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小说: mg.cyro 字数: 每页4000字

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at meditative。
  Lence was conscious of two facts: One; that Percival; the butler; had left。 Like the other servants; Percival had been hired for the dinner。 The help had eaten beforehand; Percival; since he did not reappear; must have joined them in their departure from the mansion。
  The other fact was that neither Royal Medbrook nor Luke Gaudrin had gone out。 The two must still be talking together in the parlor on the other side of the house。 Brilliard; too; was conscious of these circumstances。 He proved it when he turned suddenly to Lence。
  〃Ah; monsieur!〃 exclaimed the artist。 〃If you must go so soon; eet ees that I must show you ze sketches zat I have breeng with me。〃
  〃Where are they?〃 inquired Lence。
  〃In ze room where we have dined; monsieur。 Eef you will so kindly excuse; Mademoiselle Alicia; we shall go zere…Monsieur Lence and I…〃
  〃Certainly; Monsieur Brilliard。〃
  Brilliard shot another chatty remark to Exeter。 The Australian laughed and delivered a response in French。 Exeter was still chuckling when Brilliard and Lence went into the living room。
  〃Interesting chap;〃 remarked Exeter to Alicia。 〃Quite witty。 Well; we can forget the others for a while。 Do you realize that we are alone together for the first time this evening?〃
  〃I do;〃 replied Alicia; with a smile。
  IN the parlor; Luke Gaudrin and Royal Medbrook were engaging in a buzzed conversation。 Luke was promising the money that he owed; assuring Medbrook that the treasure had arrived。
  〃I saw the boxes e in;〃 he said。 〃Honest; Royal; nine of them。 Supposed to be coral…〃
  〃And maybe that's all they were;〃 interposed the gambler。 He stared suspiciously toward the hall。 〃How do you know different?〃
  〃They were heavy; Royal。 Too heavy for coral specimens。 They're being opened now; in the study。〃
  Medbrook glanced toward the door of the connecting passage; as Luke indicated it。 A keen look appeared upon the gambler's face。
  In the dining room; Lence and Brilliard were drawing revolvers。 They; too; were whispering when they stalked toward a door that led across the rear hall; directly to the entrance of the study。
  〃The servants have gone all right;〃 assured Lence; 〃and that means our squads will be ready。 They'd have seen the servants go out through the back。〃
  〃I know the servants have gone;〃 returned Brilliard。 〃I caught a flash signal from Larribez…off beyond the veranda。 I arranged it with him this afternoon。〃
  〃He's ing through the back door?〃
  〃Yes…to be ready when we need him。〃
  They were at the door of the study。 Brilliard tried the knob cautiously。
  The door moved slightly。 It was unlocked。 Brilliard motioned to Lence。 Then; with a swift move; the Frenchman opened the door。 He and Lence swung into the study; with revolvers leveled。 Brilliard calmly closed the door behind his back。
  THEY had walked into an astonishing scene。 Gathered about the nine boxes were four men。 The boxes were open; they showed the heaps of golden coin that constituted the treasure of the old ship Don Carlos。
  While Captain Emory and Professor Babcock looked on; Danforth Gaudrin was aiding Dunwood Marr in the selection of rare mintage。 Upon the desk were stacks of gleaming doubloons and pieces…of…eight that they had picked as the finest specimens of Spanish money。
  All swung upward at sight of the revolvers。 Brilliard and Lence had caught their prey helpless。 Coins dropped from the hands of Gaudrin and Marr。 The glimmering disks clinked and rolled on the carpet as the trapped men raised their hands。
  Motions from the revolvers caused Gaudrin and Marr to back to the wall beyond the desk。 Captain Emory and Professor Babcock joined them; also with elevated hands。 Strolling in by the treasure chests; Brilliard calmly reached in his pocket and produced a second revolver。 Simultaneously; Lence lowered his weapon。
  〃Not a move!〃 snarled Brilliard; with no trace of his French accent。 〃I'm
  ready to shoot。 Hold that pose you've taken; if you figure your lives are worthwhile。 All right; Lence。 Pass the word。 This swag is going out。〃
  Lence turned toward the door that led to the hall。 Brilliard kept a steady glare toward the men who stood along the wall。 No one was observing the door to the enclosed porch。 A key was grating slightly in the lock。 Brilliard noted the sound。 He called suddenly to Lence; who turned。 Brilliard swung; too late。
  The door shot open。 Two men surged through。 Their aiming revolvers caught both Lence and Brilliard。
  Lence dropped his gun。 Brilliard; turning to fire; heard it clank upon the floor。 Quickly the Frenchman released his own weapons and thrust his hands above his head。
  The rescuers had trapped the crooks without a shot。 Stalwart and steady; they had saved the treasure。 Joe Cardona and Lieutenant Wayson had arrived from the path laid for them by The Shadow!
