九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > rs.undertheandes >



小说: rs.undertheandes 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃The bell!〃 cried Harry。 〃They are being summoned to the great cavern!〃
 It was the same sound we had heard twice before; a sound as of a great; deep…toned bell ringing sonorously throughout the passages and caverns with a roar that was deafening。 And it seemed to be close…quite close。
 〃It came from the left;〃 said Harry; but I disagreed with him and was so sure of myself that we started off to the right。 The echoes of the bell were still floating from wall to wall as we went rapidly forward。 I do not know what we expected to find; and the Lord knows what we intended to do after we found it。
 A short distance ahead we came to another passage; crossing at right angles; broad and straight; and somehow familiar。 As with one impulse we took it; turning to the left; and then flattened ourselves back against the wall as we saw a group of Incas passing at its farther end; some two hundred yards away。
 There we stood; motionless and scarcely breathing; while group after group of the savages passed in the corridor ahead。 Their number swelled to a continuous stream; which in turn gradually became thinner and thinner until only a few stragglers were seen trotting behind。 Finally they; too; ceased to appear; the corridor was deserted。
 We waited a while longer; then as no more appeared we started forward and soon had reached the corridor down which they had passed。 We followed in the direction they had taken; turning to the right。
 We had no sooner turned than we saw that which caused us to glance quickly at each other and hasten our step; while I smothered the ejaculation that rose to my lips。 The corridor in which we now found ourselves stretched straight ahead for a distance; then turned to one side; and the corner thus formed was flooded with a brilliant blaze of light!
 There was no longer any doubt of it: we were on our way to the great cavern。 For a moment I hesitated; asking myself for what purpose we hastened on thus into the very arms of our enemies; then; propelled by instinct or premonition…I know not what…I took a firmer grasp on my spear and followed Harry without word; throwing caution to the winds。
 Yet we avoided foolhardiness; for as we approached the last turn we proceeded slowly; keeping an eye on the rear。 But all the Incas appeared to have assembled within; for the corridor remained deserted。
 We crept silently to the corner; avoiding the circle of light as far as possible; and; crouching side by side on the rock; looked out together on a scene none the less striking because we had seen it twice before。
 It was the great cavern。 We saw it from a different viewpoint than before; the alcove which held the golden throne was far off to our left; nearly half…way round the vast circumference。 On the throne was seated the king; surrounded by guards and attendants。
 As before; the stone seats which surrounded the amphitheater on every side were filled with the Incas; crouching motionless and silent。 The flames in the massive urns mounted in steady tongues; casting their blinding glare in every direction。
 All this I saw in a flash; when suddenly Harry's fingers sank into the flesh of my arm with such force that I all but cried out in actual pain。 And then; glancing at him and following the direction of his gaze; I saw Desiree。
 She was standing on the top of the lofty column in the center of the lake。
 Her white body; uncovered; was outlined sharply against the black background of the cavern above。
 Chapter XXII。
 Neither Harry nor I spoke; our eyes were concentrated on the scene before us; trying to prehend its meaning。
 It was something indefinable in Desiree's attitude that told me the truth…what; I cannot tell。 Her profile was toward us; it could not have been her eyes or any expression of her face; but there was a tenseness about her pose; a stiffening of the muscles of her body; an air of lofty scorn and supreme triumph ing somehow from every line of her motionless figure; that flashed certainty into my brain。
 And on the instant I turned to Harry。
 〃Follow me;〃 I whispered; and he must have read the force of my knowledge in my eyes; for he obeyed without a word。 Back down the passage we ran; halting at its end。 Harry opened his lips to speak; but I took the words from his mouth; seconds were precious。
 〃They have fired the column…you remember。 Follow me; keep your spear ready; not a sound; if you love her。〃
 I saw that he understood; and saw too; by the expression that shot into his face; that it would go ill with any Incas who tried to stop us then。
 We rushed forward side by side; guessing at our way; seeking the entrance to the tunnel that led to the foot of the column。 A prayer was on my lips that we might not be too late; Harry's lips were pressed together tightly as a vise。 Death we did not fear; even for Desiree; but we remembered the horror of our own experience on the top of that column; and shuddered as we ran。
 As I have said; we had entered the great cavern at a point almost directly opposite the alcove; and therefore at a distance from the entrance we sought。 It was necessary to half encircle the cavern; and the passages were so often crossed by other passages that many times we had to guess at the proper road。
 But not for an instant did we hesitate; we flew rather than ran。 I felt within me the strength and resolve of ten men; and I knew then that there was something I must do and would do before I died; though a thousand devils stood in my way。
 I do not know what led us; whether a remorseful Providence; who suddenly decided that we had been played with long enough; or the mere animal instinct of direction; or blind luck。 But so fast did we go that it seemed to me we had left the great cavern scarcely a minute behind us when I suddenly saw the steps of a steep stairway leading down from an opening on our right。
 How my heart leaped then! Harry uttered a hoarse cry of exultation。 The next instant we were dashing headlong down the steps; avoiding a fall by I know not what miracle。 And there before us was the entrance to the tunnel。
 I held Harry back; almost shouting: 〃You stay here; guard the entrance。 I'll get her。〃
 〃No;〃 he cried; pushing forward。 〃I can't stay。〃
 〃Fool!〃 I cried; dashing him back。 〃We would be caught like rats in a trap。 Defend that entrance…with your life!〃
 I saw him hesitate; and; knowing that he would obey; I dashed forward into the tunnel。 When nearly to its end I made a misstep on the uneven ground and precipitated myself against the wall。 A sharp pain shot through my left shoulder; but at the time I was scarcely conscious of it as I picked myself up and leaped forward。
 The end was in sight。
 Just as I reached the foot of the spiral stairway I saw a black form descending from it。 That Inca never knew what hit him。
 I did not use my spear; time was too precious。 He disappeared in the whirlpool beneath the base of the column through which Harry and I had once miraculously escaped。
 But despair filled my heart as; with my feet on the first step of the spiral stairway; I cast a quick glance upward。 The upper half of the inside of the column was a raging furnace of fire。 How or from what it came I did not stop to inquire; I bounded up the stairway in desperate fury。
 I did not know then that the stone steps were baking and blistering my feet; I did not know; as I came level with the base of the flames; that every hair was being singed from my head and body…I only knew that I must reach the top of the column。
 Then I saw the source of the flames as I reached them。 Huge vats of oil…six; a dozen; twenty…I know not how many…were ranged in a circle on a ledge of stone encircling the column; and from their tops the fire leaped upward to a great height。 I saw what must be done; how I did it God only knows; I shut my eyes now as I remember it。
 Hooking the rim of the vat nearest me with the point of my spear; I sent it tumbling down the length of the column into the whirlpool; many feet below。 Then another; and another; and another; until the ledge was empty。
 Some of the burning oil; flying from the overturned vats; alighted on the stairway; casting weird patches of light up and do

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