〃If we only had something for stringers; I could make a raft that would carry us to the Pacific and across it。 The hide of that thing over yonder would be just the stuff; and we could get a piece as big as we wanted。〃
 I shook my head。
 〃I thought of that。 But we have absolutely nothing to hold it。 There wasn't a bone in his body; you know that。〃
 But the idea was peculiarly tempting; and we spent an hour discussing it。 Desiree was asleep on her pile of skins。 We sat side by side on the ground some distance away; talking in low tones。
 Suddenly there was a loud splash in the stream; which was quite close to us。
 〃By gad!〃 exclaimed Harry; springing to his feet。 〃Did you hear that? It sounded like…remember the fish we pulled in from the Inca's raft?〃
 〃Which has nothing to do with this;〃 I answered。 〃It's nothing but the water…pigs。 I've heard 'em a thousand times in the last few days。 And the Lord knows we have enough of them。〃
 But Harry protested that the splash was much too loud to have been caused by any water…pig and waded into the stream to investigate。 I rose to my feet and followed him leisurely; for no reason in particular; but was suddenly startled by an excited cry from his lips:
 〃Paul…the spear! Quick! It's a whale!〃
 I ran as swiftly as I could to the shore and returned with our spears; but when I reached Harry he greeted me with an oath of disappointment and the information that the 〃whale〃 had disappeared。 He was greatly excited。
 〃I tell you he was twenty feet long! A big black devil; with a head like a cow。〃
 〃You're sure it wasn't like a pig?〃 I asked skeptically。
 Harry looked at me。
 〃I have drunk nothing but water for a month;〃 he said dryly。
 〃It was a fish; and some fish。〃
 〃Well; there's probably more like him;〃 I observed。 〃But they can wait。 e on and get some sleep; and then…we'll see。〃
 Some hours afterward; having filled ourselves with sleep and food (I had decided; after mature deliberation; not to change my hotel); we started out; armed with our spears。 Desiree acpanied us。 Harry told her bluntly that she would be in the way; but she refused to stay behind。
 We turned upstream; thinking our chances better in that direction than toward the swifter current; and were surprised to find that the cavern was much larger than any we had before seen。
 In something over a mile we had not yet reached the farther wall; for we walked at a brisk pace for a quarter of an hour or more。
 At this point the stream was considerably wider than it was below; and there was very little current。 Desiree stood on the bank while Harry and I waded out above our waists。
 There was a long and weary wait before anything occurred。 The water was cold; and my limbs became stiff and numb; I called to Harry that it was useless to wait longer; and was turning toward the shore when there was a sudden motion in the water not far from where he stood。
 I turned and saw Harry plunge forward with his spear。
 〃I've got him!〃 he yelled。 〃e on!〃
 I went。 But I soon saw that Harry didn't have him。 He had Harry。 They were all of ten yards away from me; and by the time I reached the spot there was nothing to be seen but flying water thrashed into foam and fury。
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