  〃WHICH one of you is Cyro?〃
  There was no response to Cardona's growled challenge。 Brilliard and Lence stood sullen。 Joe studied the bearded Frenchman; then eyed Lence。
  〃Maybe neither of you is;〃 was the detective's ment。 〃But you're the fellow〃…he centered on Lence…〃who bumped off Roke Rowden in New York。 How about it?〃
  No answer。 Lence seemed disinterested in Cardona's quiz。 Danforth Gaudrin; stepping from the wall; spoke in question:
  〃Who do you mean by Cyro?〃
  〃He's the big…shot;〃 affirmed Cardona。 〃No wonder I didn't spot his game。
  We were looking for a swindler; not for a grab like this。 I'm Detective Cardona; from New York。 This is Lieutenant Wayson; of the New Orleans force。〃
  〃I am Danforth Gaudrin;〃 stated the owner of the mansion。 〃This is Dunwood Marr; from Miami; Captain Emory; skipper of my yacht; and Professor Babcock; from London。〃
  〃The professor chartered your yacht; didn't he; Mr。 Gaudrin?〃 questioned Wayson。 〃I read about it at the time。 A coral cruise。 Is this what the yacht brought back?〃
  Gaudrin nodded。 Tersely; he explained about the recovery of the Spanish gold。 He made mention of Marr's purchase of the Nautilus。 Cardona came through with a prompt remark; as soon as Gaudrin had finished。
  〃Then no one else knows about the treasure?〃 he demanded。 〃No one outside of you four?〃
  〃No one;〃 returned Gaudrin。 Then; suddenly: 〃I see your point; Cardona。
  Some one must have learned about the treasure。 This man Cyro; for instance。〃
  〃That's it; Mr。 Gaudrin。 These fellows〃…Joe turned toward Brilliard and Lence…〃are keeping mum about something。 They're stalling; to cover up。 Well; we'll have it out right here。 Unless you know of someone who might have wised。〃
  〃My son Luke;〃 observed Gaudrin; suddenly。 〃He has not been in my confidence regarding this matter。 I believe we should question him; Cardona。 He might have talked about this cruise…not knowing the full facts…and someone might have heard him。〃
  〃We should speak with Exeter also;〃 put in Captain Emory。 〃He was a friend of Professor Babcock's。 Didn't I hear you say; Mr。 Gaudrin; that Exeter has been staying here while we were gone?〃
  〃Yes;〃 responded Gaudrin。 Then; slowly: 〃I think you will find Exeter on the veranda。〃
  〃You have a gun; captain?〃 asked Joe。
  Emory nodded。
  〃You and I can cover them;〃 decided Joe。 〃Wayson; will you help Mr。
  Gaudrin bring in this fellow Exeter?〃
  The lieutenant agreed。 He and Gaudrin went out。 They crossed the dining room。 In the living room; they unexpectedly encountered Exeter and Alicia ing in from the porch。 Abruptly; Gaudrin demanded that both e into the study。
  Wayson followed。 As the trio entered the study; the police lieutenant hesitated。 He went out toward the front of the house。
  Remembering mention of Luke; Wayson wanted to see if Gaudrin's son happened to be about。 Glancing into the parlor; he saw a door closing on the opposite side。 Wayson stole forward; he yanked the door open and covered the passage。 As he barked an order; two men turned。 Their hands went up。
  WAYSON had trapped Luke Gaudrin and Royal Medbrook on their way to the study door。
  Noise came from the study。 Nearing Wayson's voice; Danforth Gaudrin unloc

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