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小说: mg.cyro 字数: 每页4000字

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  〃A tip;〃 confided Wayson to Cardona。 〃I thought one might be ing。〃
  〃About Cyro?〃 asked Joe。
  〃It may be;〃 replied Wayson。 〃That chap came from Pierre Debeq。〃
  〃Who is Debeq?〃
  〃An old Frenchman who lives in a house at the end of a little alley near Royal Street。 He has a great many wealthy friends; although his own finances are limited。 I think I see a light。〃
  〃About Cyro?〃
  〃Yes。 Maybe somebody who knows Debeq spoke to him about some swindler being in town。 It's a good lead。 Swallow your coffee。 We'll go over and see Debeq。〃
  WHILE the two men were putting a hasty finish to their meal; The Shadow arose and strolled from the restaurant。 Under his arm; he was carrying the package that he had obtained at Gallion's。 In the brisk manner of Justin Oswood; he walked one block in the direction of the Hotel Bontezan。 That distance covered; The Shadow changed his course。 He came to an empty house between two street lamps。 He stepped beneath the shelter of a deep balcony。
  There was a sound of crinkling paper; as The Shadow opened the package which he carried。 Totally obscured by the gloom; The Shadow remained in this temporary shelter。 Something swished softly in the darkness。 Then came silence。
  A splotch of darkness moved along the sidewalk; it wavered past the fringe of the nearest lamplight。 A patrolling policeman spied the phenomenon; purely by chance。 He stared suspiciously at the overhanging balcony。
  Clicking his flashlight; the patrolman made an inspection of the sheltering space。 The rays showed no one beneath the balcony…nothing except a wall of crumbling brick。 The patrolman resumed his beat。 Quiet reigned within the Vieux Carre。
  Silently; mysteriously; The Shadow had blended with the night。 No longer passing as Justin Oswood; he had assumed his favored garb; that cloak of blackness that so well…befitted the night…splotched byways of this antiquated area。
  WHILE The Shadow was finding seclusion in the cover of darkness; two others were also deciding that the quiet of the French Quarter suited them。
  Cardona and Wayson had paced away from Gallion's and were almost to the residence of Pierre Debeq。
  〃There's always life in the Quarter;〃 observed Wayson; as he guided Joe toward the new destination。 〃But there's something that subdues it; an atmosphere that suppresses trouble。〃
  〃And helps the law hold its own?〃 questioned Cardona。
  〃Usually;〃 returned Wayson; 〃and trouble doesn't last long after it starts。 Yet you never can tell when it's likely to begin。 I always carry my artillery。〃
  He patted the sides of his coat to indicate two guns beneath。 Cardona grinned and thrust his hand to his coat pocket; to give a momentary flash of a snub…nosed revolver。
  〃We take this alleyway;〃 announced Wayson。 〃It's the way in to Pierre Debeq's。〃
  They entered a space just past a three…story building; one that was fronted with a double balcony of iron lacework。 The ornamentation ended abruptly at the alley。 Wayson and Cardona were passing through a narrow passage that showed high; straight walls on each side。
  One street lamp revealed narrow sidewalks。 Ahead was an ancient driveway; a continuation of the alley。 Stone paving was visible beyond a gate。 The grilled barrier was open; the visitors walked through a veritable tunnel to reach a dimly lighted court。
  Dark doorways and stairs to upper stories showed at one side and the end of the court。 At the far portion; totally obscured from the outside alley; was the front of a stone…walled house。 With footsteps echoing from the dull paving; Wayson led Cardona to the entrance。
  〃This is Debeq's;〃 explained the lieutenant。 〃Chez Debeq; he calls it。
  Take a look around this courtyard; Cardona。 Walls on every side; with those inner balconies。 It looks as though all four were one house; but they aren't。
  Only this side is Debeq's。 He's probably waiting for us。 We'll walk right in。〃
  Wayson opened the front door and they passed beneath an archway to another court; where a single light shone upon a door across the way。 This was a small courtyard; and Cardona pictured it correctly when he decided that it was the equivalent of a vestibule in an ordinary house。
  Once past the arch beneath the upper stories; no one could find an outlet except through a door opposite。 That; in a sense; was Debeq's inner front door。
  Once within it; visitors would find themselves actually in the house itself。
  There would be stairways leading up to all sections of the upper floors。
  Wayson decided to ring a bell that showed beside the door。 A clang answered his effort。 Wayson waited; then spoke to Cardona。
  〃Debeq's an old codger who prefers to live alone;〃 remarked the police lieutenant。 〃Wait until you see his big hall。 More like a living room; just inside this door。〃
  There was no response。 Wayson clanged the bell again; waited; then shrugged his shoulders。
  〃Old Debeq is rather deaf;〃 he said。 〃I don't like to walk in on him; but since he sent for us; we might as well try the door to see if it's open。〃
  THE barrier yielded as the police lieutenant pressed it。 Wayson and Cardona stepped through a little anteroom that was dark。 They saw the gleam of candlelight ahead。 Two tapers were burning above a mantelpiece; throwing a flickering glare upon a stone hearth。 Dim stairways showed at the sides of the hall。
  A clock between the candles was chiming a three…quarter hour。 Wayson stared about; his face perplexed。 He had not expected to find the room deserted。 He eyed the stairways; then shrugged his shoulders。
  〃I don't see Debeq;〃 he began。 〃I wonder if…〃
  The clock's chime ended as Wayson paused。 With the last stroke came an interrupting sound。 It was a wheezy whine from a corner past the fireplace。
  Wayson stepped in that direction; Cardona close behind。 Both saw the outline of a form huddled in a chair。
  〃Debeq!〃 exclaimed Wayson。 〃Bound and gagged! What's happened here? A robbery?〃
  The lieutenant yanked the handkerchief from the face of the man in the chair。 Cardona saw a plaintive; withered countenance as Pierre Debeq stared up into the light。 Wayson tugged at binding ropes that held the old man's arms。
  Debeq uttered feeble words in French。
  Like a flash; Wayson sent Debeq's chair skidding into the corner; its occupant riding with it。 The lieutenant seized Cardona's arm and wheeled Joe out of the light。 He snapped a mand; Cardona hurried with him toward the door。
  Debeq's words had been a feeble warning; delivered just in time。 This room was a trap; set by those who had overpowered the old Frenchman; and Wayson and Cardona were the victims for whom it had been planned!
  CROUCHING figures were springing from the stairways。 Knives glimmered as evil faces leered。 Wayson uttered a repetition of the warning that had e from Debeq。
  As Wayson yanked open the door; he was bringing a revolver into view with his other hand。 Cardona; too; had found his gun。 Joe's weapon spoke first。 The nearer Apache dropped instinctively; his panion leaped for the side wall。
  Knives sizzed through the air。 One skimmed past Cardona's ear and buried itself in the wall beside the door。 The other fluked as the Apache threw it。 It clattered along the stone floor of the hall。
  Cardona fired again; as Wayson yanked him out into the court。 Again the police lieutenant had made the proper move。 A third Apache had opened fire from the stairway。 His shots were wide as his revolver boomed through Debeq's stuccoed hall。
  As they reached the courtyard; Wayson and Cardona realized the full menace of the trap。 Out from hazy lurking spots came new weapon…bearing enemies。 In from the arched outer entrance surged a trio of killers bent to prevent escape。
  As within; the first attackers were wielding knives; intent to kill with silence。 But those behind them had pointed guns; ready to slay if their forerunners failed。
  As they wheeled about to fire; Wayson and Cardona were hopelessly outnumbered。 Worst of all; they were turning their backs upon the killers whom they had left within。
  Directly abov

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