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小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃I will not permit you to be handicapped with my modesty;〃 she observed。
 Then; with Desiree between us; we stepped to the edge of the raft and dived off together。
 Driven as we were by necessity; we would have hesitated longer if we had known the full force of the undercurrent that seized us from beneath。 Desiree would have disappeared without a struggle if it had not been for the support which Harry and I rendered her on either side。
 But we kept on top…most of the time…and fought our way forward by inches。 The black walls frowning at us from either side appeared to me to remain exactly the same; stationary; after a long and desperate struggle; but when I gave a quick glance behind I saw that we had pulled so far away from the raft that it was no longer in sight。 That gave me renewed strength; and; shouting assurance to Harry and Desiree; I redoubled my efforts。 Desiree was by now almost able to hold her own; but we still supported her。
 Every stroke made the next one easier; carrying us away from the whirlpool; and soon we swam smoothly。 Less and less strong became the resistance of the current; until finally it was possible to float easily on our backs and rest。
 〃How far is it to the cavern?〃 Harry panted。
 〃Somewhere between one and ten miles;〃 was my answer。 〃How the deuce should I know? But we'll make it now; I think。 Can you hold out; Desiree?〃
 〃Easily;〃 she answered。 〃If only I could get some air! Just one good; long breath。〃
 There was the danger; and on that account no time was to be lost。 Again we struck out into the blackness ahead。 I felt myself no longer fresh; and began to doubt seriously if we should reach our goal。
 But we reached it。 No need to recount our struggles; which toward the end were inspired by suffering amounting to agony as we choked and gasped for sufficient air to keep us up。
 Another hundred yards would have been too much for us; but it is enough that finally we staggered onto the bank at the entrance to the cavern in which we had previously rested; panting; dizzy; and pletely exhausted。
 But an hour in the cavern; with its supply of air; revived us; and then we sat up and asked ourselves: 〃What for?〃
 〃And all that brings us…to this;〃 said Harry; with a sweeping gesture round the cavern。
 〃At least; it is a better tomb;〃 I retorted。 〃And it was a good fight。 We still have something in us。 Desiree; a good man was lost in you。〃
 Harry rose to his feet。
 〃I'm going to look round;〃 he announced。 〃We've got to do something。 Gad; and it took us a month to build that raft!〃
 〃The vanity of human endeavor;〃 said I; loosening the strap round my shoulders and dropping my bundle to the ground。 〃Wait a minute; I'm going with you。 Are you ing; Desiree?〃
 But she was too tired to rise to her feet; and we left her behind; arranging what few skins we had as well as possible to protect her from the hard rock。
 〃Rest your weary bones;〃 said Harry; stooping to kiss her。
 〃There's meat here if you want it。 We'll be back soon。〃
 So we left her; with her white body stretched out at its full length on the rude mat。
 Bearing off to the left; we soon discovered that we would have no difficulty to leave the cavern; we had only to choose our way。
 There was scarcely any wall at all; so broken was it by lanes and passages leading in all directions。
 We followed some of them for a distance; but found none that gave any particular promise。 Most of them were choked with rocks and boulders through which it was difficult to force a passage。 We spent an hour or more in these futile explorations; then followed the wall some distance to the right。
 Gradually the exits became less numerous。 High on a boulder near the entrance of one we saw the head of some animal peering down at us。 We hurled our spears at it; but missed; then were forced to climb up the steep side of the boulder to recover our weapons。
 〃We'd better go back to Desiree;〃 said Harry when we reached the ground again。 〃She'll wonder what's bee of us。 We've been gone nearly two hours。〃
 After fifteen minutes' search we found the stream; and followed it to the left。 We had gone farther than we thought; and we were looking for the end; where we had left Desiree; long before we reached it。 Several times we called her name; but there was no answer。
 〃She's probably asleep;〃 said Harry。 And a minute later: 〃There's the wall at last! But where is she?〃
 My foot struck something on the ground; and I stooped over to examine it。
 It was the pile of skins on which Desiree had lain!
 I called to Harry; and at the same instant heard his shout of consternation as he came running toward me; holding something in his hand。
 〃They've got her! Look! Look at this! I found it on the ground over there。〃
 He held the thing in his hand out before me。
 It was an Inca spear。
 Chapter XXI。
 Harry and I stood gazing at each other blankly in the semidarkness of the cavern。
 〃But it isn't possible;〃 I objected finally to my own thoughts。 〃She would have cried out and we would have heard her。
 The spear may have been there before。〃
 Then I raised my voice; calling her name many times at the top of my lungs。 There was no answer。
 〃They've got her;〃 said Harry; 〃and that's all there is to it。
 The cursed brutes crept up on her in the dark…much chance she had of crying out when they got their hands on her。 I know it。 Why did we leave her?〃
 〃Where did you find the spear?〃 I asked。
 Harry pointed toward the wall; away from the stream。
 〃On the ground?〃
 〃Is there an exit from the cavern on that side?〃
 〃I don't know。〃
 〃Well; that's our only chance。 e on!〃
 We found the exit; and another; and a third。 Which to take?
 They were very similar to one another; except that the one in the middle sloped upward at a gentle incline; while the others were level。
 〃One is as good as another;〃 I observed; and entered the one on the left。
 Once started; we advanced with a rush。 The passage was straight and narrow; clear of obstruction; and we kept at a steady run。
 〃They may have an hour's start of us;〃 came Harry's voice at my side。
 〃Or five minutes;〃 I returned。 〃We have no way of knowing。
 But I'm afraid we're on the wrong trail。〃
 Still as I had said; one chance was as good as another; and we did not slacken our pace。 The passage went straight forward; without a bend。 The roof was low; just allowing us to pass without stooping; and the walls were rough and rugged。
 It was not long before we found that we had taken the wrong chance; having covered; I think; some two or three miles when a wall loomed up directly in our path。
 〃At last; a turn!〃 panted Harry。
 But it was not a turn。 It was the end of the passage。 We had been following a blind alley。
 Harry let out a string of oaths; and I seconded him。 Twenty minutes wasted; and another twenty to return!
 There was nothing else for it。 We shouldered our spears and started to retrace our steps。
 〃No use running now;〃 I declared。 〃We can't keep it up forever; and we may as well save our strength。 We'll never catch up with 'em; but we may find 'em。〃
 Harry; striding ahead two or three paces in front; did not answer。
 Finally we reached the cavern from which we had started。
 〃And now what?〃 asked Harry in a tone of the most utter dejection。
 I pointed to the exit in the middle。 〃That! We should have taken it in the first place。 On the raft we probably descended altogether something like five hundred feet from the level where we started…possibly twice that distance。 And this passage which slopes upward will probably take us back。〃
 〃At least; it's as good as the other;〃 Harry agreed; and we entered it。
 We had not proceeded far before we found ourselves in difficulties。 The gentle slope became a steep incline。 Great rocks loomed up in our path。
 In spots the passage was so narrow that two men could hardly have walked abreast through it; and its walls were rough and irregular; with sharp points projecting unexpectedly into our very faces。
 Still we went forward and upward; scrambling over; under; round; between。 At one point; when Harry was a few yards in front of me; he suddenly disappeared f

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